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1929 Collection

1929 October – December: Old Testament Experiences

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Faith Of Abraham
  2. Lot Pitched His Tent Toward Sodom
  3. Jacob And Esau
  4. Jacob The Supplanter Becomes Israel, A Prince With God
  5. Jacob And His Twelve Sons
  6. God’s Care Over Joseph In Egypt
  7. Joseph And His Brethren
  8. Israel In Bondage
  9. Moses Called To Deliver God’s People
  10. The Passover
  11. Deliverance At The Red Sea; Manna From Heaven
  12. The Giving Of The Law
  13. God’s Dwelling Place

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1929 July – September: God Revealed in the Natural World

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Weekly Topics

  1. The True God
  2. God’s Power and Love
  3. God’s Gift of Life
  4. God’s Faithfulness
  5. God’s Wisdom and Care
  6. God’s Crowning Work
  7. God’s Memorial
  8. The Great Defeat
  9. The Great Redemption
  10. Obedience Better Than Sacrifice
  11. Destruction Follows Desecration
  12. Restoration and Dispersion
  13. Reminders in Nature of God’s Character

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1929 April – June: Responsibilities and Blessings of Stewardship

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Creator And Upholder Of All
  2. The Call Of Ancient Israel To The Service Of God
  3. God’s Claims Forgotten—A Call To Repentance And Reformation
  4. Our Time And Talents Belong To God
  5. The Blessing Of Physical Health
  6. Returning Our Children To God
  7. Christ The Way To Sacrifice And Service
  8. To A Lost World—Go Ye
  9. The Laborer Worthy Of His Hire
  10. A Test Of Loyalty And Devotion Holding The Ropes
  11. The Blessings Derived From Faithful Stewardship
  12. The Gift Of The Holy Spirit; God’s Assurance Of Victory
  13. Triumph For Those Who Covenant By Sacrifice

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1929 January – March:  Lessons from the Book of Isaiah

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Weekly Topics

  1. The God Of Comfort
  2. God’s Call To Return; The Word That Transforms
  3. Blessings To Jew And Gentile; Blind Watchmen
  4. The Righteous And The Wicked In The Day Of Trouble
  5. True Fasting; The Sabbath Restored
  6. A Redeemer Promised To A Penitent People
  7. The Final Triumph Of The Righteous
  8. Builders Of The Old Waste Places .
  9. The Holy People; The Lord’s Redeemed
  10. Afflicted For His People’s Sake
  11. A Prayer For The Revealing Of God’s Power
  12. A People Prepared For A New Heaven And A New Earth
  13. The Ingathering From The Gentiles; Worship In The New Earth

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1928 Collection

1928 October – December: Lessons from the Book of Isaiah

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Weekly Topics

  1. “Behold Your God!”
  2. Jehovah’s Challenge To False Gods
  3. The Elect Of God; A Light Of The Gentiles
  4. The Gathering Of Israel; Witnesses For God
  5. The True God; Vanity Of Idols; Cyrus, The Shepherd
  6. The Vanity Of False Gods; One Only Saviour
  7. The Fate Of Babylon; God’s Final Appeal To His People
  8. The Servant: Hope For The Discouraged
  9. “Thy Saviour And Thy Redeemer”
  10. The Righteousness And Power Of God; His Care For His People
  11. Zion Led From Utter Defeat To Triumphant Victory
  12. The Lamb Of God
  13. Stricken Because Of Israel’s Transgressions

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1928 July – September: Lessons from the Book of Isaiah

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Times Of Isaiah; Spiritual Conditions; The Call Of Isaiah
  2. The Rebellion Of Israel And Its Results; God’s Call To Repentance
  3. The Call Of The People To The House Of Jacob; A Controversy With Zion; A Refuge In Zion
  4. The Vineyard; The Six Woes; Messianic Prophecies; The Remnant
  5. A Song Of Praise; The Earth Destroyed; The Fall Of Satan
  6. The Trials And Triumphs Of God’s People
  7. The Vineyard; False Security
  8. Events Connected With The Coming Of The Lord
  9. The Judgment And The Time Of Trouble
  10. The Destruction Of The Earth; The New Earth
  11. Invasion Of Judah By Assyria; God Delivers His People
  12. Hezekiah’s Prayer Answered; His Pride Rebuked
  13. Warnings And Reproofs; An Unheeded Call To Repentance

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1928 April – June: Lessons from the Life of David

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Anointing Of David
  2. David And Goliath
  3. David Becomes A Fugitive
  4. David A Fugitive (Continued)
  5. The Magnanimity Of David
  6. David At Ziklag; The Death Of Saul
  7. David Called To The Throne
  8. The Reign Of David
  9. David’s Sin And Repentance
  10. The Rebellion Of Absalom
  11. The Last Years Of David
  12. Character Study Of David
  13. A Psalm Of David—An Acknowledgment Of God’s Power And Guidance

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1928 January – March: The Book of Ephesians

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Weekly Topics

  1. Chosen In Christ
  2. Redeemed Through Christ
  3. Prayer For Us All
  4. Alive From The Dead
  5. One In Christ Jesus
  6. One People In Christ
  7. One Universal Family
  8. The Oneness Of The Divine
  9. Spiritual Gifts; Their Purpose
  10. Our Everyday Life
  11. Followers Of God
  12. Practical Christian Life In The Home
  13. The Christian Armor

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1927 Collection

1927 October – December: Topical Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. Search The Scriptures
  2. Prayer
  3. Victory Through Faith
  4. The Holy Spirit
  5. The Fruit Of The Spirit
  6. Trials
  7. Patience; Power Of The Tongue
  8. Reverence In The House Of God
  9. God’s Care For Us
  10. Obedience
  11. True Temperance
  12. Let The Light Shine
  13. Christian Conduct In Society And In The Home
  14. The Review

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1927 July – September: Topical Studies

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Beginning And The End Of Sin
  2. The Coming Of The Lord Jesus
  3. Signs Of The Coming Of Jesus
  4. The Millennium Of The Bible
  5. The Law Of God
  6. The Sabbath
  7. The Change Of The Sabbath
  8. True Sabbath Reform; Proper Sabbath Observance
  9. The Sleep Of Death
  10. The Judgment
  11. The Ordinances Of The Lord’s House
  12. Tithes And Offerings
  13. The Review

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1927 April – June: The Acts of the Apostles

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Weekly Topics

  1. Paul And Apollos At Ephesus
  2. Trouble At Ephesus
  3. Paul Journeying Toward Jerusalem
  4. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Ended At Jerusalem
  5. Paul Arrested In The Temple
  6. Paul’s Address On The Castle Stairs
  7. Paul Before The Council; A Plot Made Known
  8. Paul Accused Before Felix
  9. Paul Before Festus.
  10. Paul Before Agrippa
  11. The Voyage To Rome
  12. On The Island; At Rome
  13. The Review

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1927 January – March: The  Acts of the Apostles

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Ministry Of Saul And Peter
  2. Cornelius And Peter
  3. The Gospel Given To The Gentiles
  4. Peter Tells His Experience; The Gospel Reaches Antioch
  5. Death Of James; Peter Delivered From Prison
  6. Beginning Of Paul’s First Missionary Journey
  7. Paul And Barnabas At Iconium, Lystra, And Derbe
  8. The Council At Jerusalem; Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  9. Paul And Silas At Philippi
  10. Paul And Silas At Thessalonica And Berea
  11. Paul At Athens
  12. Paul At Corinth; End Of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  13. The Review

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1926 Collection

1926 October – December: The Acts of the Apostles

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Ascension Of Jesus; Tarrying At Jerusalem
  2. The Holy Spirit Given
  3. Peter Preaches; A Multitude Converted
  4. The Lame Man Healed
  5. The Trial Of Peter And John
  6. The Experience Of Ananias And Sapphira
  7. Prison Doors Opened; Gamaliel Gives Counsel
  8. Deacons Appointed; Arrest Of Stephen
  9. Stephen’s Sermon Before The Council; His Death
  10. Philip Preaching In Samaria
  11. Philip And The Man From Ethiopia
  12. The Conversion Of Saul
  13. The Review 

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1926 July – September: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Comforts His Disciples
  2. The Vine And The Branches
  3. Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane
  4. Jesus Before The High Priest; Peter’s Denial
  5. Jesus Before The Sanhedrin; Jesus Before Pilate; The Death Of Judas
  6. Jesus Before Herod; Pilate Seeks To Release Jesus
  7. Jesus Mocked; The Crucifixion
  8. Jesus On The Cross
  9. Burial And Resurrection Of Jesus
  10. Visits To The Sepulcher
  11. On The Way To Emmaus; Jesus Appears To The Disciples
  12. Jesus Appears Again To The Disciples
  13. The Review

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1926 April – June: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Parable Of The Wicked Husbandmen
  2. Marriage Of The King’s Son; Tribute To Caesar
  3. The Great Commandment; The Widow’s Mites
  4. Jesus Foretells The End Of The World
  5. The Destruction Of Jerusalem; Signs Of The Coming Of Christ
  6. Watchful Preparation
  7. The Parable Of The Virgins
  8. The Parable Of The Talents
  9. The Judgment Scene
  10. Enemies Plan Jesus’ Death; Preparation For The Passover
  11. Contention Among The Twelve; Jesus Washing The Disciples’ Feet
  12. The Lord’s Supper Instituted; Jesus Points Out The Traitor
  13. The Review

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1926 January – March: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Dines With A Pharisee; Parable Of The Great Supper
  2. Parable Of The Lost Sheep; The Prodigal
  3. The Unjust Steward
  4. The Resurrection Of Lazarus; Priestly Plottings
  5. The Importunate Widow; The Pharisee And The Publican; Blessing Little Children
  6. The Rich Young Ruler
  7. Laborers In The Vineyard
  8. Jesus Again Foretells His Death; James And John Seek Honor
  9. A Blind Man Healed; Jesus Visits Zaccheus
  10. Anointing Of Jesus
  11. Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem; Second Cleansing Of The Temple
  12. The Fruitless Fig Tree; Jesus And The Pharisees
  13. The Review

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1925 Collection

1925 October – December: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Jesus Foretells His Death; Provides Tribute Money; Teaches Humility
  2. Gaining The Brother; Reckoning With Servants
  3. Test Of Discipleship; The Seventy Sent Forth
  4. Jesus Prays; Ten Lepers Cleansed
  5. Healing The Blind Man On The Sabbath
  6. The Good Shepherd
  7. Parable Of The Good Samaritan
  8. At The Home Of Mary And Martha; Dining With A Pharisee
  9. Warnings And Instructions; Parable Of The Rich Man
  10. Parable Of The Waiting Servants
  11. The Barren Fig Tree; Woman Healed On The Sabbath
  12. Jesus Teaching The People
  13. The Review

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1925 July – September: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Five Parables: The Mustard Seed, The Leaven, The Treasure, The Pearl, The Fish Net
  2. Jesus Stills The Tempest; The Demoniacs Of Gadara
  3. The Daughter Of Jairus; The Afflicted Woman
  4. Two Blind Men Healed; A Dumb Spirit Cast Out
  5. The Twelve Sent Forth
  6. Instruction To The Twelve
  7. Five Thousand Fed; Jesus Walks On The Sea
  8. The Bread Of Life
  9. The Syrophoenician’s Daughter; Healing The Deaf And Dumb Man
  10. Four Thousand Fed; Healing A Blind Man; Jesus Teaching The Disciples
  11. The Transfiguration
  12. Healing The Demoniac
  13. The Review

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1925 April – June: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Healing The Paralytic; Call Of Levi-Matthew
  2. Healing The Infirm Man At Bethesda
  3. True Sabbath Keeping; Christ Chooses Apostles
  4. The Sermon On The Mount — The Beatitudes
  5. The Sermon On The Mount—Magnifying The Law; Love For Others
  6. The Sermon On The Mount —Giving Alms; Prayer
  7. The Sermon On The Mount — The Father’s Care For His Children
  8. The Sermon On The Mount—Judging; Fruit Bearing; Right Building
  9. The Centurion’s Servant; The Widow’s Son
  10. John The Baptist In Prison
  11. The Parable Of The Sower
  12. The Parable Of The Tares
  13. The Review

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1925 January – March: The Life of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Parents Of John The Baptist
  2. The Birth Of Jesus
  3. The Visit Of The Shepherds; The Dedication
  4. The Visit Of The Wise Men; Flight Into Egypt
  5. The Ministry Of John The Baptist
  6. The Temptation Of Jesus
  7. The First Disciples; The First Miracle; Cleansing The Temple; The Passover Feast
  8. Nicodemus Visits Jesus; John Again Testifies Of Jesus
  9. The Woman Of Samaria
  10. Healing The Nobleman’s Son; Jesus At Nazareth
  11. Healing The ‘Demoniac; Healing Peter’s Wife’s Mother
  12. Calling The Fishermen; Healing The Leper
  13. The Review

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1924 Collection

1924 October – December: The Christian Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. Faith
  2. Righteousness By Faith
  3. Obedience
  4. Confession
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Consecration
  7. Christian Service
  8. Unity Of Believers
  9. Ministry Of Trials
  10. Patience
  11. Contentment And Cheerfulness
  12. Blessedness Of Giving
  13. Sabbath Observance

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1924 July – September: The Victorious Life

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Word of God
  2. Power of God’s Word in Overcoming
  3. The Mission of Jesus
  4. Promises of Victory
  5. Victory Through Surrender
  6. Victory Through an Indwelling Christ
  7. Victory in Word and Thought
  8. Victory Through Prayer
  9. Examples of Victory Through Prayer
  10. Victory Through Believing
  11. Victory Through the Spirit
  12. Repentance and Confession
  13. Preparation for Translation

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1924 April – June: Love to God and Love to Man

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Unfathomable Love of God
  2. God’s Ownership and Man’s Stewardship
  3. God’s Memorials and Ordinances
  4. The Tithe —a Test: the Use of the Tithe
  5. The Heart Deceitful and Covetous
  6. Reformation and Restoration
  7. Our Inheritance: Christ’s Inheritance
  8. Our Inheritance: Christ’s Inheritance (Concluded)
  9. God Remembers and Rewards Sacrifices
  10. Liberal Offerings a Part of Acceptable Worship
  11. The Gospel of the Kingdom to All the World
  12. A Survey of the Rise and Progress of the Last Gospel Message
  13. A Survey of the Rise and Progress of the Last Gospel Message (Concluded)

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1924 January – March: Christian Missions

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christ, the Founder of Missions
  2. The Gospel Proclaimed in Old Testament Times
  3. Israel’s Missionary Opportunities
  4. Israel’s Missionary Opportunities and Failures
  5. The Great Missionary Commission
  6. Mission Service Under the Holy Spirit’s Guidance
  7. Paul, the Missionary
  8. Missionary Activities of the Church— Prophecy and Fulfillment
  9. Missionary Activities of the Church Following the Reformation
  10. The Place of Missions in the Three Angels’ Messages
  11. Responsibilities and Privileges of the Hour
  12. The Missionary’s Reward
  13. Review

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1923 Collection

1923 October – December: The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Gifts of the Spirit
  2. Apostles and Prophets
  3. Evangelists, Pastors
  4. Teachers
  5. Love
  6. Love (Continued)
  7. Joy
  8. Peace
  9. Long-Suffering and Patience
  10. Gentleness and Kindness
  11. Goodness and Faith
  12. Meekness
  13. Temperance

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1923 July – September: Second Epistle of Peter

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christian Growth
  2. Remembrance and Surety
  3. Warnings and Safety Measures
  4. Warnings and Safety Measures (Continued)
  5. Surety of the Lord’s Promises
  6. The Coming of the Lord
  7. Carefulness in the Christian Walk as the End Draws Near
  8. Confession and Forgiveness
  9. Sabbath Keeping
  10. Returning the Tithe to God
  11. Health and Temperance
  12. Christian Education
  13. Our Duty to Labor for the Salvation of Others

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1923 April – June: First Epistle of Peter

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Christian’s Hope
  2. The Great Salvation
  3. Bought with a Price
  4. The Chief Corner Stone
  5. The Chosen People
  6. Christ Our Example
  7. Practical Duties
  8. Suffering for Righteousness’ Sake
  9. The Godly Life
  10. Christian Stewardship
  11. Suffering with Christ
  12. Instructions to the Church
  13. Resisting the Enemy

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1923 January – March: Epistle of  James

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Weekly Topics

  1. Trials; Seeking Wisdom
  2. The Frailty of Man; the Root of Temptation
  3. The Engrafted Word; Pure Religion
  4. God Is No Respecter of Persons; the Judgment Standard
  5. Faith and Works
  6. The Tongue
  7. The Tree Known by the Fruit
  8. Friendship with the World; Its Results
  9. Judging; Vanity of Earthly Things
  10. Last-Day Conditions; Exhortations to Patience
  11. Patience; Prayer for the Sick; Saving a Sinner
  12. Covetousness
  13. Review

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1922 Collection

1922 October – December: A Study of Bible Characters

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Weekly Topics

  1. Joseph and His Brothers
  2. Joseph’s First Experiences in Egypt
  3. Jacob Sends to Egypt for Corn
  4. Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brothers
  5. Jacob in Egypt
  6. Moses
  7. Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
  8. Through the Red Sea
  9. Wilderness Experiences
  10. Disobedience and Rebellion of Israel
  11. The Death of Aaron and Moses
  12. Joshua as Leader
  13. Review

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1922 July – Sept: A Study of Bible Characters

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Weekly Topics

  1. Cain and Abel
  2. Enoch and Noah
  3. Abraham Called
  4. Abraham in Canaan
  5. Experiences of Abraham
  6. Abraham’s Faith Tested
  7. Lot Delivered from Sodom
  8. The Marriage of Isaac
  9. Jacob and Esau
  10. Jacob Secures the Birthright Blessing
  11. Jacob’s Flight and Exile
  12. Jacob in the Home of Laban
  13. Jacob Wrestles with the Angel
  14. The Review

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1922 April – June: Christian Service

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Divine Plan in Creation
  2. The Conflict of the Ages .
  3. God’s Witnesses
  4. Israel’s Missionary Leadership
  5. Israel a Severed Vine
  6. The Coming of Shiloh
  7. Christ the True Pattern in Service
  8. Christ’s Methods in Service
  9. Executors of the Divine Will
  10. Equipped for Successful Service
  11. The Work of the Disciples in Apostolic Times
  12. The Work of the Disciples in Apostolic Times (Continued)
  13. The Last Call to Enter the Vineyard, and Reward of Faithful Service

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1922 January – March: With the Great Teacher

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Weekly Topics

  1. In Youth; in Later Years; in Training Others
  2. The Beatitudes
  3. The Law Unfolded
  4. Giving Alms; Prayer
  5. Our Father’s Care; Judging
  6. Asking; Living; a Sure Foundation
  7. Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
  8. The Bread of Life
  9. The Good Shepherd
  10. Words of Comfort
  11. Jesus the True Vine
  12. The Holy Spirit

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1921 Collection

1921 October – December: The Kingdom of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christ and the Kingdom
  2. The Promise of the Territory
  3. The Promise of the Throne
  4. The Promise to Abraham
  5. The Promise to David
  6. Prophecies Concerning the Kingdom
  7. The Outcome of the Struggle for World Supremacy
  8. The Mystery of the Kingdom
  9. A Converting Message to Nebuchadnezzar
  10. Babylon’s Fall and Its Cause
  11. Modern Babylon
  12. Separation from Babylon
  13. Christ’s Teaching Concerning the Kingdom
  14. The Great Consummation

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1921 July – September: Union with Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Last Adam
  2. The Essential Gospel
  3. The Essential Gospel (Continued)
  4. A Present Christ
  5. The Presence of the Comforter
  6. The Work of the Comforter
  7. The Comforter at Work
  8. The Comforter Teaching, Witnessing, Interceding, Sealing, Sanctifying
  9. The Gifts of the Spirit
  10. The Church
  11. The Church (Continued)
  12. The Communion
  13. “In Christ”

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1921 April – June: The Work of Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. Christ the Revealer of God
  2. Christ the Redeemer
  3. The Death of Christ
  4. The Resurrection of Christ
  5. Christ Our Priest – The Union of the Divine and the Human
  6. Christ Our Saviour – The Builder of God’s House
  7. Christ Our Priest – After the Work of Melchizedek
  8. Christ Our Priest – The Mediator of a Better Covenant
  9. Christ Our Priest – The Law and the Gospel
  10. Christ Our Priest – The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
  11. The False Mediatorial System
  12. Doing the Will of God
  13. The Result of the Work of Christ

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1921 January – March: Our Personal Saviour Jesus Christ

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Weekly Topics

  1. A Personal Gospel
  2. Christ in All the Bible
  3. The Preexistence of Christ
  4. The Incarnation
  5. The Purpose of the Incarnation
  6. The Son of God
  7. The Deity of Christ
  8. The Son of Man
  9. The One Mediator
  10. The Saviour
  11. Various Titles of Christ
  12. The Lord of Glory
  13. The Center of Christianity

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1920 Collection

1920 October – December: Bible Studies on Creation

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Creation
  2. Man’s Eden Home
  3. The Temptation and the Fall
  4. Creation Not Now Going On
  5. The Literal Week
  6. The Growth of Apostasy
  7. The Flood
  8. The Effects of the Flood
  9. Lessons from the Book of Nature
  10. Scientific Facts Anticipated in the Bible
  11. The Beginning of Apostate Religions
  12. The Truth of Creation a Part of the Last-Day Message
  13. The Review

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1920 July – September: Christian Education

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Weekly Topics

  1. Education and Life
  2. The Eden School
  3. Education and Redemption
  4. Education in the Home
  5. Schools of the Prophets
  6. Results of True Education in Israel
  7. The Education of Jesus
  8. The School of Christ
  9. The School of the Apostles
  10. The School in the Advent
  11. The Christian School of Today
  12. The School of the Hereafter
  13. The Review

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1920 April – June: The Ministry of Angels

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Weekly Topics

  1. Angels Real Created Beings
  2. Angels a Higher Order of Being than Man
  3. Number and Glory of the Angels
  4. Power of the Angels
  5. Guardian Angels
  6. Angels and the Judgment Books
  7. Agents in Divine Revelation
  8. Angel Ministry to Men
  9. Angel Ministry to Men (Continued)
  10. Angel Ministry to Jesus
  11. Angel Ministry in the Gospel
  12. Angel Ministry in the Gospel (Continued)
  13. Angels in the World Harvest

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1920 January – March: Epistle to the Philippians

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Weekly Topics

  1. Come Over and Help Us
  2. Abounding in Christ
  3. Magnifying Christ
  4. Suffering for Christ
  5. Having the Mind of Christ
  6. Willing and Doing for Christ
  7. Working Together with Christ
  8. Rejoicing in Christ
  9. The High Calling in Christ
  10. Walking with Christ
  11. Standing Fast in Christ
  12. Doing All Things Through Christ
  13. Living in Christ – A Review

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