Wednesday: With You Always, Even Unto the End
The book of Revelation foretold the persecution that God’s people would face through a good portion of church history. The 1260 prophetic days of Revelation 12:6 (see also Rev. 12:14) point to 1260 years of persecution against the church.
“These persecutions, beginning under Nero about the time of the martyrdom of Paul, continued with greater or less fury for centuries. Christians were falsely accused of the most dreadful crimes and declared to be the cause of great calamities — famine, pestilence, and earthquake. As they became the objects of popular hatred and suspicion, informers stood ready, for the sake of gain, to betray the innocent. They were condemned as rebels against the empire, as foes of religion, and pests to society. Great numbers were thrown to wild beasts or burned alive in the amphitheaters”. — The Great Controversy, p. 40.
At the same time, the woman (church) fled into the wilderness (Rev. 12:6). She is described as having two wings like an eagle. This gives the picture of flying away where help could be found. She was taken care of in the wilderness, and the serpent, or Satan, could not get to her (Rev. 12:14). God has always preserved a remnant even during major persecutions, and He will do so again in the end time.
In the context of the perils of the last days, Christ said to His people: “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20, NIV). How do we understand this wonderful promise, even in the face of the vast martyrdom of many of His followers? (see Rom. 8:31-39 and Matt. 10:28.)
Nothing — not persecution, famine, or death — can separate us from God’s love. Christ’s presence with us, whether now or in the end times, does not mean that we are spared pain, suffering, trials, or even death. We have never been promised such exemptions in this life. It means that, through Jesus and what He has done for us, we can live with the hope and promise that God is with us in these trials and that we have the promise of eternal life in the new heavens and the new earth. We can live with the hope that regardless of anything we go through here, like Paul, we can be certain that “there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8, NKJV). We who have “loved His appearing” can claim this hope and promise for ourselves, as well.

I live on the promise, I wait for His coming, my prayer is to be ready when He comes. Because of His presence we have victory.
What a promise for us who are involved in this cosmic battle.
Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Glory be to God! Amidst all that we go through here, we cannot forget that God is love, and gave His only Son for us! Why would He abandoned His own? He is marvelous!!! He deserves all worship, all praise, all power! I am nothing but a gust of air! It is better to suffer because of Truth than pay the price for evil.
In this degenerative planet that we are in, the only way to win is to be on Christ's side! Thank God that we have this choice!
...through Jesus and what He has done for us, we can live with the hope and promise that God is with us in these trials and that we have the promise of eternal life in the new heavens and the new earth. Amen!
God's peace can accompany us even through the valley of the shadow of death.
There is comfort in all of God's promises especially the ones where Jesus Himself promised his peace in the midst of tribulation. Ellen White made a statement in the chapter of the book Steps to Christ, the chapter entitled, "Growing Up Into Christ," there she says that "In Christ, God has provided for us an atmosphere of grace as real as the air we breathe." Can you imagine? How real is the atmosphere? Very real. That is how real God's grace is too. That is how real his peace is too.
It gave such a joy to know that no matter what happens, God will be with us till the end. There is nobody who can give us these assurance. In this world where everything is unsure, Jesus is the only hope for mankind. Keep me dear to your heart Lord Jesus and help me be faithful till the end.
This is comforting. This is the first I can remember reading about persecution and instead of feeling afraid, i get a sense of comfort and assurance. Seeing that in persecution God is and will always be there. Thank Thee God!
Without the knowledge and sense of Jesus' presence, who would be able to face the sometimes awful circumstances that persecution often brought against God's faithful people? Yet, none of God's people have had to equal the suffering of Jesus for our sins, and the knowledge of His suffering for us may be a constant presence itself.
Jesus has also revealed Himself as holding the keys to hell and death, and can free "whosoever believeth in Him" at the last day when death and the grave are robbed of their victims who will never know suffering again.
Pity those who without Christ must face "the wrath of God...against all ungodliness and unrighteousness". They must then suffer what Jesus suffered, hoping to spare them of it if they would only "repent and believe the gospel". This is a vital part of the everlasting gospel in Revelation 14 isn't it? For some, this warning given faithfully might turn their feet to the path of Life.
Most people only hope is to believe in a power greater than themselves that can restore people. Talk to a person who goes to the Dr. and they find out some bad news, the only hope is saying "Lord help me". Think of a son or daughter who's causing problems everyday. Someone at this time is claiming all the promises God give us human being...So by these two gifts of God which is faith by grace, when a person in hospice the only comfort and assurance that God will be with us always.
If one has suffered continuing intense pain, they often seek Gods prayers for reliefe, and when the prayers are answered they thank God continually for His love and care. We should always be aware of Gods watch over us what ever the circumstances, be it today or during the end of this world. Thank you Lord!
thanks to the Lord for the promises that never fails forever. He is faithful on His part to the end/
Today's Lesson reminds me of the song 'The Promise by the Martins'
I never said that friends would never turn their backs on you
Or that the world around you wouldn't see you as a fool
But I did say like me, you'll surely be despised
And I did say my ways confound the wise
"We who have “loved His appearing” can claim this hope and promise for ourselves, as well."
This seems to be in past tense (1st coming of Jesus?), whereas some translations imply it is future tense..long for His appearing.(2nd coming?)
Yes, the past tense, because it is faith in Jesus' earthly life/death/resurrection for MY sin that I must love. If we don't see Jesus as our greatest personal blessing, we don't love His appearing as the Lamb of God which takes away our sin.
This "past" appearing includes the promise "I will come again and receive YOU" doesn't it? So our love includes all He did, is doing now, and will do for US who believe.
It's what he is doing now that makes believe in the future!
From the 2 Tim 4:8 passage, I presume Paul has assurance of salvation.
What generates hope better, promises made to unnamed people or the lack of condemnation of the Holy Spirit?
"And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation." Rom 5:4
1 John 5:13 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life,...
I have heard this presented so an audience can try to have encouragement & assurance but never hear the presenter mention what "these things" are.
Promises to unnamed people? Are they not given to "whosoever believeth" whether the Jew or the Greek(everyone else)? Peter addresses any soul who read his letter, saying "YE might be partakers of the divine nature"(2 Pe 1:4) when writing of the exceeding great and precious promises given to "US". Every promise given to anyone such as Adam or Abraham, are also for their seed. If we are Christ's, we are Abraham's seed, and "heirs according to the promise". How personal and specific is that? These promises are given to whoever will find, believe, and act on them.
IF you went to the store and there saw a big sign as you walked in that said "Free Bananas Today", would you feel included, or if not seeing your name, feel left out? Doesn't the lack of any name(s) put everyone on the list of recipients? Every child of Adam is included in the promise of Gen 3:15, and thus, all other promises that concern our deliverance from sin and restoration of the dominion.
No, not unnamed, but every name who meets the conditions through faith.
One other observation: there is no freedom from condemnation without accepting those "exceeding great and precious promises", so it's not a valid question is it?
Doesn't verse 12 (of 1 John 5) sum up "these things"? Doesn't "he who has" name every soul as recipient of this promise of having "eternal Life" in Christ, who died for "our sins" which includes anyone who has sinned? A whole lot of names, including yours and mine!