Wednesday: Scoffers
Read 2 Peter 3:3-7. What is Peter saying here about the past that can help us deal with issues in the present, as well as in the future?
The battle between light and darkness, between the followers of Jesus and the promoters of evil, seems about to reach its climax.
The devil, as a hungry roaring lion looking for its next meal (1 Pet. 5:8), is aided by a chorus of mockers (scoffers). With their “rational” and “scientific” arguments (2 Pet. 3:3-4), these scoffers try to neutralize the faith of believers. Peter suggests that what motivates them is their desire to maintain their lustful lifestyle (2 Pet. 3:3; see also Jude 18). They reason that Jesus is not coming because everything just keeps going as it always has.
There is one very disturbing feature about this mockery. Jesus said, “I will come again” (John 14:1-3) but these scoffers are saying, in effect, “Jesus will not come again” (2 Pet. 3:4). This is an echo from Eden, where God said, “‘of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die'” (Gen. 2:17, NKJV). However Satan, through the serpent, said, “‘You will not surely die'” (Gen. 3:4, NKJV). Here is a direct contradiction of the word of God, now repeated by not just one voice, as in the Garden, but by a chorus of voices, everywhere. One redeeming feature of this lie is that Peter predicted it. Every time we hear someone scoffing at the idea of Jesus coming again, they themselves become another fulfillment of prophecy.
Although history has witnessed the previous destruction of the earth by a catastrophic Flood, the scoffers don’t want to know about that. They do not want to admit that God has anything to do with their personal life choices. They also want to avoid the fact that the same God, who stored up water to flood the earth, has similarly stored up fire to sweep over the earth to destroy it on the great Judgment Day (2 Pet. 3:5-7). Their mistaken hope is that nature will just keep on going as it always has.
How do we, as the years go by, hold on to the promise of the Second Coming? Why is it crucial that we do?

We have to hold on to God's promises His promises are sure and He does not lie He never changes. If you lose hope the Bible says we are most miserable so we need hope in our hearts everyday to be renewed by His Holy Spirit.
Scoffers verify the prophesies
Believers do not ignore the signs of these times
Come Lord Jesus quickly come
It is time for us to be serious about our salvation. The second coming of Jesus is very near. Let the scoffers fulfil the prophecy, we do not need to stop them just allow them to work for the devil because they have chosen to do so.
These verses hit home for me. I was a scoffer until a year or so ago. I grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist church but had been away for many years, the last few as an unapologetic atheist. I was convinced there was no god, let alone that he would ever "return". In retrospect, I know that the reason for my rejection of God was so I could follow my own desires, deliberately forgetting that I was created through the Word and held accountable by God. I praise God that eventually he got through my stubbornness and turned me around. Now, instead of being destroyed by "judgment and destruction", by the boundless grace of God and by "the same Word", I am consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. All glory to our Father in heaven.
Praise God Brother!!!!
Thanks a lot for your testimony, my son also left the church a few years back and is now an atheist. When I hear such testimony like yours it gives me hope that God will bring him back. Please pray for him his name is Thando he is 19
While it is true that there are those who will scoff at Christianity, many of those people are seriously challenged when they see believers behaving as examples of Jesus. Many of us live in what can only be described as a post religious world who think that Christianity is past its "Use-by Date". Arguing with such people is pointless because they often do not even understand the language we use to describe and explain Christianity. However they do understand patience and forbearance, love given without expectation of a return, care and concern for the unloved and misunderstood in out community.
We can become very insular in our beliefs, but if we follow the example of Jesus and reach out to the "lepers, prostitutes and tax-collectors" of our society, we speak a language that all understand. Erudite descriptions of justification and sanctification fade into insignificance compared to a cup of cold water given in Jesus name to someone who is needy.
The Lord is not slack in His promises. We are bombarded with the lies of Satan every moment whether it be of our own failures, or from other scoffers. Our circumstances do not negate that God's word stands for sure! It does not falter although we are hit and fall down. We have seen and know that we are being saved to His salvation every moment. We arise with a renewed strength in Him who holds all things together. And we wait in anticipation for His glorious return! In the end it is the Lord who has the last word!
Christianity was born out of persecution we should hold steadily to our faith and be vigilant as well of false teaching because the scoffers have changed their modus operandi. We shouldn't give up we should persevere to the end. God be with us.
Are there subtle scoffers among God's chosen? Those who no longer regard the writings of the spirit of prophesy,the creeping compromises that have infiltrated into the church are what we ought to be aware of. May God help us to be firmly grounded in His truth and to give us a spirit of discernment.
The promise of the Second Coming is that Jehovah is not happy about all the evil and selfishness in this world - He is going to do something about it! He is going to destroy all evil. He will recreate the heavens & the earth and there will only be good in the New Earth and everyone will agree that is the way it should be.
We have to hold on to the promise of the second coming of Christ, because the promise was made by him and no by mortal sinners. the enemy is trying to knock us down by destroying our only hope in Christ return, it is by faith that we will stand satan accusations. May the Lord help us!
It is important for believers to never lose hope in the return of Jesus Christ. This hope is one of the main pillars of the Christian and the Christian's faith. With out it we will have to search for hope in temporal systems.
Men do not enjoy waiting for anything, or anyone, including God. But the trust is men have been waiting on God all through history. Noah waited a good 100 years or so for the flood to come upon the earth (compare Genesis 5:32; 6:10; 7:6). Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for the birth of the son God had promised them (compare Genesis 12:4; 21:5). Abraham did not even possess the promised land in his lifetime, and it was more than 400 years until his descendants took possession of it (compare Genesis 12:1-3; 15:12-16). Asaph felt for a time that he had waited too long for God’s promised blessings (Psalm 73).
From their constant questions about the coming of our Lord’s kingdom, it was evident the disciples were not excited about waiting either. When Jesus tarried three days before going to the place Lazarus had fallen sick and died, both Martha and Mary cautiously chided Jesus for coming too late (see John 11:21, 32).
God’s promises never come too late; in truth, they are never “late” at all. When the Scriptures indicate a time for God’s actions, the fulfillment is always precisely on time (see Exodus 12:40-41). When Jeremiah prophesied that Judah would be expelled from the land and held captive in Babylon for 70 years (Jeremiah 25:11-12), the fulfillment of this prophecy would take place precisely at the end of 70 years. Knowing this, Daniel prayed accordingly (Daniel 9:1-3ff.). Likewise, the birth of the Lord Jesus came about exactly on schedule (see Daniel 9:24-27; Romans 5:6; Galatians 4:4-5; 1 Timothy 2:5-6).
God is never “late;” He is always “on time.” But there are mockers who seek to convince themselves and others that the promise of our Lord’s second coming is false based upon the passage of much time and compounded by no visible evidences that He will come at all. In the college classroom, students allow an instructor five minutes to arrive for class, and then they leave. A full professor, being more important, is given up to ten minutes to arrive after the bell has rung. Mockers believe they have given God plenty of time to fulfill His promise to return and thus have now concluded that His time is up. “If He hasn’t come by now,” they say, “He simply isn’t coming.”
The scoffers say in their hearts, "There is no God" (Psalm 14:1), and make it their ambition to ridicule those who follow God. Brothers and sisters, to every soul will come the searching test which we must answer individually: Shall I obey God rather men (Acts 4:19)? Is my feet planted on the rock of God's immutable word? (Matt.7:24-27). Are we prepared to stand firm in defense of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?
The sad fact is that the scoffers will always be here with us. Our part is to believe on Jesus's word we find in John 14:1-4. This the foundation of our belief. All Adventist have been admonished never to get involve in the debate of setting the time of our Lord's return. Continue to believe on "The Way, The Truth, and The Life which we find in Jesus Christ alone.
Avoid entertaining the arguments with the scoffers because that is what they wants you to trap you in their doubt.
Hang on the "Promise" of the Lord's return as He said He will do." Amen.
One thing Peter addresses us is that God doesn't lie. When our first parents became stubborn to the word of God Satan defeated them, and now Jesus has come to for us, but because of what God said to them, the human race keeps suffering the consequences. And so for the scoffers Paul said in 1st thessalonians 2:11 that, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie. And so I will ask Adventist not to give ear to seducing spirit or heresy.
While it is important to not lose faith in the 2nd coming of Jesus, it seem vital to understand the reason for the delay that has lingered longer than many expected. Unbelief is the delay. God cannot seal a remnant who remain in unbelief. Those who truly believe in the 2nd coming will show it in their lives by living as those who expect soon to see Jesus. They will have no interest in this world except to bring others to the knowledge of Jesus whom all will soon see.
We can trust God to keep His promises just by taking a glimpse back at His track record in history. All God's prophesies that have already seen fulfillment, have gone exactly as the bible predicted they would. God told Noah to build the ark in preparation for a flood; praise God! Noah obeyed, the flood came and destroyed the earth but he and his family were saved. Secular as well as biblical archaeological evidence has been excavated proving that the flood did take place. Jesus was conceived and born of a virgin just as the scriptures had predicted hundreds of years before. Even the details surrounding Jesus' place of birth, Herod's plan, the wise men and the shepherds, Jesus' crucifixion on cross, and His glorious resurrection were written in the scriptures long before the event.
In addition, the rise and fall of all the kingdoms from Babylon to Rome and how God's people featured in all of this, were long ago foretold in the Holy Writ. We could go on recounting prophetic fulfillment until next year. What is important is that God has proven Himself trustworthy time and again. If it happened in the past it will in the present and the future. God's word is reliable and we can trust Him because what He says will come to pass, and not return to Him void but "it shall accomplish that which I please" (Isa. 55:11).
So let the scoffers continue to sing their chorus - in the time of Noah "all things continued as they were from creation" - but John declares, " Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see Him" (Rev. 1:7). We can take comfort in the fact that God desires every man, woman and child to be saved, not to perish "but that all should come to repentance"(2 Pet. 3:9). There was enough room in the ark for all to be saved but they, like we, had to choose.
Jesus comforted His disciples with this reassuring promise when He was about to depart their company, having completed His earthly mission. "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me....I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.." (John 14:1-3). We don't need to know when Jesus will come, we just have to hold on to His promise to return and BE READY every day, while helping others who don't know Him yet, to GET READY.
N.B. Some of us will fall asleep before Jesus bursts the clouds. What then will be the next sound he hear and the next sight we behold?
SONG - Steve Green:
Though the earth be removed
And time be no more
These truths are secure
God's word shall endure
Whatever may change,These things are sure
We believe!
So if the mountains are cast down into the plains
When kingdoms all crumble,this one remains
Our faith is not subject to seasons of man
With our fathers we proclaim
We believe our Lord will come as He said
The land and the sea will give up their dead
His children will reign with Him as their head
We believe!
We believe!
In Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." JUDGMENT ON THE WICKED: "God's judgments will be visited upon those who are seeking to oppress and destroy His people. His long, forbearance with the wicked emboldens men in transgression, but the punishment is nonetheless certain and terrible because it is long delayed..... The nation with which He bears long, and which He will not smite until it has filled up the measure of its iniquity in God's account, will finally drink the cup of wrath unmixed with mercy." Ellen G White, GC, p. 627.
My prayer to all my brothers and sisters, please take Jesus with you wherever you and keep your eyes focused on Him alone. May we have united prayer "Lord Jesus Come back soon as you promised on Your time." Amen!
I stand firm in conviction, waiting without waiting, as if His first coming is synonymous with His soon return(second coming).
I am clothed in the wedding garment,my wick is trimmed,lamp full of oil, burning bright in the heart of this darkened generation of man that surrounds us all.
We be ... His children , light bearers, salt of preservation,vessels that hold new wine. Communing with the lost that surrounds us, heralding in the new earth; by our demeanor and humble acceptance of this unacceptable generation we behold. For we too are a part of this generation of sinners, brands plucked from the fire.
When it is my turn I will willingly, as did Daniels young friends, stand true in personal conviction when the bite of death engulfs this vessel, by natural cause or from scoffers bullet.
"For many are called, but few are chosen" Matthew 22:14
SDA Hymnal no. 213
Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:
Jesus is coming again!
Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:
Jesus is coming again!
Coming again, coming again,
Jesus is coming again!
Verse 2
Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:
Jesus is coming again!
Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
Jesus is coming again!
Verse 3
Heavings of earth, tell the vast, wondering throng:
Jesus is coming again!
Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;
Jesus is coming again
Verse 4
Nations are angry--by this we do know
Jesus is coming again!
Knowledge increases; men run to and fro;
Jesus is coming again!
I am glad i belong to the Adventist Church, where Christians still believe and proclaim that Jesus is coming again. Confusion about the state of the dead make the idea of Jesus' coming a bit vagye and strange in the minds of other Christians. If you die and go to heaven, then why would Jesus come back, anyway? Lets proclaim the coming of Jesus to da world more than ever. God relies on us to spread this urgent message.
Indeed Khutsang Maroba.
And thank YOU VERY much for that hymn. one of my favorites.
Per the last question of today's lesson, guess it one of the only ways I can do it is by keeping history in mind.
because in hindsight, the record is all we have.
It seems to me that the best way [perhaps the only way] to overcome "scoffers" is to treat them with special respect.
1Peter 3:9
"...Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that YOU ARE THEREUNTO CALLED, that you should inherit a blessing."
"Railing" in this verse refers to abuse and/or contempt, so let us be mindful that each one of us is being called to the point where we can respond to contempt with something that constitutes a real blessing to those that oppose us.