HomeDailyWednesday: The Opening of the Fifth Seal    


Wednesday: The Opening of the Fifth Seal — 17 Comments

  1. The fifth seal highlights the cry for justice from those who have been martyred in the cause for Christ. One only has to have a vague sense of history to know that the Christian Church throughout the ages has forsaken the principles that Christ taught and practiced, and has carried out horrendous crimes of genocide, not only against other Christians but anyone who disagreed with them. We, with our protestant background like to point the finger at the papacy for these injustices, but we should not be blind to the fact that protestant churches were also persecuting and killing in the name of Jesus.

    We should also remind ourselves that these injustices continue in our day. The sexual abuse issues and the attitudes of religious institutions today are yet another example of where the name of Christ has been abused for personal gratification and ignored to "protect the church".

    The church has lost its credibility and one of the challenges we face is trying to get secular unchurched folk to see beyond "church" and see Jesus. What can we do? We need to ensure that we live as examples of Jesus. This is not about earning salvation, but communicating salvation to others.

    One again:

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:1,2

  2. Do people go direct to heaven once they die?

    - Jesus did not say Lazarus had gone to heaven but that he slept.

    -Lazarus could have felt very bad to have been taken from heaven to a world of sin and sorrow.

    - if good people go direct to heaven once they die, then there's no need for second coming. They can easily meet Jesus there.

    Can God keep the souls of His good people under the alter if they went direct to heaven once they died?

    Revelation 6:10....and they cried with aloud voice...Do dead people speak?

    - gen 4:10. Here the blood of Abel cried.

    - Habakkuk 2:11. Here the stone cried and the beam answered it.

    -james 5:4. Here the hire of the labourers cried.

    Nobody can say that the real blood, stone, beam and the hire really cried. This is the cry for justice.

    God's people have suffered injustice, they are seen here crying to God to intervene and vindicate them.

  3. At the beginning of the quarter I asked myself what would be revealed, after all we have the gospel in straight forward language and history books. I am beginning to see revealed what Jesus Christ has been doing since He ascended to heaven and was enthroned with the One. He is involved in everything that happens. He cares about those who were killed because they refused to reject Him to suit others, He also cares for those who endured this evil world because He had not yet returned. I ask myself - am I prepared to die for what I believe even if my church tells me it is wrong and want me to sign a document agreeing with them? Do I know what belief is worth dying for and what is not?

  4. For awhile yesterday I received no messages and saw no activity on the site and wondered why SSNet was silent and then I discovered my phone was out of data. Are we like that thinking God is silent but it is us who are not looking in His Word to discover His messages. I agree with Inge, listen to scholars so long as they are comparing scripture with scripture. Revelation has important truths for us but it is important to use the keys to the code already in the Bible. I believe we have received more clearer light then our pioneers in some aspects that don't affect the pillars of our faith.

    • What do you reckon Shirley... it is even possible that even some of the pillars of our faith may change over time?

      In light of your comment I have gone back and re-read Ellen White's article "Treasure Hidden" (R&H July 12, 1898).

      Could it possibly be that we may have misperceived the reality behind one or more of the pillars and that God may clarify our understanding such that the revised pillar looks considerably different even though the reality behind it remains unchanged?

      • Phil: I went to the EGW Writings site & the R&H articles for her only went up to 1959. Where can one find the 1989 article you mention? Thank you for all your postings, I find them very informative & helpful.

      • Phil, I seem to have picked up that when you use the word "reality" it is in terms of your understanding of the character of God and the type of His involvement in people's lives which I believe is different to mine.
        Accordingly I would find it difficult to discuss a subject when we differ i.r.o. of the big issue.

    • Ellen White had some interesting things to say in this area. At one point there were some, shall I say, old timers who were making a lot of noise about landmarks (pillars). She said she was hearing way to much about the old landmarks. She said she was tired of hearing about the landmarks and named three or four she felt were fundamental and then said I can think of no others.

      In another quote from that time period she was very clear to state that we should never think we had discovered all truth. She said, we have much still to learn and much, much to unlearn.

      I think those two statements say a lot.

      • Yes, important to understand what you have shared, but...some have taken these statements to justify what is not truth.

        "The Truth of the Lord endures forever..." wrote the psalmist, but we need to know "Truth", and not our own understanding or version of it. Truth is available for any who do not allow sin to blind them to it.

  5. Are seals 5&6 revealing the investigative judgement? First the dead then the living, first the faithful then those scared of the wrath of the Lamb? Our background texts Dan 7 and Matthew 24,25 are clear about judging, Mat 24:31, Mat 25:31-33, Dan 7:10. Seal 7 is the Second Comming so judgement must be complete. I know seal 5 starts with query when will you judge, but ends with dead being given white robes.

  6. Thank God the planet will finally receive Justice after all. This is a promise expected for all living creatures! In and outside the Earth.

  7. This seal is a clear representation of 1844 and the “cleansing” of the sanctuary revealed to Daniel “in the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar”(Dan 8:14). The giving of white robes is nothing less than the judgment of those who have died, for why else would this be mentioned? There was no judgment until 1844 when the antypical day of Atonement commenced as foretold. This would be the (brief)period of the 6th church, Philadelphia.

    How long must the souls under the altar wait? The answer is: “until your fellow servants(of God) who are about to be killed(a death decree against all who refuse to receive the mark of the beast)...are made complete”(sealed), at the close of the Laodicean period in the 6th seal, when Michael will stand up for His people, and the wicked will soon feel the wrath of the Lamb, and those dead in Christ(under the altar) are resurrected.

    Any thoughts for discussion?

  8. What was heaven’s response to the prayers of God’s martyred people?
    "But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings;
    We will be bursting with energy like colts, frisky and frolicking. Malachi 4:2.
    Yes and with joy we will put on a white robe. And rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.

  9. So, who are the weeping under the Altar? It is not a literal action. Is it just a mental reflection of what the saints had gone through, being Personified.

    • It is not about war, famine and disease, or the saints—it is all about the lamb slain from the foundation of the world—the one breaking the seals of the scroll. Keep your eyes on him and see where he leads those from every nation, kindred and people, who follow him. The breaking of the seven seals is a metaphor and symbolic.

      The relationship between the slain yet living lamb and the slain restless yet "resting" saints (and those who are not yet resting) is something on which to reflect.

      John was the one weeping because there was no one who was worthy to open the scroll until the slain lamb was found.


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