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1969 Collection

1969 October – December: Keys of the Kingdom

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  1. Christ, the Author and the Theme of Scripture.
  2. The Inspiration of the Scriptures.
  3. Searching the Scriptures.
  4. The Two Books of God.
  5. The Sure Word of Prophecy.
  6. The Historical Bible.
  7. Conditional Prophecy.
  8. Prophecies Concerning Israel—I.
  9. Prophecies Concerning Israel—II.
  10. Treasures New and Old.
  11. Responsibilities of Bible Study.
  12. The Scriptures and My Life.
  13. Triumph of the Scriptures.

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1969 July – September: Divine Commands and Promises

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  1. “Look Now Toward Heaven”
  2. “Fear Thou Not”
  3. “Be Ye Doers of the Word”
  4. “Hope Thou in God”
  5. “Follow After … Patience”
  6. “Love Your Enemies”
  7. “Judge Not”
  8. “Watch Unto Prayer”
  9. “Overcome Evil With Good”
  10. “Be Careful for Nothing”
  11. “Grieve Not the Holy Spirit”
  12. “Be Ye Reconciled”
  13. “Be Ye Perfect”

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1969 April – June: Redeeming Grace

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  1. Redemptive Activity of the Godhead
  2. The Unchanging Purpose of God
  3. Grace Revealed in the Life of Jesus
  4. Grace and the Cross of Calvary
  5. Paul’s Teachings of Redeeming Grace
  6. Justification by Faith Through Grace
  7. Grace and the Sanctified Life
  8. Redeeming Grace and the Law
  9. God’s Grace and Christian Perfection
  10. The Grace of God and the Covenants of the Bible
  11. Redeeming Grace and Predestination
  12. Redeeming Grace and Christian Fellowship
  13. Grace and Power in the Remnant Church

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1969 January – March: The Crises of the Christ

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  1. Provision for the Crisis of Sin
  2. Satan’s Attacks
  3. Early Crises in the Life of Christ
  4. Preparation for Service
  5. Jesus Accepts the Call to Service
  6. Tempted to Self-assertion
  7. Resistance to Control
  8. To Make Him King
  9. Looking Forward to the Cross
  10. Ancient Israel’s Decisive Hour
  11. Crisis of Crises
  12. “Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”
  13. The Sacrifice Accepted

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1968 Collection

1968 October – December: Lessons from the lives of the Old Testament Prophets

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  1. Abraham, Friend of God—Part I
  2. Abraham, Friend of God—Part II
  3. Abraham, Friend of God—Part III
  4. Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part I
  5. Moses, the Peerless Leader—Part II
  6. Samuel, the Prophet and Judge
  7. Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part I
  8. Elijah, Man of Like Passions—Part II
  9. Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part I
  10. Elisha, the Prophet With the Double Portion—Part II
  11. The Prophet Jonah
  12. Daniel, the Prophet—Part I
  13. Daniel, the Prophet—Part II

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1968 July – September: Studies in the Book of James

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  1. Trials and Character Development
  2. The Problem of Temptation
  3. The Practical Character of Christian Experience
  4. The Sin of Partiality
  5. Faith and Works
  6. Teachers of Present Truth—Wise and Unwise
  7. Use and Abuse of the Talent of Speech
  8. True and False Wisdom Contrasted
  9. The Carnal Mind and the Spiritual Mind
  10. The Folly of Exalting Self
  11. Warning Against Improper Acquisition and Use of Wealth
  12. Patient Endurance and the Coming of Christ
  13. Closing Admonitions

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1968 April – June: Faith and the Promises of God

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  1. Faith Is Indispensable
  2. Faith and a Knowledge of God
  3. Faith and God’s Promises
  4. Faith and the Promise of Reconciliation
  5. Faith and the Promise of Pardon
  6. Faith and the Promise of God’s Presence
  7. Faith and the Promise of God’s Love
  8. Faith and the Promise of Answered Prayer
  9. Faith and God’s Promises of Care and Guidance
  10. Faith and the Promise of the Holy Spirit
  11. Faith and Assurance
  12. Faith and the Promise of Victory
  13. Faith and the Promise of Christ’s Return

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1968 January – March: Studies in the Book of Acts, No. 2

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  1. Paul’s First Missionary Journey; Cyprus and Pisidia
  2. The Apostles in Conflict With Heathenism
  3. The Council of Jerusalem Brings Harmony
  4. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
  5. The Gospel in Macedonia and Greece
  6. The Gospel in Corinth; Beginnings in Ephesus
  7. Paul’s Three Years at Ephesus
  8. Paul’s Journey to Jerusalem
  9. Paul’s Imprisonment
  10. Paul Before Felix and Festus
  11. Paul Before King Agrippa
  12. The Journey to Rome
  13. Paul’s Last Years

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1967 Collection

1967 October – December: Studies in the Book of Acts, No. 1

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  1. The Great Commission; the Twelve Apostles
  2. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  3. The Healing of the Lame Man
  4. The First Persecution
  5. The Spirit of God at Work
  6. The Second Persecution
  7. The Seven Deacons
  8. The Third Persecution; the Martyrdom of Stephen
  9. Missionary Expansion: From Judea to Samaria
  10. The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
  11. The Ministry of Peter
  12. Peter Renders an Account; the Word at Antioch
  13. The Fourth Persecution; an Attack on James and Peter

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1967 July – September  The Joys and Obligations of Christian Stewardship

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  1. The Christian, a Steward of God
  2. Christian Worship Acknowledges Stewardship
  3. The Church, a Steward of God’s Grace
  4. The Christian, a Steward of Faith
  5. The Stewardship of Prayer
  6. The Stewardship of the Word of God
  7. The Stewardship of Influence
  8. Stewardship in the Home
  9. Christian Stewardship of Talents
  10. Stewardship in Service
  11. A Faithful Stewardship of Material Things
  12. Generosity in Stewardship
  13. Stewardship of His Love
  14. Rewards That Endure

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1967 April – June: Selected Lessons from the Life of Christ

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  1. The Reception of Jesus
  2. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
  3. Christ a Personal Worker
  4. Commission and Witness of the Apostles
  5. The Sermon on the Mount
  6. The Great Confession Confirmed
  7. Lessons on the Kingdom
  8. Jesus Seeking the Lost
  9. Jesus Gives Final Instructions
  10. Gethsemane
  11. Jesus on Trial
  12. Calvary
  13. The Burial and Resurrection of Jesus

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1967 January – March: Studies in the Book of Daniel

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  1. Opportunity, Apostasy, and Exile
  2. The King of Heaven and the Kings of Babylon
  3. The King of Heaven and the Kings of Persia
  4. God’s Purpose for Israel After the Exile
  5. Great Empires of Prophecy
  6. The Great Tyrant of Prophecy
  7. Christ Provides the Master Key
  8. Unlocking the Mysteries of Daniel’s Prophecies
  9. Christ Our Great High Priest
  10. The Reign of Antichrist
  11. Christ Our Righteous Judge
  12. Christ Our King

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1966 Collection

1966 October – December: The Spirit-Filled Life

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  1. Christlikeness
  2. The Spirit of Forgiveness
  3. The Spirit of Humility
  4. The Spirit of Christian Courtesy
  5. The Spirit of Self-Control
  6. The Spirit of Kindness
  7. The Spirit of Self-Denial
  8. The Spirit of Zealous Service
  9. The Spirit of Prayer
  10. The Spirit of Courage
  11. The Spirit of Giving
  12. The Spirit of Faithfulness
  13. The Spirit of Brotherhood
  14. Becoming Like Him

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1966 July – September: The People of Promise

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  1. God’s Purpose for This Earth
  2. God’s Purpose Revealed Through the Patriarchs
  3. God Reveals His Purpose to National Israel
  4. God’s Glorious Plan for Israel
  5. Israel’s Failure and God’s Mercy
  6. Prophecies of Disaster and Hope
  7. The Vineyard of the Lord
  8. Christ Rejected by His Chosen People
  9. Spiritual Israel Replaces Literal Israel
  10. Prophecy and the Church
  11. Attempts to Defeat God’s Purposes
  12. The Remnant Preserved
  13. Climax of God’s Purpose

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1966 April – June: Christian Virtues

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  1. Goodness and Nobility
  2. Faithfulness and Dependability .
  3. Temperance and Sobriety
  4. Liberality and Benevolence
  5. Self -Denial and Sacrifice
  6. Purity and Morality
  7. Patience and Forbearance
  8. Meekness and Humility
  9. Reverence and Worship
  10. Diligence and Industry
  11. Kindness and Sympathy
  12. Justice and Equity
  13. Zeal and Soul Saving

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1966 January – March: Lessons from the Epistles to the Corinthians

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  1. Establishment of the Corinthian Church
  2. Backgrounds of the Corinthian Epistles
  3. Christian Unity
  4. Warnings Against Immorality
  5. Counsels Concerning Marriage
  6. Relationships Between Church Members
  7. Profiting From Israel’s Failure
  8. Spiritual Gifts
  9. Love, the More Excellent Way
  10. The Hope of the Resurrection
  11. Fortitude in Affliction
  12. Christian Liberality
  13. Concluding Admonitions

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1965 Collection

1965 October – December: The Church in the Christian Era

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  1. What Is the Church?
  2. The Purpose and Function of the Church
  3. The Divine Leader of the Church
  4. Christ’s Representative on Earth
  5. The Human Leaders of the Church
  6. Objectives and Methods of Church Organization
  7. Authority and Discipline in the Church
  8. The Spiritual Life of Church Members
  9. The Ordinances of the Church
  10. The Church at Worship
  11. God’s Plan for Financing Church Activities
  12. Unity in Christ
  13. The Church in the Last Days

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1965 July – September: Facing Last-Day Deceptions

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  1. Promises to the Obedient
  2. False Arguments for Disobedience
  3. Assault on the Character of God
  4. Man’s Condition in Death
  5. Spiritism a Snare
  6. The Last Great Deception
  7. Attacks on God’s Law
  8. Attempts to Destroy the Sabbath
  9. The Sabbath—Great Test of Loyalty
  10. Meeting Attacks on the Bible
  11. Stewardship and the Final Crisis
  12. Assaults Against the Ordinances
  13. Satan’s Last Stand

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1965 April – June: When the World was Young

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Creator of the Universe
  2. God’s Guidebook
  3. God Created the Heaven and the Earth
  4. Days One to Five of Creation Week
  5. The Sixth Day of Creation Week
  6. The Memorial of Creation
  7. The Biblical Portrayal of Origins
  8. The Creator-Sustainer; His Servants
  9. The Origin of False Scientific Theories
  10. Results of Man’s Sin, in the Natural World
  11. The Antediluvian World
  12. The Flood
  13. Aftereffects of the Flood

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1965 January – March: Fundamentals of Christian Living

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Weekly Topics

  1. God Is Fitting Men for His Eternal Kingdom
  2. How a Sinner Becomes a Saint
  3. Christianity and the Christian
  4. On Becoming a Christian—Steps to Christ
  5. The Christian’s Heart and Mind
  6. The Christian’s Body
  7. The Christian’s Possessions
  8. The Christian’s Time
  9. The Christian’s Home and Family
  10. The Christian’s Friends and Recreation
  11. The Christian and His Church
  12. The Christian and His Community
  13. The Christian and His Eternal Reward

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1964 Collection

1964 October – December: The Epistle to the Galatians

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  1. Historical Background of the Epistle
  2. Paul and the Gospel
  3. From Persecutor to Preacher
  4. Struggle Against Legalism
  5. Justification by Faith, Not Works
  6. The Just Live by Faith
  7. Heirs According to the Promise
  8. Paul, the Ardent Evangelist
  9. Slave or Free
  10. Christian Liberty
  11. The Spirit-Controlled Life
  12. True Christianity
  13. Summary

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1964 July – September: The Christian Home and Healthful Living

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  1. Marriage, Its Divine Origin and Purpose
  2. Comradeship at Home
  3. The Privilege of Parenthood
  4. The Training of Children
  5. Guiding Our Young People
  6. Factors Involved in Making Homes Happy or Unhappy
  7. Fidelity in Marriage
  8. The Cause of Disease
  9. Temperance in All Things
  10. Our Food and Drink
  11. The Power of Habit
  12. Mental Health
  13. Religion and Health

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1964 April – June: Selected Lessons from the Psalms

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  1. Introduction to the Psalms
  2. Nature and Revelation Reveal God
  3. “The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation”
  4. “Blessed Are the Pure in Heart”
  5. Salvation Out of Suffering
  6. Forgiveness for the Repentant Sinner
  7. The Two Ways
  8. A Song of Utter Faith
  9. The Law of God
  10. Man’s Brevity, God’s Eternity
  11. From Doubt to Triumphant Faith
  12. Thanksgiving for God’s Loving-Kindness
  13. “Give Thanks Unto the Lord”

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1964 January – March: Christ in all the Scriptures

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  1. The Attitude of Jesus Toward the Holy Scriptures
  2. The Testimony of the New Testament to Messianic Prophecy
  3. Prophecies of the Messiah in the Book of Genesis
  4. Exodus, the Book of Redemption
  5. Access to God Through the Atonement, in Leviticus
  6. Glimpses of the Messiah in the Book of Numbers
  7. The Promised Deliverer in Deuteronomy
  8. Redemption in the Historical Books: Joshua and Ruth
  9. Christ in the Psalms
  10. The Messiah in the Prophecies of Isaiah
  11. Christ in Daniel and Some of the Minor Prophets
  12. The Victorious Christ in the Book of Revelation
  13. We Have Found the Messiah

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1963 Collection

1963 October – December: Encouragements and Warnings for the Church Today

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  1. The Church Militant in the Laodicean Age
  2. A Call to Revival
  3. Warnings Against Apostasy
  4. Fidelity in the Gathering Storm
  5. Righteousness Through Christ
  6. The Seal of the Living God
  7. The Sabbath—Vital Issue Through the Ages
  8. Faithfulness Under Persecution
  9. The Close of Probation
  10. The Time of Trouble
  11. Our Lord’s Return
  12. God’s Harvest
  13. The Judgment

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1963 July – September: Lessons for Today from the Minor Prophets

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  1. God’s Vineyard
  2. Hosea—The Prophet of Love
  3. Joel—The Prophet of the Day of the Lord
  4. Amos—The Layman Prophet
  5. Obadiah—The Prophet of Doom
  6. Jonah—The Wayward Prophet
  7. Micah—The Prophet to the Remnant
  8. Nahum—Prophet of Consolation to the Oppressed
  9. Habakkuk—Prophet of Faith and Patience
  10. Zephaniah—Proclaimer of the Day of the Lord
  11. Haggai—Prophet of Courage, Action, and Victory
  12. Zechariah—Prophet of Glorious Possibilities
  13. Malachi—Prophet to a Self-Righteous People

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1963 April – June: The Sanctuary

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  1. The Plan of Salvation Revealed in Type
  2. The Earthly Sanctuary
  3. Furnishings of the Sanctuary
  4. The Priesthood Before the Cross
  5. The Sanctuary System of Sacrifices
  6. Annual Feasts and Ceremonial Sabbaths
  7. The Day of Atonement
  8. Christ Our Sacrifice
  9. The Transition From the Earthly Sanctuary to the Heavenly
  10. The Priesthood of Christ
  11. Time of Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary
  12. The Investigative Judgment
  13. The Close of Probation and the Removal of Sin

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1963 January – March: Dynamics of Christian Witnessing

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  1. All Christians to Be Witnesses
  2. Witnesses in Every Age
  3. Objectives of Witnessing
  4. The Revelation of God’s Love
  5. Christ-Centred Witnessing
  6. Meekness and Humility in Witnessing
  7. The Place of Prayer in Witnessing
  8. Golden-Rule Religion
  9. The Witness of God’s Word
  10. Influence of a Godly Life
  11. Hindrances to Witnessing
  12. The Informed Witness
  13. Promise of the Spirit

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1962 Collection

1962 October – December: Prayer and Victorious Living

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  1. The Mighty Conqueror
  2. How Jesus Gained the Victory
  3. The Armor of God—I
  4. The Armor of God—II
  5. Meeting Temptations and Trials Triumphantly
  6. Prayer—What Is It?
  7. Effectual Prayer
  8. Conditions to Answered Prayer—I
  9. Conditions to Answered Prayer—II
  10. Meeting Life’s Disappointments
  11. Notable Prayers of the Bible
  12. The Divine Exemplar in Prayer
  13. Complete Victory in Christ

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1962 July – September: Women of the Bible

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  1. Eve, “The Mother of All Living”
  2. Sarah and Hagar
  3. Rebekah, Wife From a Far Country
  4. Rachel and Leah
  5. Miriam the Prophetess
  6. Rahab; Deborah
  7. Ruth the Moabitess
  8. Hannah; Rizpah
  9. “That Woman Jezebel”
  10. Esther, the Persian Queen
  11. Mary, the Mother of Jesus
  12. Martha and Mary
  13. Women of the Early Church

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1962 April – June: The Gift of Prophecy

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  1. How God Communicates With Man
  2. The Call to the Prophetic Office
  3. The Broad Scope of the Prophet’s Work
  4. The Prophetic Vision
  5. The Prophet Delivers God’s Message
  6. Testing the Claims of the Prophet
  7. Integrity of the Prophetic Message
  8. The Primacy of the Bible
  9. Place and Work of the Spirit of Prophecy
  10. Marks of the Remnant Church
  11. A Gift That Guides and Guards
  12. Prophecy, a Guiding Light
  13. Confidence in the Spirit of Prophecy

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1962 January – March: The Christian and his Neighbours

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  1. The Members of the Godhead
  2. The Unity of the Family
  3. Unity of the Church
  4. Relation of Church Members to Church Officers
  5. Relationship of Church Officers to Church Members
  6. Relationship of Church Members to Civil Authorities
  7. The Church Members’ Friends and Recreation
  8. “Who Is My Neighbor?”
  9. To All the World
  10. The Christian’s Relationship to His Neighbors of Other Races
  11. Equality of Believers
  12. The Christian and Divisive Issues
  13. Doing Good to All Men

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1961 Collection

1961 October – December: Character Studies of Bible Youth

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  1. Youth in the Home and in the Church.
  2. A Study in Character Contrasts (Cain and Abel, Samuel and the sons of Eli, Absalom and Josiah)
  3. Triumph in the Supreme Test (Isaac)
  4. The Young Woman Who Became the Mother of Two Nations (Rebekah)
  5. The Youthful Dreamer (Joseph)
  6. A Youth Chosen for Great Leadership (Moses)
  7. The Youth Who Wanted His Own Way (Samson)
  8. The Unforgettable Friendship (David and Jonathan)
  9. The Youth Who Dared to Be Different (Daniel)
  10. From Persecutor to Apostle (Paul)
  11. The Prodigal and His Brother
  12. A Youth Who Fulfilled His Mission (John the Baptist)
  13. The Youth Who Redeemed the World

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1961 July – September: Studies in the Gospel of John

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  1. Jesus—God-Man
  2. Jesus and His First Miracles
  3. Jesus and Nicodemus
  4. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
  5. Jesus and the Impotent Man
  6. Jesus, the Bread of Life
  7. Jesus and the Blind Man
  8. Jesus, the Good Shepherd
  9. Jesus and Lazarus
  10. Jesus and the Last Supper
  11. Jesus and His Departure
  12. Jesus and His Father
  13. Jesus and the Cross
  14. Jesus and the Resurrection

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1961 April – June: Righteousness by Faith in Christ

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  1. Righteousness
  2. The Great Need of the Church
  3. God’s Eternal Purpose
  4. The Origin and Nature of Sin
  5. Restoring the Union With God
  6. Imputed Righteousness – Justification by Faith
  7. Sanctification Through Imparted Righteousness
  8. Righteousness Imparted Through Communion with Christ
  9. Righteousness Received Through Faith
  10. Doing God’s Will
  11. Faith Counted for Righteousness
  12. The Three Angels’ Messages and Righteousness by Faith
  13. The Latter Rain and Righteousness by Faith

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1961 January – March: Signs of the Times

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  1. God’s Warnings in the Past
  2. History’s Coming Climax
  3. Signs Promised by Christ— In the Heavens
  4. Signs Promised by Christ— In the Earth
  5. Signs in Social Life
  6. The Spread of Spiritism
  7. Counterfeit Signs
  8. The Last Great Sign
  9. How Near Is the End?
  10. The Church and Fulfilling Signs
  11. Preparation for His Coming
  12. The New World Order

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1960 Collection

1960 October – December: Christ-Centered Doctrines

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  1. Sound Doctrine
  2. Christ, the Son of God
  3. Christ Our Salvation
  4. Christ Our Righteousness
  5. The Law of God
  6. The Sabbath
  7. Obedience
  8. The New Birth
  9. Baptism
  10. The Second Coming of Jesus
  11. Manner and Purpose of Christ’s Coming
  12. Immortality Through Christ
  13. The Millennium
  14. The Home of the Saved

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1960 July – September: Studies on the Law of God

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Law and the Gospel
  2. The Decalogue
  3. No Other Gods
  4. True Worship
  5. The Holy Name
  6. Creation’s Memorial
  7. Parents and Children
  8. The Gift of Life
  9. Pure in Heart and Life
  10. Honesty in All Things
  11. Truthful Lips
  12. Holy Contentment
  13. The Supreme Motive

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1960 April – June: Lessons for Today from the Times of Ezra and Nehemiah

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Divine Purpose in the Captivity
  2. Deliverance From Captivity
  3. The Sacrificial System Restored
  4. The Rebuilding Hindered
  5. Rebuilding Resumed
  6. Zechariah Encourages the Builders
  7. Further Messages of Encouragement
  8. The Temple Completed
  9. The Ministry of Ezra
  10. Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
  11. Reforms Instituted by Nehemiah
  12. Failure of Exiles to Fulfill Divine Purpose
  13. The Divine Purpose Fulfilled in the Christian Church

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1960 January – March: The Blessed Hope

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Weekly Topics

  1. The Plan of Redemption
  2. Old Testament Glimpses of the Coming Redeemer
  3. Christ’s Witness to the Certainty of His return
  4. The Return of Jesus and the Judgment in the Parables
  5. The Apostles’ Conviction Regarding the Return of Jesus
  6. Signs on Earth
  7. Signs in the Heavens
  8. Other Last-Day Signs
  9. Signs in the Spiritual World
  10. The Manner of His Coming
  11. Preparation for Christ’s Coming
  12. The Object of His Coming
  13. The Finished Plan

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