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05: Christ and the Sabbath – Thought Starters — 3 Comments

  1. My brother now worships on Sunday with his wife & her family. Now he says, as far as not working a job on Sabbath, that in Biblical days it was easier, since most folks kept the Sabbath holy, so businesses were closed. He claims in these days that it is much harder & impractical to tell someone who is out of work not to take a job because he/she would have to work on Sabbath. How would you all respond to him?

  2. Leesie God is always in control and if we put our trust in him and follow his commandment he promise to take care of us so I would say trust God

  3. [Moderator's Note: Please use full names when commenting. Thank you.]

    I would say it is also impractical to foster a relationship with Christ on the basis of a job. It is that one on one relationship that exists in non employment and times of plenty.
    The brother who sees it impossible is trusting on his abilities which are very shallow and short lived. He will never see the miracles that God has for us. May he find peace in Christ.
