Wednesday: Sins of the Flesh
In listing the wrong things that people had done in the past, and that they stopped doing after becoming believers in Jesus, Peter also lists what could be called “sexual sins.”
Read 1 Peter 4:3 again. What else does Peter list there?
Two words have a distinctive sexual connotation: “lewdness” (aselgia, which means “sensuality”) and “lusts” (epithumia, which means “lust” or “desire”).
Yet, it is all too easy for Christians to give the wrong impression about sexuality. The Bible is not against sex. On the contrary, God created sex, and He gave sexuality to humankind to be a great blessing. Sexuality was there in Eden, at the beginning. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen. 2:24-25). It was to be one of the key ingredients that would unite a husband and wife in a lifelong commitment that forms the best background against which to raise children. And this closeness and intimacy would be a reflection of what God seeks with His people, as well (see Jeremiah 3, Ezekiel 16, Hosea 1-3).
In its correct place, between a man and a woman in marriage, sexuality is a profound blessing; in the wrong place, in the wrong context, it can be one of the greatest destructive forces in the world. The here-and-now devastating consequences of these sins are beyond human calculation. Who among us doesn’t know about lives ruined through the abuse of this wonderful gift?
What do the following texts have in common? 2 Sam. 11:4, 1 Cor. 5:1, Gen. 19:5, 1 Cor. 10:8.
Of course, one doesn’t need the Bible to know stories of the pain and suffering that these sins have caused.
Yet, we must be careful, too. Certainly, sins of this nature can have powerfully negative effects on people, and society tends to frown upon them. But sin is sin, and Christ’s death covers sexual sins, as well. As a Christian, you should be careful, especially in this sensitive area, to make sure that you “first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Luke 6:42, NIV).

Does this lesson justifies the fact that Adam and Eve were chased in heaven for having sex. What is the tree of good and bad.
They were not chased from heaven for having sex but rather because they disobeyed God and ate from the forbidden tree in the garden. It seemed like a simple thing to avoid the fruit from only one tree with all the others readily available. But man's nature wants what it cannot have. God meant what he said about it just like He means what He says about the Sabbath, sex between a husband and wife only, etc. We must take seriously the commands of God.
Can you please clarify what you mean by "chased in heaven for having sex"?
Maybe you misspelled: chaste. Yes Adam and Eve were chaste as in approved and righteous by God in doing what God had blessed them to be "fruitful and abundant". Gen 1:27,28 So we see God has approved and encouraged Adam and Eve, so in like manner He approved those whom he blessed to do likewise. Sex is a gift for loving couples, the result of having served each other is shared affection and mutual respect.
Surely sex is a blessing which must not misused in one's life and if not handled properly,it will bring a curse on you and the family at large.Lets try with the help of the holy spirit to refrain from all kind of sexual morality.
While the lesson is needed, it is my belief that it should have gone deeper into the subject, looking at it from multiple points, since this is ONE issue with many parts that the Church does NOT adequately address, discuss, help or provide meaningful and sincere assistance.
I find that taking each lesson a step deeper on my own, doing additional research is helpful.
Sex is something very positive! But as anything, sex can be diverted from its natural purpose.
Sex is beautiful in the eyes of the Lord when two people are married. Sex most not be misused. If misused, there will be hard consequences to face. Let us keep the faith and ask the lord to help us over these obstacles.
Ellen White never dwelled on the sin without talking about the remedy; always Jesus. I would hope for the same in all discussions where appetites for food and sex are discussed. There needs to be a reverence in that discussion and a respect for all views as well a balance of the sinner's view and the hope for remission of sins.
The other lesson I have learned is: sex is only for married people that's what the bible says in Genesis 2:24,25. If unmarried person does it, s/he is fornicating. Read 1Cor 6:18-19 and hear what Paul said on sexual sin. For unmarried for you to have sex, it's an equation, first leave your parents.
Do not start at the end of the Gen 2:24,25. Married people have sex with your wife only.God Bless You All.
I learn a lesson from 2 samwel 13:15 'Then Amnon hated her with intense hatred. In fact, he hated her more than he had loved her. Amnon said to her, “Get up and get out!”
The devil is simply a liar. May The Lord take control of our minds.
When we are discussing sins of the fresh, it does not only mean Sexual sins. We need to broaden the subject to a variety of sins of the fresh.
Read Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
We are all suffering every day from the flesh not to sin. Every time, we try to defeat our sins against the flesh with fasting or with prayers,we over come it for a little while. Then again and again we fall down back into the same sin. It's a truggle every day for our lives. God is our help with His salvation for us.
God created sex with sanctification and with purification. Sex is consecrated, also blessed by the Lord for a woman with a man to join it together. Before we appoint our wedding to God, we need to consult God first, asking Him if it's the right man or woman for you then God will bless your marriage and also, He will be pleased with both bride and the groom. Because He chooses both of you to enjoy Sex before Him.