Wednesday: The Stone
If you had just a few days left to live, what would you do with them? One of the things Jesus did was to tell stories that would leave a deep impact on His listeners.
Read Matthew 21:33-46. Who is represented by each of the following?
Notice Jesus’ quotation of Psalm 118:22-23. In quoting the prophecy of the rejected stone, Christ referred to an occurrence in the history of Israel. The incident was connected with the building of the first temple. When the temple of Solomon was erected, the immense stones for the walls and the foundation were entirely prepared at the quarry. After they were brought to the building itself, not an instrument was to be used upon them, and no sound of chiseling and hammering was to be heard. The workmen had only to place them in position. For use in the foundation, one stone of unusual size and peculiar shape had been brought. But the workmen could find no place for it, and they would not accept it. It was an annoyance to them as it lay unused in their way. Long it remained a rejected stone.
“But when the builders came to the laying of the corner, they searched for a long time to find a stone of sufficient size and strength, and of the proper shape, to take that particular place, and bear the great weight which would rest upon it … But at last attention was called to the stone so long rejected … The stone was accepted, brought to its assigned position, and found to be an exact fit.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 598.
Read Matthew 21:44 again. Two different ways of relating to the rock are represented: one is falling on the rock and being broken; the other is to have the rock fall on you, and you being crushed by it. What is the crucial difference between the two? (See also Ps. 51:7 and Dan. 2:34.)

"Falling on the rock" means, to me, to surrender my kingdom to the kingdom of God and to allow God's way (motivation) to take charge of me instead of my selfishness.
Being crushed by the rock, means to me, that if I fail to give up my selfishness and I choose to maintain my own kingdom separate from my Creator, I separate myself from my source of life and I will be destroyed because I will be allowed to have my way.
For a time it appeared the bad farmers were the real owners of the vineyard. They behaved according to the whims and caprices of their corrupt minds. Today, were are behaving the same way. We think that we are the creators of heaven and earth. Hey, one day the real owner shall come and destroy everything. Then we shall realized our folly. Let us humble ourselves and submit to the Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ.
I really think we take a good look at Isaiah 5:1-7. A perfect description of what Israel did and what we're also doing. Pls Lord have mercy on your children.
Lovely explanation, Don. I can identify with that. To me its submitting to God's will and be broken for having had my own way and admitting, trusting, knowing God's will to be best. This grows on one as sanctification continues. Any obstacle in the way serves either to trip one in your foolishness or as a stepping stone closer to Him. Sin by sin as our short comings are revealed to us we need to submit to Him in humility or join the ranks of the devil in the controversy and be crushed by the Stone in the end.
Choosing to fall on the Rock and be broken is quite painful to me. Yet, I must be broken (give up my will and be desiring of His) in order to be remade - born again?
Doctors sometimes must rebreak a limb that healed crookedly, in order for that limb to be most useful.
A little pain now, but a useful character, later?
Landowner represents God, Farmers- Priests/Teachers of the Law, Servants- Prophets/Messengers of God, and son- Jesus Christ.
This is a parable that illustrates how Israel was desired by God to spread the Gospel to the entire world, but through its leaders, many Israelis were led astray due to putting man-made laws above God commandments, we God send reproof through His messengers these were repeatedly scorned at and killed. Finally His Son was sent. Because His character and His teachings were opening up their(Priests/teachers of the Law) hidden agenda and because of their opposite in character as to what they taught, people saw their hypocrisy thereby loosing popularity, they devised to kill the Son of Man sealing their destines eternally.
Renford well said, I would add the vineyard represented Israel who the Farmers (Priests) were supposed to tend to make them a nation of Priests. However they went astray more concerned about their own power and position than God's way, they did not heed God or his messengers.Therefore the Kingdom was taken from them and given to the Apostles and those who follow the Son. They would reap the harvest of many souls of Israel on Pentecost and afterwards and this remnant of Israel would go out and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God unto the whole world.
Thank you Renford for giving answers to the questions in the Guide.
It is very helpful to have some answers and discussion on the topic.
I had the same answers but you enlarged some on them. Some people may not figure it out so it is good to have this clarification.
When the rock fall on some one,it means Judgement with loathsome results on some one for not not falling on the rock through believing in in the Rock who is JESUS CHRIST.Therefore it is good for some one to fall on the rock as opposed to the Rock falling on on someone.
I believe the text should have been Psalm 51:17 instead of Verse 7. It says "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise." I believe when we fall on the rock Jesus Christ we are broken, in a the sense that we see our sinfulness in the light of Christ's love and mercy and are broken, and like David, are led to repentance. Cheers.
Where and what are the "Primary Texts" from which E White talks of the Rejected Stone from the antiquity of Solomon and the Temple building?
Kevin, this is a very old thread and we tend to ignore comments on old threads because they distract from dicussion on the current lesson. However, we are currently discussing the Psalms and some of the references to the Temple so I will provide an answer.
The Primary texts are biblical
I hope that helps