Wednesday: The “Wisdom” of the World
As humans, we have gained an incredible amount of knowledge and information, especially in

Image © Krieg Barrie from
Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-21, 3:18-21. How do we see the powerful truths of these words manifested in our time and context today, almost two thousand years after they were written?
There is so much in human thought that challenges God’s Word. Whether the issue is the resurrection of Jesus, the Creation itself, or any miracle, human “wisdom” (even when buttressed with the “facts” of science) must be deemed “foolishness” when it contradicts the Word of the Lord.
Also, as stated earlier, so much science today, especially in the context of human origins, begins from a purely naturalistic perspective. Even though many of history’s greatest scientific geniuses-Newton, Kepler, Galileo-were believers in God and saw their work as helping to explain the work of God in creation (Kepler once wrote: “O God, I think Thy thoughts after Thee . . .”), such sentiments today are often mocked by segments of the scientific community.
Some even seek to explain away the miraculous stories in the Bible by arguing that they were really naturally occurring phenomena that the ancients, ignorant of nature’s laws, misinterpreted as divine action. There are, for instance, all sorts of naturalist theories that seek to explain the parting of the Red Sea as something other than a miracle of God. A few years ago, one scientist speculated that Moses was on drugs, and so he just hallucinated the idea that God gave him the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone!
However silly some of this might sound, once you reject the idea of God and the supernatural, you need to come up with some other explanation for these things; hence, the “foolishness” that Paul so clearly and prophetically wrote about.

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. Even those whose lives are hid in Christ must recognise the foolishness of this world, e.g. "The commandments was nailed to the cross". it is said. If it is so why then is the government trying to come up with stiffer penalities for criminal activities? Many leaders/governments are aware that their laws stem from the moral standards of God yet for the sake of the 4th commandment the law is rejected. Foolish wisdom.
It is amazing to me that man tries to give a scientific reasoning for somethimg that cant be explained. Why do we have to be able to know why the red sea parted, the fact is, it parted and Moses wasn't high. God made everything except Eve from nothing and people have allowed the adversary to put questions in their minds about what God has done. Wake up world God is and He has done everything He said He did and satan your a liar and the truth is not in you. Anyone that believes all the things scientist say about creation and miracles performed in the bible truly lack wisdom. They might as well take all that information and place it in a book titled Bedtime Stories for your imagination.
We as Christians can see that the wisdom of the world is foolishness, because the world has chosen to eliminate God from their thinking. As Paul says in Romans 1:28, “they did not like to retain God in their knowledge”. He also points out in verse 18 that they “suppress the truth in unrighteousness".
How then can the “message of the cross” that “is foolishness to those who are perishing” (1 Corinthians 1:18) get through to such people? “It pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.” (1 Corinthians 1:21) How can the worldly person become a believer?
Perhaps that’s why Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23
we are so caught up in innovations and the advancement of technology we tend to believe just about anything people say just because they are classified as the brains of this century. We tend to question and down God and what his words says. To say that Moes was on drugs is really bold, how can he prove that Moes was on drugs? Some times when we can't understand something we tend to make up our own theory that will make us feel better for having a lack of understanding of divine things.
When man wants to leave God out of his life he can come up with a lot of theories of origin. To me, it takes more faith to believe these ideas than to believe in a creator!
Since we are the stewards of God to his fineyard and all other thing in it.we assume that the time we are using is ours hence all of us plus everything we own is why cant we be vigilant for God's work due the coming of our lord is at hand
Jesus our Lord is so merciful, I can't understand how He can spare a life He made and takes care every day when it says such about Him. God sent Moses to save his people and he directed him always, how terrible to even think that Moses was on drugs yet he (Moses) was being guided by the Lord. Such thoughts are scary. May He open the eyes of such save them from the snares of the devil.