Videos at the Geoscience Research Center

You will find video series on these topics:

Seeking Understanding


Clash of Ideas

“Creator Revealed” Video Series

Faith and Science Fundamentals

So What Do I Say Now?

Long Story Short: Challenge to the Origin of Life

Design in the Galapagos Islands

Thinking Creation

Social Media Clips for Sharing



Creation Lab

Faith, Reason and Earth History

Lazarus Taxa

Faith and Science Devotionals

STEM Tuesdays (for Academy Students)

NatNature NatureandthePowerofGodNature and the Power of God (Virtual Campmeeting)


MyStory: Tim Standish on evolution/creation – 15.02.13

 Celebration of Creation – Dr Timothy Standish

Timothy Standish: The wonders of Creation – Flight

Ariel Roth Youtube Channel

Sample videos below: 





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