Wednesday: The Gift, Then and Now
Read 1 Corinthians 14:1 and compare the different lists in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; Romans 12:3-8; and Ephesians 4:11-12. Were those gifts given only to the New Testament believers? Why are the gifts available today?
There are some Christians who think that the spiritual gifts mentioned in the New Testament were restricted to the times of Jesus and the apostles. They argue that, with the death of the first apostles, the special spiritual gifts also have ceased to be present in the church. In support of such a view, they quote 1 Corinthians 13:10, where the apostle Paul states that “when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away” (NASB). Yes, there will be a time when the gifts will cease. But they will cease only when the perfect has come, that is, when we no longer see as through a dark glass, but face to face, when Jesus comes again. The Bible tells us that the spiritual gifts are given to build up the church (1 Cor. 12:28). Paul admonishes the believers to “desire earnestly spiritual gifts” (1 Cor. 14:1, NASB). They are necessary to the well-being of the body. In the absence of any scriptural proof that God has abolished them, we have to assume that He intends them to remain until the church has completed its mission, and Christ has come again.
The work of God will be completed at the end of time with power and strength far exceeding the first beginnings. As long as the church is called to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming, God will not leave the members of the church without help in fulfilling their mission. But these gifts will never supersede the Bible, nor fill the same place as the Bible. Rather they are a fulfillment of the biblical promise to equip the believers so that they can build up the body of Christ and prepare the world for the soon coming of Jesus.
Read Ephesians 4:11-13, especially verse 13, which says: “till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (NKJV). What does this tell us about the present need for the gifts in the church? |

How can we use our gifts to prepare the second coming of Jesus Christ???
Leonad! If you have the spiritual gift of teaching, preaching and so on, for example as mentioned in the scriptures 1Cor 12 +14 , go out there and teach and preach in the name of Jesus. Read Matthew 10:6-9 +40
Serving the person next to you.
One word is the answer:
If every morning when you get up pray this simple prayer; "God if you were here instead of me with my limitations, what would you do today? Reveal it to me and give me what it takes to do what you want me to do." Now once you prayed this focus on that all day and expect it.
Dear Leonard ,as Christian's, we can exercise our spiritual gifts in love. Because when we have love to self and others then it is possible we will acquire other fruits of the Holy Spirit. This will help us to abide in Christ and in return gives us the opportunity to do service unto God and others through the Holy Spirit. Not forgetting to unceasingly pray and read the scriptures.This will help us grow as we await the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Dear brethren, I'm glad because of the gifts then and now. Let's embrace the fact that the gifts that we have today in our churches are as a result of fulfillment of biblical promise to equip the believers in building of the church to unite and not to divide. Remember others will always fake the gifts since we are all aware that our enemy, the devil, is a counterfeit and will always want to manifest himself in a manner that will not glorify our creator. Let's be prayerful less we fall in his snares. Above all abide in Christ and he shall guide your ways in Jesus name.
I'd say it is also important to prepare for Christ's second coming, since this is believed an inevitable event! But if we are preparing for eternity, that should be only a stepway. What we should really prepare ourselves is to live with Jesus every day. That should be our ultimate goal! If we have done this, why would we not receive the Holy Spirit and be compelled to help in His work? In these thoughts anxiety goes away! Clinging to God's mercy and love is so much better, because His "load is light"!
The gifts aren't to be used for our personal purpose but for God He tells us to spread the gospel and prepare people for His return to earth
These gifts work collectively to accomplish this
Unity is essential for no gift is above the other
Yesterday's comments addressed the spirits purpose in our gospel work
Live a Christian life. How can I live a Cristian live? Read my Bible , pray and meditate on His word. Then ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, ask for forgiveness of your sins, have faith that Jesus Christ will make all this happen in your life, it will. Paul says "I die daily." 1 Corinthians 15:31. Ezra 9:5. Now rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Phillipianes 4:4.
The Father,The Son and The Holy spirit are all "Holy beings"therefore we should yearn not to miss their fruit and gifts. May God bless,inspire and ordain all the 2017-2018 church leaders.
During the time when Christ was on earth, he promised to the disciples that He would send to them a comforter –the Holy Spirit. They needed him in the physical absence of their Master. He came during the Pentecost. We also need him now so that we are equipped with the gift in order to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming. God Himself today will endow men and women with the gift from above, as He endowed the disciples on the day of Pentecost and many people heard and accepted the gospel message of salvation.
As believers, we need to continue in our spiritual growth until then, remaining together in Christ until the completion of the mission, noting that as a church we are called to prepare the world for Christ’s second coming, and hence God will not leave the members of the church without help in fulfilling their mission.
The gifts given then to the New Testament believers are also given to the church now to build it in uniting to prepare the world for Christ's return. "Prophesy" in 1 Corinthians 14:1, which we should especially desire, I believe, means preaching the gospel by living it. For all of us do not have the gift of preaching, but our lifestyles should testify of what we believe in. Any thoughts on this?
When the latter rain will come in it's full force, we will see the manifestation of the gifts like never before. The latter rain will be even more pronounced then the early rain. And in God's wisdom it will come while we will be under great pressure, like the apostles, like Ellen White with her health problems or weakness. God is out to save us, while he uses us for his cause. He is not out to lose us while we are occupied working for him. He cannot let our blessing go to our head. Don't you just love him?
Praise God!
Robert, I think the Spiritual gifts will probably not come to anyone in whom the fruit is not perfected. I think this may mean that the character of God must be perfected in us in the fullness and takes over all our thoughts and feelings in all issues before the gifts are given to strengthen the work.
Perfection is not a destination but rather a dynamic that allows God to work within us. Gifts need to be opened and put to use and in the process will bear fruit. It is not a case of passing an examination or reaching a standard, but of developing a relationship with God.
I love the lord he is my delivered..he is my maker and my king...the utmost God...I need a miracle in my life to break the back of poverty..iam willing to sow my seed..whatever you sow on earth you receive in heaven..I want to talk and walk like Jesus..please pray for me..amen
Like yeast, the gifts are intended to bring the church to maturity for without them the church becomes malnourished and as result suffers from imperfection.
May the good LORD grant us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and faith which are of divine origin to heip us establish our place in His grand plan. Amen.