HomeDailyWednesday: Judgment Hope    


Wednesday: Judgment Hope — 4 Comments

  1. I have mentioned several times recently the C S Lewis idea that the Jewish view of judgement as a civil court rather than a criminal court. The idea that the judgement is about putting a wrong right, rather than punishment for wrong doing. That there is a final judgement is a comforting thought but it should not lead us to complacency on the issues of justice and mercy now.

    One of the most popular phrases in the last 100 years is:

    The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.

    It is attributed to a number of famous people but to the best of my understanding most of these people have only quoted from other people who have said the same thing.

    If our hope in the judgement because that is where God will sort it all out, leads us to do nothing now, then we are guilty of the greatest hypocrisy of all. We may not be able to solve all the big issues of justice and mercy, but God has given each of us our own sphere of influence now and that is where we are commanded to:

    He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8

    In that respect we bring the judgement - putting wrongs right - into the "now" of our experience.

  2. Who am I?
    I am a sinner
    I am slave to sin
    Left on my own, no power to save myself.
    Born with a death sentence.
    Without life.

    Who am I In Christ?
    Chosen race
    Royal priesthood
    I am a child of God
    New creation
    Citizen of Heaven
    Life eternal

    The judgment is given to each based on the above question.
    What is your choice?


    If you visit the poor and give them some food and clothes, do you have to take their pictures and post them on social media?

    If you post yourself doing these good works, is the glory going to you or to Christ ? I think if you are doing it for Christ you should leave your camera at home.

    A gospel campaign was done for two weeks in a poor neighbourhood but the church did not get any new converts . A survey was done to know why the poor people did not join the church. The answer was simple, the church presented itself as being very rich. The poor people felt poorly dressed among the church members.

    When you visit the least of these , what you wear and carry matters alot. My wife Peris is afraid of cockroaches and I always wonder what her reaction would be if we visit the poor and find cockroaches in the house.

    .....sometimes when we visit the needy we have to act as if everything is ok... although it is not really ok. We have to bear with them.

  4. Taken from next weeks lesson. “To love mercy”. Not only to love mercy, but also to do justice, and walk humbly with our Lord. Micah 6:8. He has shown us His desire, this is what He wants us to do, might I say required of us.


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