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1969 Collection
1969 October – December: Keys of the Kingdom
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- Christ, the Author and the Theme of Scripture.
- The Inspiration of the Scriptures.
- Searching the Scriptures.
- The Two Books of God.
- The Sure Word of Prophecy.
- The Historical Bible.
- Conditional Prophecy.
- Prophecies Concerning Israel—I.
- Prophecies Concerning Israel—II.
- Treasures New and Old.
- Responsibilities of Bible Study.
- The Scriptures and My Life.
- Triumph of the Scriptures.
1969 July – September: Divine Commands and Promises
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- “Look Now Toward Heaven”
- “Fear Thou Not”
- “Be Ye Doers of the Word”
- “Hope Thou in God”
- “Follow After … Patience”
- “Love Your Enemies”
- “Judge Not”
- “Watch Unto Prayer”
- “Overcome Evil With Good”
- “Be Careful for Nothing”
- “Grieve Not the Holy Spirit”
- “Be Ye Reconciled”
- “Be Ye Perfect”
1969 April – June: Redeeming Grace
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- Redemptive Activity of the Godhead
- The Unchanging Purpose of God
- Grace Revealed in the Life of Jesus
- Grace and the Cross of Calvary
- Paul’s Teachings of Redeeming Grace
- Justification by Faith Through Grace
- Grace and the Sanctified Life
- Redeeming Grace and the Law
- God’s Grace and Christian Perfection
- The Grace of God and the Covenants of the Bible
- Redeeming Grace and Predestination
- Redeeming Grace and Christian Fellowship
- Grace and Power in the Remnant Church
1969 January – March: The Crises of the Christ
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- Provision for the Crisis of Sin
- Satan’s Attacks
- Early Crises in the Life of Christ
- Preparation for Service
- Jesus Accepts the Call to Service
- Tempted to Self-assertion
- Resistance to Control
- To Make Him King
- Looking Forward to the Cross
- Ancient Israel’s Decisive Hour
- Crisis of Crises
- “Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”
- The Sacrifice Accepted
1968 Collection
1968 October – December: Lessons from the lives of the Old Testament Prophets
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- Abraham, Friend of God—Part I
- Abraham, Friend of God—Part II
- Abraham, Friend of God—Part III
- Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part I
- Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part II
- Samuel, the Prophet and Judge
- Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part I
- Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part II
- Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part I
- Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part II
- The Prophet Jonah
- Daniel, the Prophet—Part I
- Daniel, the Prophet—Part II
1968 July – September: Studies in the Book of James
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- Trials and Character Development
- The Problem of Temptation
- The Practical Character of Christian Experience
- The Sin of Partiality
- Faith and Works
- Teachers of Present Truth—Wise and Unwise
- Use and Abuse of the Talent of Speech
- True and False Wisdom Contrasted
- The Carnal Mind and the Spiritual Mind
- The Folly of Exalting Self
- Warning Against Improper Acquisition and Use of Wealth
- Patient Endurance and the Coming of Christ
- Closing Admonitions
1968 April – June: Faith and the Promises of God
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- Faith Is Indispensable
- Faith and a Knowledge of God
- Faith and God’s Promises
- Faith and the Promise of Reconciliation
- Faith and the Promise of Pardon
- Faith and the Promise of God’s Presence
- Faith and the Promise of God’s Love
- Faith and the Promise of Answered Prayer
- Faith and God’s Promises of Care and Guidance
- Faith and the Promise of the Holy Spirit
- Faith and Assurance
- Faith and the Promise of Victory
- Faith and the Promise of Christ’s Return
1968 January – March: Studies in the Book of Acts, No. 2
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- Paul’s First Missionary Journey; Cyprus and Pisidia
- The Apostles in Conflict With Heathenism
- The Council of Jerusalem Brings Harmony
- Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
- The Gospel in Macedonia and Greece
- The Gospel in Corinth; Beginnings in Ephesus
- Paul’s Three Years at Ephesus
- Paul’s Journey to Jerusalem
- Paul’s Imprisonment
- Paul Before Felix and Festus
- Paul Before King Agrippa
- The Journey to Rome
- Paul’s Last Years
1967 Collection
1967 October – December: Studies in the Book of Acts, No. 1
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- The Great Commission; the Twelve Apostles
- The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- The Healing of the Lame Man
- The First Persecution
- The Spirit of God at Work
- The Second Persecution
- The Seven Deacons
- The Third Persecution; the Martyrdom of Stephen
- Missionary Expansion: From Judea to Samaria
- The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
- The Ministry of Peter
- Peter Renders an Account; the Word at Antioch
- The Fourth Persecution; an Attack on James and Peter
1967 July – September The Joys and Obligations of Christian Stewardship
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- The Christian, a Steward of God
- Christian Worship Acknowledges Stewardship
- The Church, a Steward of God’s Grace
- The Christian, a Steward of Faith
- The Stewardship of Prayer
- The Stewardship of the Word of God
- The Stewardship of Influence
- Stewardship in the Home
- Christian Stewardship of Talents
- Stewardship in Service
- A Faithful Stewardship of Material Things
- Generosity in Stewardship
- Stewardship of His Love
- Rewards That Endure
1967 April – June: Selected Lessons from the Life of Christ
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- The Reception of Jesus
- The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
- Christ a Personal Worker
- Commission and Witness of the Apostles
- The Sermon on the Mount
- The Great Confession Confirmed
- Lessons on the Kingdom
- Jesus Seeking the Lost
- Jesus Gives Final Instructions
- Gethsemane
- Jesus on Trial
- Calvary
- The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus
1967 January – March: Studies in the Book of Daniel
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- Opportunity, Apostasy, and Exile
- The King of Heaven and the Kings of Babylon
- The King of Heaven and the Kings of Persia
- God’s Purpose for Israel After the Exile
- Great Empires of Prophecy
- The Great Tyrant of Prophecy
- Christ Provides the Master Key
- Unlocking the Mysteries of Daniel’s Prophecies
- Christ Our Great High Priest
- The Reign of Antichrist
- Christ Our Righteous Judge
- Christ Our King
1966 Collection
1966 October – December: The Spirit-Filled Life
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- Christlikeness
- The Spirit of Forgiveness
- The Spirit of Humility
- The Spirit of Christian Courtesy
- The Spirit of Self-Control
- The Spirit of Kindness
- The Spirit of Self-Denial
- The Spirit of Zealous Service
- The Spirit of Prayer
- The Spirit of Courage
- The Spirit of Giving
- The Spirit of Faithfulness
- The Spirit of Brotherhood
- Becoming Like Him
1966 July – September: The People of Promise
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- God’s Purpose for This Earth
- God’s Purpose Revealed Through the Patriarchs
- God Reveals His Purpose to National Israel
- God’s Glorious Plan for Israel
- Israel’s Failure and God’s Mercy
- Prophecies of Disaster and Hope
- The Vineyard of the Lord
- Christ Rejected by His Chosen People
- Spiritual Israel Replaces Literal Israel
- Prophecy and the Church
- Attempts to Defeat God’s Purposes
- The Remnant Preserved
- Climax of God’s Purpose
1966 April – June: Christian Virtues
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- Goodness and Nobility
- Faithfulness and Dependability .
- Temperance and Sobriety
- Liberality and Benevolence
- Self -Denial and Sacrifice
- Purity and Morality
- Patience and Forbearance
- Meekness and Humility
- Reverence and Worship
- Diligence and Industry
- Kindness and Sympathy
- Justice and Equity
- Zeal and Soul Saving
1966 January – March: Lessons from the Epistles to the Corinthians
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- Establishment of the Corinthian Church
- Backgrounds of the Corinthian Epistles
- Christian Unity
- Warnings Against Immorality
- Counsels Concerning Marriage
- Relationships Between Church Members
- Profiting From Israel’s Failure
- Spiritual Gifts
- Love, the More Excellent Way
- The Hope of the Resurrection
- Fortitude in Affliction
- Christian Liberality
- Concluding Admonitions
1965 Collection
1965 October – December: The Church in the Christian Era
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- What Is the Church?
- The Purpose and Function of the Church
- The Divine Leader of the Church
- Christ’s Representative on Earth
- The Human Leaders of the Church
- Objectives and Methods of Church Organization
- Authority and Discipline in the Church
- The Spiritual Life of Church Members
- The Ordinances of the Church
- The Church at Worship
- God’s Plan for Financing Church Activities
- Unity in Christ
- The Church in the Last Days
1965 July – September: Facing Last-Day Deceptions
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- Promises to the Obedient
- False Arguments for Disobedience
- Assault on the Character of God
- Man’s Condition in Death
- Spiritism a Snare
- The Last Great Deception
- Attacks on God’s Law
- Attempts to Destroy the Sabbath
- The Sabbath—Great Test of Loyalty
- Meeting Attacks on the Bible
- Stewardship and the Final Crisis
- Assaults Against the Ordinances
- Satan’s Last Stand
1965 April – June: When the World was Young
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Weekly Topics
- The Creator of the Universe
- God’s Guidebook
- God Created the Heaven and the Earth
- Days One to Five of Creation Week
- The Sixth Day of Creation Week
- The Memorial of Creation
- The Biblical Portrayal of Origins
- The Creator-Sustainer; His Servants
- The Origin of False Scientific Theories
- Results of Man’s Sin, in the Natural World
- The Antediluvian World
- The Flood
- Aftereffects of the Flood
1965 January – March: Fundamentals of Christian Living
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Weekly Topics
- God Is Fitting Men for His Eternal Kingdom
- How a Sinner Becomes a Saint
- Christianity and the Christian
- On Becoming a Christian—Steps to Christ
- The Christian’s Heart and Mind
- The Christian’s Body
- The Christian’s Possessions
- The Christian’s Time
- The Christian’s Home and Family
- The Christian’s Friends and Recreation
- The Christian and His Church
- The Christian and His Community
- The Christian and His Eternal Reward
1964 Collection
1964 October – December: The Epistle to the Galatians
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- Historical Background of the Epistle
- Paul and the Gospel
- From Persecutor to Preacher
- Struggle Against Legalism
- Justification by Faith, Not Works
- The Just Live by Faith
- Heirs According to the Promise
- Paul, the Ardent Evangelist
- Slave or Free
- Christian Liberty
- The Spirit-Controlled Life
- True Christianity
- Summary
1964 July – September: The Christian Home and Healthful Living
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- Marriage, Its Divine Origin and Purpose
- Comradeship at Home
- The Privilege of Parenthood
- The Training of Children
- Guiding Our Young People
- Factors Involved in Making Homes Happy or Unhappy
- Fidelity in Marriage
- The Cause of Disease
- Temperance in All Things
- Our Food and Drink
- The Power of Habit
- Mental Health
- Religion and Health
1964 April – June: Selected Lessons from the Psalms
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- Introduction to the Psalms
- Nature and Revelation Reveal God
- “The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation”
- “Blessed Are the Pure in Heart”
- Salvation Out of Suffering
- Forgiveness for the Repentant Sinner
- The Two Ways
- A Song of Utter Faith
- The Law of God
- Man’s Brevity, God’s Eternity
- From Doubt to Triumphant Faith
- Thanksgiving for God’s Loving-Kindness
- “Give Thanks Unto the Lord”
1964 January – March: Christ in all the Scriptures
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- The Attitude of Jesus Toward the Holy Scriptures
- The Testimony of the New Testament to Messianic Prophecy
- Prophecies of the Messiah in the Book of Genesis
- Exodus, the Book of Redemption
- Access to God Through the Atonement, in Leviticus
- Glimpses of the Messiah in the Book of Numbers
- The Promised Deliverer in Deuteronomy
- Redemption in the Historical Books: Joshua and Ruth
- Christ in the Psalms
- The Messiah in the Prophecies of Isaiah
- Christ in Daniel and Some of the Minor Prophets
- The Victorious Christ in the Book of Revelation
- We Have Found the Messiah
1963 Collection
1963 October – December: Encouragements and Warnings for the Church Today
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- The Church Militant in the Laodicean Age
- A Call to Revival
- Warnings Against Apostasy
- Fidelity in the Gathering Storm
- Righteousness Through Christ
- The Seal of the Living God
- The Sabbath—Vital Issue Through the Ages
- Faithfulness Under Persecution
- The Close of Probation
- The Time of Trouble
- Our Lord’s Return
- God’s Harvest
- The Judgment
1963 July – September: Lessons for Today from the Minor Prophets
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- God’s Vineyard
- Hosea—The Prophet of Love
- Joel—The Prophet of the Day of the Lord
- Amos—The Layman Prophet
- Obadiah—The Prophet of Doom
- Jonah—The Wayward Prophet
- Micah—The Prophet to the Remnant
- Nahum—Prophet of Consolation to the Oppressed
- Habakkuk—Prophet of Faith and Patience
- Zephaniah—Proclaimer of the Day of the Lord
- Haggai—Prophet of Courage, Action, and Victory
- Zechariah—Prophet of Glorious Possibilities
- Malachi—Prophet to a Self-Righteous People
1963 April – June: The Sanctuary
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- The Plan of Salvation Revealed in Type
- The Earthly Sanctuary
- Furnishings of the Sanctuary
- The Priesthood Before the Cross
- The Sanctuary System of Sacrifices
- Annual Feasts and Ceremonial Sabbaths
- The Day of Atonement
- Christ Our Sacrifice
- The Transition From the Earthly Sanctuary to the Heavenly
- The Priesthood of Christ
- Time of Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
- The Investigative Judgment
- The Close of Probation and the Removal of Sin
1963 January – March: Dynamics of Christian Witnessing
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- All Christians to Be Witnesses
- Witnesses in Every Age
- Objectives of Witnessing
- The Revelation of God’s Love
- Christ-Centred Witnessing
- Meekness and Humility in Witnessing
- The Place of Prayer in Witnessing
- Golden-Rule Religion
- The Witness of God’s Word
- Influence of a Godly Life
- Hindrances to Witnessing
- The Informed Witness
- Promise of the Spirit
1962 Collection
1962 October – December: Prayer and Victorious Living
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- The Mighty Conqueror
- How Jesus Gained the Victory
- The Armor of God—I
- The Armor of God—II
- Meeting Temptations and Trials Triumphantly
- Prayer—What Is It?
- Effectual Prayer
- Conditions to Answered Prayer—I
- Conditions to Answered Prayer—II
- Meeting Life’s Disappointments
- Notable Prayers of the Bible
- The Divine Exemplar in Prayer
- Complete Victory in Christ
1962 July – September: Women of the Bible
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- Eve, “The Mother of All Living”
- Sarah and Hagar
- Rebekah, Wife From a Far Country
- Rachel and Leah
- Miriam the Prophetess
- Rahab; Deborah
- Ruth the Moabitess
- Hannah; Rizpah
- “That Woman Jezebel”
- Esther, the Persian Queen
- Mary, the Mother of Jesus
- Martha and Mary
- Women of the Early Church
1962 April – June: The Gift of Prophecy
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- How God Communicates With Man
- The Call to the Prophetic Office
- The Broad Scope of the Prophet’s Work
- The Prophetic Vision
- The Prophet Delivers God’s Message
- Testing the Claims of the Prophet
- Integrity of the Prophetic Message
- The Primacy of the Bible
- Place and Work of the Spirit of Prophecy
- Marks of the Remnant Church
- A Gift That Guides and Guards
- Prophecy, a Guiding Light
- Confidence in the Spirit of Prophecy
1962 January – March: The Christian and his Neighbours
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- The Members of the Godhead
- The Unity of the Family
- Unity of the Church
- Relation of Church Members to Church Officers
- Relationship of Church Officers to Church Members
- Relationship of Church Members to Civil Authorities
- The Church Members’ Friends and Recreation
- “Who Is My Neighbor?”
- To All the World
- The Christian’s Relationship to His Neighbors of Other Races
- Equality of Believers
- The Christian and Divisive Issues
- Doing Good to All Men
1961 Collection
1961 October – December: Character Studies of Bible Youth
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- Youth in the Home and in the Church.
- A Study in Character Contrasts (Cain and Abel, Samuel and the sons of Eli, Absalom and Josiah)
- Triumph in the Supreme Test (Isaac)
- The Young Woman Who Became the Mother of Two Nations (Rebekah)
- The Youthful Dreamer (Joseph)
- A Youth Chosen for Great Leadership (Moses)
- The Youth Who Wanted His Own Way (Samson)
- The Unforgettable Friendship (David and Jonathan)
- The Youth Who Dared to Be Different (Daniel)
- From Persecutor to Apostle (Paul)
- The Prodigal and His Brother
- A Youth Who Fulfilled His Mission (John the Baptist)
- The Youth Who Redeemed the World
1961 July – September: Studies in the Gospel of John
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- Jesus—God-Man
- Jesus and His First Miracles
- Jesus and Nicodemus
- Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
- Jesus and the Impotent Man
- Jesus, the Bread of Life
- Jesus and the Blind Man
- Jesus, the Good Shepherd
- Jesus and Lazarus
- Jesus and the Last Supper
- Jesus and His Departure
- Jesus and His Father
- Jesus and the Cross
- Jesus and the Resurrection
1961 April – June: Righteousness by Faith in Christ
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- Righteousness
- The Great Need of the Church
- God’s Eternal Purpose
- The Origin and Nature of Sin
- Restoring the Union With God
- Imputed Righteousness – Justification by Faith
- Sanctification Through Imparted Righteousness
- Righteousness Imparted Through Communion with Christ
- Righteousness Received Through Faith
- Doing God’s Will
- Faith Counted for Righteousness
- The Three Angels’ Messages and Righteousness by Faith
- The Latter Rain and Righteousness by Faith
1961 January – March: Signs of the Times
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- God’s Warnings in the Past
- History’s Coming Climax
- Signs Promised by Christ— In the Heavens
- Signs Promised by Christ— In the Earth
- Signs in Social Life
- The Spread of Spiritism
- Counterfeit Signs
- The Last Great Sign
- How Near Is the End?
- The Church and Fulfilling Signs
- Preparation for His Coming
- The New World Order
1960 Collection
1960 October – December: Christ-Centered Doctrines
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- Sound Doctrine
- Christ, the Son of God
- Christ Our Salvation
- Christ Our Righteousness
- The Law of God
- The Sabbath
- Obedience
- The New Birth
- Baptism
- The Second Coming of Jesus
- Manner and Purpose of Christ’s Coming
- Immortality Through Christ
- The Millennium
- The Home of the Saved
1960 July – September: Studies on the Law of God
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Weekly Topics
- The Law and the Gospel
- The Decalogue
- No Other Gods
- True Worship
- The Holy Name
- Creation’s Memorial
- Parents and Children
- The Gift of Life
- Pure in Heart and Life
- Honesty in All Things
- Truthful Lips
- Holy Contentment
- The Supreme Motive
1960 April – June: Lessons for Today from the Times of Ezra and Nehemiah
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Weekly Topics
- The Divine Purpose in the Captivity
- Deliverance From Captivity
- The Sacrificial System Restored
- The Rebuilding Hindered
- Rebuilding Resumed
- Zechariah Encourages the Builders
- Further Messages of Encouragement
- The Temple Completed
- The Ministry of Ezra
- Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
- Reforms Instituted by Nehemiah
- Failure of Exiles to Fulfill Divine Purpose
- The Divine Purpose Fulfilled in the Christian Church
1960 January – March: The Blessed Hope
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Weekly Topics
- The Plan of Redemption
- Old Testament Glimpses of the Coming Redeemer
- Christ’s Witness to the Certainty of His return
- The Return of Jesus and the Judgment in the Parables
- The Apostles’ Conviction Regarding the Return of Jesus
- Signs on Earth
- Signs in the Heavens
- Other Last-Day Signs
- Signs in the Spiritual World
- The Manner of His Coming
- Preparation for Christ’s Coming
- The Object of His Coming
- The Finished Plan
