Audio & Video Helps | Sabbath School Lessons on the Psalms |

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Journey Through the Book of Psalms, by Ken Wade

Adventist author Kenneth R. Wade takes you with you on his adventure, Journey Through the Bible: From Psalms to Malachi. 

The Treasury of David, by Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (June 19, 1834 – January 31, 1892) was a British Baptist preacher, still known as the “Prince of Preachers”. In his lifetime, Spurgeon preached to around 10,000,000 people, often up to 10 times a week at different places. 

First published in weekly installments over a twenty-year span in the London Metropolitan Tabernacle’s periodical, The Sword and the Trowel, the devotionals in The Treasury of David. (left in Kindle format) is well-named, including over 1,000 individual articles and is considered a superb literary achievement. The Book of Psalms with Devotions from Charles SpurgeonThis edition is  optimized for Kindle with an active Table of Contents and 10 original illustrations from the book of Psalms.

In 2022 Bible publisher Thomas Nelson paired brief extracts from The Treasury of David with the New King James version of the bible to create a Spurgeon and the Psalms: The Book of Psalms with Devotions from Charles Spurgeon (NKJV), a devotional on the book of Psalms, (right) with each psalm is set in a poetic-style single column on a right-hand page with room to journal your own meditations. Clear and readable 9.5 point print, NKJV Comfort Print.  5.95 x 0.75 x 9.05 inches. Covered with imitation leather, with gilt-edged pages, just like your bible. 

The Shepherd King, by David Metzler

Surprised by the Lord's Prayer

Since David wrote half the songs contained in the book of Psalms, this daily devotional, The Shepherd King, by David Metzler, can provide background. (It is one of the devotional books for 2024)

Since many of the psalms are prayers, our blog discussion centered around prayer one day, and  one of our readers whose pastor, Gary Taber, wrote, Surprised by the Lord’s Prayer  suggested it as a good resource.  This book could be a great tool for personal and group Bible Study. Every element of prayer, worship and intercession is embedded in its pages. Let us know what  you think in the comment section.

The Bible Study Lessons for Jan – March 2024 are on the book of Psalms in our Bible, and you may find the comments on our blog insightful. Among other things, they have suggested some of the resources on this page. You can begin with the first blog post on the Book of Psalms, which is the first lesson of the quarter. 

You may download the full lesson quarterly for studying Psalms  in Kindle format from Amazon.

Lesson Author Dragoslava Santrac, PhD in Old Testament, is managing editor of the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists world headquarters.  This encyclopedia is free to use online and is a real treasure trove! She has authored the portion on Psalm 78-150 for the Seventh-day Adventist International Bible Commentary, Volume 6.

The Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists  is a real treasure trove, and it is free to use online! You can read some examples of interesting facts in this article

Ellen White Lesson Notes for PsalmsMartin G. Klingbeil, Psalms companion book, 2024a Martin G, Klingbeil wrote the Bible Bookshelf book to accompany the lesson on Psalms this quarter. As a longtime student of Psalms, Martin Klingbeil takes an in-depth look at Psalms, displaying God’s acts of power and mercy, as well as the ever-present prophetic voice, pointing to the Messiah—the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Ellen White companion book to Psalms is available in Kindle format from


Video and Audio Resources on the Psalms

To start off, here are two helpful videos for understanding and enjoying the Book of  Psalms by The Bible Project:  

This video overview video on the book of Psalms breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought:

This video explores “The Art of Biblical Poetry,” which helps us to appreciate the Psalms:

Many years ago I first enjoyed the inimitable Alexander Scourby read the Bible out loud.  He made the rhythm of the King James version sing. That was long before there was Youtube! Now you, too, can hear him read the Psalms in the classic King James translation:

Here’s an enjoyable rendition of the Book of PSALMS: in the English Contemporary Version of the Bible  – a version I didn’t know existed! Full Narration with Text, Dramatized Audio, sound effects (not just annoyingly loud music):

This is just a little taste of what you can find on Youtube in Bible readings.



The Psalms — 6 Comments

  1. I'm trying to find an online Sabbath School video of the current lesson, but it seems to be hidden from me.

  2. Hi, Kindly Could you help me with Sabbath school lesson from 2024 to 2029 Just titles would enough for personal study

    • Sorry, we do not have that information, You would need to contact the General Conference for that and even then I don't know if they are willing to release it that far ahead.

      Just to be clear, Sabbath School Net is not a department of the church. We are an independent ministry operated by private individuals. We essentially provide a resource for folk who teach the Sabbath School lesson and provide an open moderated forum for discussion.


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