Fifteen-year-old Danny looked self-satisfied that morning when he walked into my classroom. “I witnessed to my friend yesterday,” he bragged. “I told him that if he didn’t quit using the Lord’s name in vain, he’d burn in hell!”
We might not quite as obviously miss the point of “witnessing,” but I wonder if the way the Sabbath has often been shared is not just as bad. That’s why we needed the Sabbath School Lessons, Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing In His Mission.
You may download the full lesson quarterly for studying Making Friends for God from Amazon in Kindle format. Main lesson author is Mark Finley. You can order a paper copy from the Adventist Book Center.
Also available: Hacer amigos para Dios (Spanish Edition) Kindle Edition
Mark Finley has also written a companion book in the Bible Bookshelf Series, entitled Making Friends For God. It is currently available from Amazon in Paperback format and and in Digital Kindle format.
Also relevant:
If we are to share in Christ’s mission, it seems like we should treat people as He did. Morris Venden’s books are generally an interesting an easy read.
So check out How Jesus Treated People. (Pacific Press, re-published 2014, Print length 176 pages. This is in authentic Kindle format, not scanned like some of Venden’s other books.)
For a perspective from a living theologian on how to share the gospel in today’s world, check out Jon Paulien’s Ever-lasting Gospel: Ever-changing World (Pacific Press, 2018. Print length 244 pages, but file size is smaller than Venden’s book.)
The great thing about books in Kindle format (apart from the convenience of reading on a smartphone or tablet) is that you can download a book to your device, check it out, and if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can return it within seven days. |
If you think you cannot “witness” the way others do, remember that we are all unique, and thus our witness is unique. God needs us to tell what we experienced with Him. This is Kalie Kelch’s emphasis in I Am a Witness. (Pacific Press 2019, Print length 673 pages.)
Karl Haffner makes a similar point in No Experience Necessary : Fulfilling the Gospel Commission is Easier Than You Think. (Pacific Press, 2018. 111 pages paper edition.)