The Present Truth in Deuteronomy Adult Bible Study Guide of 2021 is a good starting point for studying Deuteronomy.

Adult Bible Study Guide - Present Truth in Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy: The Book of Love by Jiri Moskala

You may download the full lesson quarterly for studying Present Truth in Deuteronomy in Kindle format from Amazon.  The study guide has been prepared by Clifford R. Goldstein, Editor of the Adult Bible Study Guides and a committee representing the various world divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 
Not only is Goldstein the editor of the Sabbath School lesson, but he is also a prolific author. 

You can order a paper copy of the lesson quarterly as well as resource books from the Adventist Book Center

The Bible Bookshelf companion book is Deuteronomy: The Book of Love, written by Jiri Moskala

Other Books by Clifford Goldstein
