Wednesday: The Hour of His Judgment Has Come
In the first angel’s message, the idea of fearing God and giving glory to Him is linked to judgment (Rev. 14:7). If the Bible is clear about any teaching, it is clear that God is a God of justice and of judgment. One day the judgment and justice so lacking in this world will indeed come.
No wonder people need to fear God.
And that’s why the “everlasting gospel” also includes the reality of judgment. What is the relationship between these two elements? If the gospel means “good news”, it means that though we are all sinners and have broken God’s law, when judgment day comes, like the thief on the cross, we will not face the penalty and punishment that we deserve for our sin and law-breaking.
Read the following texts and then ask yourself, How well would I do standing in my own merits? Matt. 12:36, Eccles. 12:14, Rom. 2:6, 1 Cor. 4:5.
The God who knows the number of hairs on our heads is going to judge the world. But that is precisely why the “everlasting gospel” is such good news. Judgment comes, but there is “no condemnation” for the faithful followers of Jesus, those washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus (see 1 Cor. 6:11), because Jesus Christ is their righteousness, and His righteousness is what gets them through that judgment.
“Man cannot meet these charges himself. In his sin-stained garments, confessing his guilt, he stands before God. But Jesus our Advocate presents an effectual plea in behalf of all who by repentance and faith have committed the keeping of their souls to Him. He pleads their cause and vanquishes their accuser by the mighty arguments of Calvary. His perfect obedience to God’s law, even unto the death of the cross, has given Him all power in heaven and in earth, and He claims of His Father mercy and reconciliation for guilty man”. — Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church , vol. 5, p. 471.
What does the reality of judgment teach us about our utter need for forgiveness? How can you learn to give to others who have done you wrong the kind of grace and forgiveness God offers us through Jesus? |

The hour of His Judgement has come
The great controversy is between God and Satan
Satan accuses God your standards are too high. It is impossible to meet your demands.
This world is full of evil no one can walk with you.
God calls Enoch to the stand.
No one can have faith in you.
God calls Abraham to the stand.
You are waiting to find mistake and zap us out of existence.
God calls David to the stand.
Every one of us clothed in the righteousness of Christ is witnessing to the power of God.
Are you going through life’s most trying circumstances know this satan is LIKE a roaring lion (he is not lion) but he wants you to think he is a lion who can devour you.
Even if he kills you, he has lost the battle because you will comeback glorious than ever and live forever.
Romans 8:39
39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What is the circumstances in your life that seems to be overwhelming you?
If God is for us, who can be against us.
The day shall come we can say boldly
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
God bless us and prepare us for the end times.
God calls us to stand. But how with Satan and his angels out in force like never before? "The only defense against evil is the indwelling of Christ in the heart through faith in His righteousness. Unless we become vitally connected with God, we can never resist the unhallowed effects of self-love, self-indulgence, and temptation to sin. We may leave off many bad habits, for the time we may part company with Satan; but without a vital connection with God, through the surrender of ourselves to Him moment by moment, we shall be overcome. Without a personal acquaintance with Christ, and a continual communion, we are at the mercy of the enemy, and shall do his bidding in the end." The Desire of Ages, 324 (1898). Shall we stand against evil? Yes, by prayer, meditation on the word of God, and sharing our faith, daily. We will not be overcome if we stay within in the shadow of the Allmighty. Psalms 91:1.
God's judgement is most commonly portrayed as God making a decision/determination as to who is saved and who is not. I would suggest that this is a reflection of our misunderstanding of God and of the associated concepts such as justice and righteousness etc that lead us to draw mistaken conclusions. And I would also suggest that it is exactly the way Satan would like us to see God.
In contrast, I would agree with Paul that God's judgement is merely His revelation of what is. 1 Cor 4:5 outlines this beautifully. If you read the Bible from cover to cover, you come to see that the bottom line for whether a perso is saved or lost appears to be the condition of their heart - that is, their deepest desire. Is their deepest desire to live in harmony with the principles of the Kingdom of God as Adam and Eve did prior to their 'fall' in Genesis 3? Or is a person's deepest desire to do what seems good/right "in their own eyes" (Judges 21:25) which results in a heart becoming "hardened" in evil (as per Jer 16:12 and Gen 6:5)?
It was this heart motive that changed that sad day in Eden, and it is this heart motive that needs to be restored again in order to repair/fix what actually got broken and in turn restore us back to the 'image of God'. David also understood this and is the reason he recognised the need for such when he sinned with Bathsheba (see Ps 51:10). This is what is involved in justification - our surrender to the Holy Spirit's convicting that our heart needs to be renewed to once again be conformed/realigned with 'God's way' that is abundant-eternal life.
So, as 1 Cor 4:5 outlines, God's judgement is the revelation of the state of our heart by bringing to light what is hidden in the darkness and exposing the motives of the heart. God does not need to make a determination - He only needs to reveal what is! In fact, there are six 'judgements' by God recorded in the very first chapter of the Bible. Can you guess what they are?
And with reference to Rev 14:7, there is a two-fold judgement/revelation occurring. God is also laying open His way of 'governing' so that all created beings can compare and contrast God's Kingdom and Satan's Kingdom. A key part of this is God laying open His method of judgement that is revelation rather than determination.
I Do not believe it is mere coincidence that the book of the Bible that talks the most about end time 'judgement' is entitled Revelation.
Phil, it is God's decision that will be made, but as you point out, He is only acknowledging our choice, based on our works of faith or unbelief. It is our choice that determines our eternal reward.
It is for our best interest to exercise faith rather than unbelief, for the hour of His judgment has come, because without His action, the wicked will simply continue to oppress with none on earth to vindicate the righteous, who live by faith. Only God can do this, and He has set the hour for His judgment.
I haven't counted, but the Psalms makes many mentions of the final judgment don't they? Yet the Revelation does make it prominent, for our sober reflection and consideration of our ways.
Not quite sure what you are referring to in your statement "it is God's decision that will be made". Are you referring to His decision as to when 'judgement' will take place?
Not just when, but that it will take place. If not for God making such a decision, sinners would continue without end. Many Psalms speak of the wicked having no thought of repentance, thinking God does not see or hear, but that the final judgment will bring them to a much needed end. God would not be just as the Sovereign if not bringing every case to judgment.
I agree with the essence of what you are saying regarding God making a 'decision' that things have sufficiently run their course and there is nothing constructive to be gained from waiting any longer.
So I would be ok about saying that God will 'decide' that a 'judgement' (ie revelation as per 1 Cor 4:5) will take place and when it will take place (although this is contingent upon humanity again reaching a certain point whereby no-one else will be coming to repentance as per 2 Pet 3:9) but that the actual judgement process itself is revelation rather than God making a determination.
Hi Robert
Yes, I would essentially agree that God will make a decision to undertake 'judgement' and. when (though it is contingent upon humanity for God is waiting for as many to come to repentance who will as per 2 Pet 3:9).
At the same time I maintain that the actual 'judgement' process is a process of revelation (as per 1 Cor 4:5) rather than the more typically conceptualised determination.
Phil, who has said the "judgment" is anything more than God giving to every soul what they chose to receive by their works? I'm just not seeing your "burden" as valid, unless you know of others who have this misconception. I just haven't seen it. The Bible is unequivocal on the matter and I don't know anyone personally who thinks otherwise, if they follow the Bible at all. But I understand now what point you were making.
Phil, I fully agree with you that the heart matters is what determines who we are and our salvation.
I would like to ask how is it that we can receive the right motive to bring us back in line with our Creator--the way we were originally designed to function? And, what is the motive?
I would start changing the picture on the lesson. We may make a mistake while stereotyping sometimes. In that image there could be me or even you! Perhaps a "normal" looking person! Of course we may pass a message by the way we look, but God is not really interested in the outer image. He looks into the heart! I would even change the down looking for a straight up face! Just because of the fact that standing before God takes one and only Lawyer to be with! Pleading for us, not because we deserve, but because He totally paid our debts! Perhaps I could even be smiling, or crying of happiness... At this point, one of men's greatest talent to point fingers at others could again come out and say "I am here because of Him!"
That is so cool JC. "He totally paid our debts" Christ bought us then set us free, not to do our own will, but the will of our Father. Yet we are free to serve Him or reject His love. We look at it as service out of love. "I will serve Thee because I love Thee
You have given life to me
I was nothing before you found me
You have given life to me."
Judgment by the Sovereign was always inevitable. Doesn't Eden prove this, along with the flood, the tower of Babel, the cities of the plain, and many other times as recorded in the Bible? Judgment is the way of our lands, where those who violate just laws are prosecuted according to what they have done against others.
Out of this inevitability the Gospel was conceived, because God is love. While sin would affect all of Adam's race, the Prince of Peace was set for the "fall and rising again" of many in Israel"(Luke 2:34), and at His birth, peace came again to earth and toward men, good will for "as many as received Him...and believed on His name". In this good news the power of God for salvation is revealed, and may be experienced by all who "repent and believe the gospel".
As Phil pointed out above, it is WE who determine the outcome of our judgment by the omnipotent and unerring Sovereign of all creation who only reveals the truth concerning every soul. Thus, the merciful will obtain mercy, the pure in heart will see God(with exceeding joy!) and the peacemakers will be called His children. Who would deny themselves of such blessings?!!
For the sons and daughters of God, judgment = acquittal, and the accuser of the brethren silenced forever. Then "the meek shall inherit the earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of peace"(Ps 37:11).
I am having a 'Big Problem' with this and I'd be happy if someone could explain this to me.
"If the Bible is clear about any teaching, it is clear that God is a God of justice and of judgment. One day the judgment and justice so lacking in this world will indeed come."
What is the authour of the lesson saying?
Hi Ronald
Yes, God is a God of 'justice' and 'judgement'. However, what kind of justice and what kind of judgement is being referred to?
The views I now hold regarding the kind of justice and judgement that God is a God of are very different than those I grew up with. And these latter ones come from much deeper Bible study.
There is a big issue/problem with interpretation of Biblical words and of the associated concepts those words are trying to convey. It is very easy to read a word and impose our meaning upon it. This is the 'default' tendency of our brain - and unfortunately all too frequently results in misperception. Christianity would be served much better if key terms were defined and explained (within reason).
One of the sources of misunderstanding is our life and culture here on earth. Even our government's criminal justice system (I speak from the perspective of the US, although it probably is true of most countries) is often geared at retribution--getting even. We say justice has been served when someone is sent to prison for the rest of their life or executed, even though that can't undo the damage of the crime. And those metaphors even appear in the Bible--probably so we can relate to them. But God is not like that. He is "not willing that any should perish". His preferred solution is an about-face: repentance and forgiveness. But given that sin is inherently destructive, not only to the perpetrator, but to others, and the whole universe, He cannot leave it entirely to run its own course. Justice for Him involves preventing evil from harming the innocent.
Well said Wilton.
And if I might add to your last sentence, God's justice also involves trying to redeem those who perpetuate injustice (2 Pet 3:9) and restoring that which was lost by the innocent - either in this world or, more often, in the world to come.
The first 5 verses in Revelation 14 is about the 144,000 before God's Throne. then verses 6-13 follow that with three angels having the message of salvation for the world and the warning about how to escape the judgment of condemnation that God has for this world in a sevenfold scourge of it and for the antichrist beast and its image and their final destruction. Then follows verses 14-20 about God's Reaping of the saved and also of the lost. I see nothing there about a judgment that started in heaven about 200 years ago.
Look closer Pete, it's there. The harvests are the result of the judgment spoken of by the 1st angel, the 2nd and 3rd angels also indicate a judgment has been made don't they?
I believe the 144,000 testify that a judgment has been made as well, since their description testifies that the accuser has been silenced and his accusations are proven to be false. Only God could give this verdict of them being faultless.
The question in this lesson is, "How can you learn to give to others who have done you wrong the kind of grace and forgiveness God offers us through Jesus?"
God's Holy Spirit is the source of his love and grace to us. If we invite His Spirit into our hearts with His Love and Grace we will find forgiveness as a natural function of our heart. If we do not invite and receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts, we cannot forgive like God forgives.