Wednesday: The Stoning of Stephen
The disciples weren’t the only ones to be confronted by the religious establishment during the earliest days of the church. Stephen, who was filled with “faith and power, [and] did great wonders and signs among the people” (Acts 6:8, NKJV), was brought before them.
His witness was so compelling, in fact, that his opponents manufactured false and incriminating stories against him, for which he was dragged before the council (Acts 6:9-14).
In Acts 7:2-53, Stephen gives a powerful message to those who accused him. Read Acts 7:54, which says that they were “cut to the heart”; that is, they were convicted by his words. In Acts 2:37-41, after hearing Peter make a similar accusation, others were also convicted. What was the difference in the responses to conviction, and what does that tell us about how crucial a surrendered heart before God is?
The apostles had so far gotten away with challenging the leaders, but when Stephen tried to do the same, he was killed by an angry mob. Stephen’s death marked the beginning of a concerted effort by Satan to wipe out the new movement. Up until this point, the followers of Jesus had been harassed and threatened, but Stephen was the first one to be killed.
But what did they expect? If Satan could inspire some leaders to execute Jesus, His followers certainly should not have expected any less for themselves.
Of course, all through the great controversy the Lord would, time and time again, bring victory out of what often seemed like defeat. It was no different here.
“After the death of Stephen, Saul was elected a member of the Sanhedrin council in consideration of the part he had acted on that occasion. For a time he was a mighty instrument in the hands of Satan to carry out his rebellion against the Son of God. But soon this relentless persecutor was to be employed in building up the church that he was now tearing down. A Mightier than Satan had chosen Saul to take the place of the martyred Stephen, to preach and suffer for His name, and to spread far and wide the tidings of salvation through His blood.”-Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 102.
Sometimes we see the good that arises from what’s obviously evil. That’s great. What do we do, though, when we don’t see any good arise from evil but, in fact, only more evil?

Stephen represents the real god-fearing people who will firmly stand to defend the truth even to the point of death.In the midst of both moral and physical persecutions, Stephen prayed forgiveness for his persecuters as did Jesus Christ over His accusers.
On the road to Emmaus Jesus preached a sermon straight from the scriptures which pointed to Himself (Luke 24:27) and the hearers hearts burned within them (Luke 24:32).
At Pentecost Peter preached a sermon straight from the scriptures which pointed to Jesus (Acts 2:16-36) and the hearers were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37).
At the council of the Sanhedrin Stephen preached a sermon straight from the scriptures which pointed to Jesus (Acts 7:2-53) and the hearers were cut to the heart (Acts 7:54).
The supernatural demonstrations which attended the ministry of Jesus (Luke 24:31), His disciples (Acts 2:4, 43) and deacons like Stephen (Acts 6:8, 15) are largely missing in the present Christian community. However when you hear sermons in church do your hearts burn within, and with what effect? If you are not cut to the heart, why not?
If the services and gatherings of believers result only in a fleeting good feeling and a little excitement which evaporates by the time individuals get to the parking lot or public transportation station Heaven is disappointed (Luke 15:7).
It becomes the people of God to pray for the moving of their own hearts when the straight message of scripture is preached, including when they are the channels to reach others. None may control the response of others. Each will have to decide for himself/herself how to respond and what difference the word will make in the heart (Mark 4:3-9).
the stonning of stephen marked the beggining of the worldwide spread of the work of GOD, satan meant eavil against the servant of GOD but once again GOD proved satan wrong .The love of GOD is far much greater than the accusations against stephen.
Signs and wonders still follow gospel workers today. The only challenge is that these are often not acknowledged and ascribed to the Giver+ God the creator. The greatest miracle that God does in our day is salvation from sin. That we know and acknowledge God is not an automatic natural response from us- but its the work of the Holy Spirit, renewing our relationship with God daily
I have met brethren who met the Lord of the Sabbath through satellite TV, homeless people who learned to love God through the hospitality of the brethren. These are the miracles God is performing in our day. Many of us have personal testimonies on the healing power of God.
My point is; the mighty signs and wonders that accompanied the ministry of Stephen and the apostles are still with us today. God works miracles to meet a need, not to entertain or impress people. Jesus said in Luke 10:19-20: "I have given u authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Lets praise God for his daily miracles
From today’s lesson, ‘’The Stoning of Stephen’’ I learnt a few things. Firstly are we able to stand firm for our belief at all times? For us to be able to stand amidst all the opposition we need to be people who are deeply rooted in the Word of God, Spirit Filled and Spirit Led. Let us be people who will stand for the TRUTH no matter what it costs like Stephen.
Secondly are we able to bear the truth or we are like the Sanhedrin who become furious upon hearing the truth? You can never hide the truth, even though they stoned Stephen but the truth still stands even today (John 14:6).The Bible says in (2 Timothy 3:16) ,’’ ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness’’. Hence, from the above scripture we can see that the Word of God can come to us so that we may correct our ways and walk right before God. When we receive such a Word of rebuke or discipline, let us not be hard hearted and furious like the Sanhedrin but instead let us thank God, for God rebukes those He loves (Revelation 3:19).
Yes the Word of God can come as sweet as honey (Psalm 119:103) and at times the Word can come and penetrate and cut like a knife. Whichever way it comes ,let us gladly accept it and live lives that delights God (Ephesians 4:1).It feels so good to hear the Word of God, be it, it is sweet or it cuts right through the heart ,still we know that it is meant for our own good. I cannot imagine living a life without hearing the voice of God.The Word of God is life changing.
Our Father is always in the control of everything.
Until Christians have no fear of death we would have little or no effect for the cause of Christ in spreading the gospel of salvation to a dying world who no not the son of God. Until we are able to say with confidence , I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God, we are not able to have and effective witnesses for the kingdom of God.
There is just so much Evil in this World. NATURAL EVIL- Diseases, Disasters, Catastrophes, the kind of things that come from the Physical World. The cursed Creation from tiny bacteria to tidal waves, from viruses to volcanoes. Rarely does a day go by when we don't hear of someone somewhere dying in some kind of Natural Disaster, or some Plaque.
SECONDLY, there's Moral evil. Moral evil is Personal as opposed to natural evil which is Impersonal, it is Internal' it is Spiritual. It is Wickedness, Sin, Transgression, Iniquity. "No one is Good, not even One." Scripture say," All the thoughts of the Human Heart are only Evil Continually." Scripture says that it is out of the Heart that Lust conceives and produces Sin and from that Society is Dominated by Corruption. The collision of Wicked, Selfish, Immoral Hearts fills the World with one Disaster after another.
THIRDLY there is SUPERNATURAL EVIL. This is the Evil that is basically Perpetrated by Demons, Fallen Angels, the associates of Satan. The number of the Angels that fell from Heaven with Satan as indicated in REV 12 to be a Third of the Angels. There is nothing in them that is good at all. Satan who leads them is for this time given Temporary authority over the World system. Yes there is Evil. And there is not Marginal Evil and there is not Minimal Evil, there is Pervasive, Dominant EVIL. And I guess you could say that Evil has a kind of Secondary Dominate in the Whole of Creation. It effects everything. It effects the Natural Creation, The Supernatural Creation and the Human and Personal Creation. AMEN! The Bottom Line is we just Live in a World that is Dominated by EVIL, But we must just keep PRESSING ON!
Stephen died like his Master: outside the city, unjustly accused, forgiving his enemies, as a witness of righteousness, leading to the salvation of many, with the assurance of God accepting his spirit.
What an honor!
Well said Bro Hugh. There is a need for personal awakening
We can never loose faith, because the Holy Spirit can and will transform the most terrible sinner. I pray that the Holy Spirit never depart from me, because it is thru his convincing power that the Lord keep us from falling.
What do we do when it seems there's no possible good forthcoming from an obviously evil situation - when there is no glimmer of light in a pitch black pit in which we have been thrust and no helping hand to lift us up nor a sympathetic face toward us? We still have to trust, yes, trust in the unwavering assurance that He who has promised has given us in His word, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Josh 1:5; Deut. 31:6,8; 1 Chron. 28:20; Ps. 94:14).
Jesus suffered the most agonizing, excruciating cruelty and death that there ever was and He did nothing to deserve it but to take our place on that shameful cross out of His great love. "He who knew no sin became sin for us".. (2 Cor 5:21).
Just to think that Jesus bore the burden of sin upon Himself for the whole world - all people who were born prior to His coming, those alive at that time and all who would ever be born on this earth - is a staggering incomprehensible thought (and this includes those who murdered Him). I cannot envision how He must have felt when darkness engulfed the whole earth and blocked His view from His Heavenly Father, that Jesus cried with lips dry and parched from thirst "My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46). To think He did it all for me and for you. There's no other word but AMAZING! Wow!Or should I say, hallelujah! Thank you Dear Savior!
I am so thankful for the witness of Stephen and all the other disciples who paid the ultimate price with their lives and were neither afraid nor ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Their sacrifice - following in the steps of their supreme Leader - who before was crucified, set the stage for the spreading of the gospel so that it could reach down through the pages of time to such ones as you and me.
I'm giving you guys the complete text for a hymn because it's such a beautiful and comforting one that means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy it too:
I will never, never leave thee,
I will never thee forsake;
I will guide, and save, and keep thee,
For my name and mercy's sake;
Fear no evil, fear no evil,
Only all my counsel take.
When the storm is raging round thee,
Call on me in humble prayer;
I will fold my arms around thee,
Guard thee with the tendr'est care;
In the trial, in the trial,
I will make thy pathway clear.
When the sky above is glowing,
And around thee all is bright;
Pleasure like a river flowing,
All things tending to delight;
I'll be with thee, I'll be with thee,
I will guide thy steps aright.
When the soul is dark and clouded,
Filled with doubt, and grief and care,
Through the mists by which 'tis shrouded,
I will make the light appear,
And the banner, and the banner,
Of my love I will uprear.
An interesting, difficult question at the end of today’s lesson.
I suppose I would pray - to neither be drawn in nor deceived by evil. I also would pray that the Lord accomplish His will, regardless. Who knows what may happen to those doing evil? There may be one such as Saul, who would completely change sides.
To me the most striking feature of the account, is the part of Stephen's prayer, spoken just before he died.
"...Lord, lay not this sin to their charge." (Acts 7:60)
Stoning was no easy death. The people would often begin with small stones, intending to torment the victim. And as the intensity increased, larger and larger stones would be thrown. The condemned one would frequently be totally obscured beneath a heap of stones/rocks.
Now it appears that while Stephen was still able to choose his posture, he deliberately kneels down, and in that posture he echos the spirit of Jesus' prayer on the cross.
"...Lord, lay not this sin to their charge."
Did God honor Stephen's prayer? I mean, did He grant that prayer?
Did God honor [and did He grant] Jesus' prayer, when He said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"?
I believe we can be confident that no grudge, no animosity, was in the hearts of the two condemned men, and that [to this day] God holds no grudge against those that killed Jesus and Stephen.
If we face people that frame and enforce laws, rendering it impossible for us to buy or sell, will we be able to pray the kind of prayer that Stephen prayed?
If we face a death decree, will we be able to pray for our enemies in the way that Stephen prayed? Stephen prayed that prayer in extreme circumstances. Are we able to pray the same kind of prayer when facing lesser provocations (i.e. when somebody lies to us, or cheats us, or offends us in some way)?
The scenes that Stephen saw in verses Acts 7:55,56, were remarkable. Can we identify with the same Holy Spirit and the same compassion as Jesus also had. Is it possible that God allowed Stephen to be completely focused on the mercies of God rather than the suffering and pain that we would normally endure. The Holy Spirit that Stephen experienced began early in the Deacon ordination, Acts 6:5. Certainly worthy of his calling.
I can feel the very same promise 'God with us' no matter how it may be He is with us.
There are a number of factors that contributed to Stephen being stoned while Peter and John were not some 3 years prior. In mercy towards Jerusalem and its leaders, the Holy Spirit's influence kept the disciples safe, but as the time determined upon the nation expired(Dan 9:24), the Spirit was withdrawn from every soul that rejected the convictions of Truth, and they became controlled by Satan, who has access to any mind that rejects the conviction of truth or accepts a falsehood. We choose whom we serve and will be obedient to their leading. By rejecting the Lord through His apostles, they had no protection against the power of Satan. Our daily choices are vital for our present and eternal welfare.
This sudden boldness in persecution scattered the church in every direction, taking the Gospel of redemption in Christ with them. "All things work together for good..."
Do we have to fear death? The answer is No! Our christ conquered death and is in Heaven with God the Father for all of us..
Marie Thomas , as I am moved by the spirit after reading today’s lesson and your personal statement, I recollect a quote from the Spirit of Prophecy/ Ellen G. White,with an equally applicable bible text ... without any doubt to any esoteric intellect (deep understanding) it seems germane (relevant) to the lesson authors question below ...
“What do we do, though, when we don’t see any good arise from evil but, in fact, only more evil?” ---
“Rebellion and apostasy are in the very air we breathe. We shall be affected by them unless we by faith HANG OUR HELPLESS SOULS UPON CHRIST. If men are so easily misled now, how will they stand when Satan shall personate Christ, and work miracles? Who will be unmoved by his misrepresentations then—professing to be Christ when it is only Satan assuming the person of Christ, and apparently working the works of Christ? What will hold God's people from giving their allegiance to false christs? “GO NOT AFTER THEM” (Luke 17:23).” (Selected Messages, book 2,pp. 394,395).
Jesus and Stephen prayed that their accusers be forgiven is because they knew that it was not them who were doing those bad things but satan who was inside them. What do we do with our enemies instead of telling God to forgive them we tend to curse them, let's change.
Often times I've read this story of Stephen being stoned to death and wondered why the angry mob did this. But, after reading the passage again for my lesson study, I've come to the realization that Satan was at work to destroy the early movement of the church. Stephen's words were like two edged sword that pierced the listeners hearts, that instead of asking the question of Stephen, "what shall we do to be saved", they exercised their evil temperaments and persecuted him instead.
My brethrens in the Lord, this should be a lesson for us to learn that Satan is still active in motivating the hearts of men in persecuting God's people. We see this happening in some countries in these modern days of ours. God's people are beheaded and arrested and thrown in jail for their faith in Him. Stephen spoke the truth to his listeners of them denying the Holy Spirit, just like there forefathers did. This leads me to ask the question, should we as a church keep silent about homosexuality? It's obvious that the truth Stephen spoke was clear cut. Can we speak the truth in a loving manner without judging anyone?
Dalton, God's servants have and will never keep silent on any matter that would rob one soul of eternal life. They will always exercise kindness, courtesy and sympathy towards all and speak the truth with humility, and earnest appeal.
Let us feel like Stephen. It's spiritual