Wednesday: The Rich Man and Lazarus
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (see Luke 16:19-31), Jesus contrasts the lives of two men—one rich, one desperately poor. In the absence of social welfare, community hospitals, or soup kitchens, it was a common practice for those in need, disabled, or otherwise disadvantaged, to beg outside the homes of the wealthy. It was expected that the rich would be generous in sharing a little of their wealth to alleviate the suffering. But in this story, the rich man was “selfishly indifferent to the needs of his suffering brother”. – Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 261. In life, their respective circumstances remained unchanged; but in death, as judged by God, their positions were dramatically reversed.
Compare Luke 16:19-31 with Luke 12:13-21. What are the similarities and differences between these two stories, and together what do they teach us?
There is no evidence in either of these stories that the men became rich by doing anything wrong. Perhaps they had both worked hard, managed carefully, and been blessed by God. But something seems to have gone wrong in their attitudes toward life, God, money, and others, and this cost them significantly and eternally.
Drawing from popular afterlife imagery of Jesus’ day, the story of the rich man and Lazarus teaches that the choices we make in this life matter for the next one. How we respond to those who seek or need our help is one way our choices and priorities are demonstrated. As “Abraham” points out to the suffering rich man, the Bible provides more-than-adequate direction for choosing better: “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them” (Luke 16:29, NIV).
Jesus taught that the temptations of wealth—whether having it, keeping it, or seeking it—can draw us away from His kingdom, away from others and toward self-centeredness and self-reliance. Jesus called us to seek His kingdom first and to share the blessings we receive with those around us, particularly those in need.
Whatever your financial status, how can you be careful not to let money or the love of money distort your perspective about what Christians should focus on in life? |

We often stop reading the story of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16:31-26 and don’t read the events that lead up to this passage and the aftermath. There is much more to the story than God swapping the roles of these two men as punishment for the rich man,
There was a conversation with the Pharisees that went like this:
Then a bit later comes the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. But it is how the parable finishes that is the twist in the tail. The Rich Man wants Lazarus to be raised from the dead and go back to tell his living relatives because surely, they would listen and avoid the same fate as him. But father Abraham responded:
In their covetousness the Pharisees had venerated Moses and the Prophets but ignored their big picture message.
And in the twenty-first century we look back at the Pharisees and thank God we are not like them. Do we really see the message of Moses and the prophets?
Very insightful.
Luke 16:19 begins the parable. Remember this is not an actual story but a parable, which is told in allegorical manner to convey spiritual truth.
This parable of the rich man and Lazarus is one of the most dramatic and pointed of the parables. It’s the only one where the main character is given a name, perhaps in part to make it more personal for each of us reading this. Real people are impacted by our actions. We have it in our power to be a force for good. This story should motivate us to take a deep hard look at the legacy we’re building each day.
The parable begins by telling us, “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day” (Luke 16:19). This man dressed in the finest clothes and ate well every day of the year. Nothing is wrong with these pursuits in and of themselves. But this man was not willing to share his wealth. He lived by the “zero sum” rule—he wanted the whole pie for himself. None of it could be shared with others because, in his twisted way of thinking, that would leave less for him.
The Rich Man and Lazarus
This is the only story that I can recall Jesus gave the name Lazarus.
Rich man lives in his richness without regards to those in need.
The poor man at his gate which means the rich man must have seen Lazarus everyday in his affliction yet, would not extend his hand to help.
When death sweeps the rich and the poor our fate is sealed.
There is no rejoining once the separation has been made complete.
Therefore, the rich man begs God to give his brother one more chance.
The request if someone raises from the dead and returns, "They will repent."
it is very interesting, Jesus raises a man named Lazarus four days after his death against Jewish superstition which believed a man's soul roamed on the earth for three days.
After the resurrection of Lazarus according to John 11 the plot to kill Jesus intensifies.
John 11
49 Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, “You know nothing at all! 50 You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish."
Are we murdering the witnesses God has placed in our midst?
Are we building on the foundation of injustice?
🔵 In today's lesson, “Abraham” points out to the suffering rich man, that the Bible provides more-than-adequate direction for choosing better: “They have Moses and the Prophets; let them LISTEN to them” (Luke 16:29, NIV).
🤔 I checked some words that are related to *LISTEN* and found that it also means we are to:
📌...take notice of and act on what was said, respond to advice or a request, pay attention, take heed, hearken, observe, watch, follow, give a thought to, take into consideration, take to heart, hang on, accept, believe, be attentive, attend, concentrate on, apply oneself.
🙋🏽♂These are what Abraham pointed out to the suffering rich man that "we" should be doing with the messages from scripture, to avoid ending up in hell.
Have a blessed day people!
I don’t know about you but this passage, Luke 19:16-31 is a difficult one in light of our understanding of the State of the Dead. The Pastor at our church sent me this link to a very good explanation of these texts. It is a bit scholarly but I think it is worth reading if this scripture raises concern for you.