Wednesday: The True Worshipers
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23).
After pointing the Samaritan away from specific places of worship and then telling her of the superiority of the Jewish faith over hers, Jesus then tells the woman about “the true worshipers.” In verse 21, Jesus said that the hour “is coming” when people will not worship either in that mountain or in Jerusalem; now, though, in verse 23, He says that the hour “now is” that all true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth. In other words, do not look to some past glory, and do not look to some future event. Rather, the time “now is” to give the Lord the worship He deserves, and through that worship experience the love, the grace, and the salvation that He offers.
Jesus said that all true worshipers will “worship the Father in spirit and in truth.” What do these two elements represent, and how are we to apply this to our worship experience today? See also Mark 7:6–9.
Jesus here is calling for a balanced form of worship: a worship that comes from the heart, that is sincere and deeply felt, that comes from the love and the fear of God. There is nothing wrong with emotions in worship; after all, our religion calls upon us to love God (1 John 5:2, Mark 12:30), and how can that be separated from emotions?
At the same time, God calls upon His true worshipers to worship Him “in truth.” God has revealed His will, His truth, His law—truth that we are expected to believe and obey. True worshipers will love God, and from that love seek to serve Him, obey Him, and do what is right. Yet, how can they know what is right without knowing the truth about faith, obedience, salvation, and so forth? The idea that beliefs do not matter, that only a sincere spirit matters, is misguided. It is only half of the equation. Correct beliefs do not save, but they will give us a great understanding of the character of God, and that should make us love and serve Him all the more.
Is your worship more spirit than truth, or more truth than spirit? How can you learn to incorporate and balance both these aspects of worship?

What Jesus said sounds very much like what Paul said to the church at Corinth.
Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ.’ Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” (1 Cor 1:12-13 NKJV)
We could insert the woman’s argument in Paul’s statement, “Now I say this, that each of you says ‘I am of this mountain’ or ‘I am of Jerusalem.’ Is Christ divided?”
In other words, “quit your factions, the kingdom of God is under one roof which is the Messiah and I am He.” His message was one of unity rooted in the original plan of worship. Each group had their own pride in their temple driven by political disunity rather than unified under one God.
The reason why Jesus referred to the Jews is because their worship was far closer to what God intended which was rather important if one wished to understand the truth.
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him" (John 4:23).
When we pray God, we shouldn't think that we are praying God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit separately, When we think of Jesus, we should think of Him and see Him together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the same with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Father, you will experience their love even better, and you feel the love that binds them.
When you are humble and really open to receiving God, you feel Their presence so close, otherwise you feel like you're praying a God up there, very far, you may tell yourself of Their Glory, but they're still far, and you just order them and tell them what to do, but when They are close, you experience their glory and you feel the love and you feel accountable to them and dependent on them and you listen...
Now you do understand that when God is so close to you and live in you, you have to take your sandals off (Symbolically, as this is all happening in your heart and in your mind most of the time) as the place you are standing on is sacred, anything you touch is sacred, anything you do is sacred, you are sacred, a people set apart. Enjoy the love, the humility, the peace, the effectiveness, the guidance, the efficiency, and the power...
Be careful, don't glorify yourself as you experience this power, glory is only for God, you easily go down in the water like Peter, keep your eyes on Him and always check with Your Father, you are a little child. Oh don't get too excited now, you are human and you will fall form time to time, as you will want to enjoy earthly temptations, a little bit, just a little bit, toy with them just a bit, and get pulled into sin bit by bit, getting away from Jesus a little bit, to be human, you tell yourself, because I have to live here on earth and I am human...
And that's where you mess up. Ah we were talking about being with God, where is he? Boy you're lucky, He's right here, that's right, that's why it didn't get worst, faithful God even in your unfaithfulness, He's still protecting you and calling you to Him, reaching out to you, and protecting you, and even carrying you, until you look up, and there He is, there He was always, and you realize you were never, never alone...
Look up and look up often, so you may stay connected, and be with the Holy Spirit, and bear fruits, and go back to Him often, always, and enjoy to serve Him in Spirit and in truth. Always take a step back before you rush, and check with God. Remember God The Father, God The Son Jesus, God The Holy Spirit are always with you, always, as you are set apart, you are holy, priests of royal service, the place you are standing is sacred, whatever you do is sacred, and it's a lot joy, when you have communion with God.
After all he has put all those things for you to enjoy, so do not be anxious as He will provide and carry you even through suffering, He wants you to stay positive so you may be effective and efficient, why would you want be anxious, as The Purveyor of it all is with, with you, He knows what you need. He will encourage you and empower you to do what is right and to get what you need also and that He has already set apart for you.
Jesus is with you until the end of the world, the power of the Holy Spirit and the protection of the Holy Father, go make the nations disciples of Christ and teach them to serve The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit...
Serve them in Spirit and in truth, and tell of your experiences with them...
Carl Nicolas