Monday: Love, the Goal of Christian Virtue
Read 2 Peter 1:5-7; Romans 5:3-5; James 1:3-4; and Galatians 5:22-23. What similar theme appears in these texts?
It was common among philosophers in the ancient world to list virtues. Such lists are often called a “catalogue of virtues,” and there are several examples in the New Testament (Rom. 5:3-5; James 1:3-4; Gal. 5:22-23).
It was highly likely that Peter’s readers were familiar with such lists, although there are interesting differences between what a philosopher might list and what Peter lists. Note that Peter has arranged these deliberately in a sequence, so that each virtue builds on the previous virtue, until it reaches a climax in love!
Each of the virtues Peter uses has significant meaning:
- Faith: In this context, faith is nothing less than a saving belief in Jesus (see Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38).
- Virtue: Virtue (Greek arête), a good quality of any kind, was heralded even among pagan philosophers. Yes, faith is crucial, but it must lead to a changed life, one in which virtue is expressed.
- Knowledge: Peter surely isn’t talking of knowledge in general, but rather the knowledge that comes from a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Temperance/Self-control: Mature Christians are able to control their impulses, particularly those impulses that lead to excesses.
- Patience/Steadfastness: Steadfastness is endurance, especially in the face of trials and persecution.
- Godliness: In the pagan world, the word translated here as “godliness” means ethical behavior that results from a belief in a god. Within the New Testament it also carries the concept of ethical behavior that results from belief in the one true God (1 Tim. 2:2).
- Brotherly kindness: Christians are like a family, and godliness will lead to a community in which people are kind to one another.
- Love: Peter brings the list to a climax with love. He sounds like Paul, too: “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13, NKJV).
Before Peter begins the list of virtues, he says that we should “make every effort” (2 Pet. 1:5, NET) to attain these virtues. What does he mean by that? What part does human effort play in our desire to live godly, faithful lives? |

Human Effort is driven by choice. So having made the choice to attain these virtues, we will then be able and willing to "make every effort" to attain these virtues.
I have said before (to the dismay and shock of others) that sometimes one needs to force themselves to do something that is required of faith, even if it is uncomfortable and sometimes difficult, for in doing so, it will get easier and easier the more you do it.
(I know the general opinion which says if you do something without a wholehearted cheerfulness, it doesn't count)-And I know I might start a debate here and all opinions are very much welcome.
My reasoning is that, when I was a child; sharing did not come to me naturally, I would often grudgingly do so because my parents forced me to, but with time, it became a way of life and a pleasure to do so.
I have found this to be especially true when it comes to evangelizing to souls who are not of your faith/persuasion/social status/disposition etc.
My father taught me this through his living. He would stop and chat with anyone and everyone, including the mentally ill, he was able to get through to all people of all walks of life. And since observing him, I have also made it a point to strive to do likewise. And at first, it was difficult, but it has gotten easier and I believe its because I made the conscious choice to do this that the Holy Spirit has empowered me to achieve this much thus far; Even though I am still a work in progress in this regard.
Love brings every virtue to sense! And true love add all other virtues to itself! Love molds character! The only thing that can really make us perfect! Because God is love, and Jesus is the upmost proof of it!
No virtue is obtainable thru our own efforts. By the Grace of the LORD and His Mercy are we made virtuous by The Holy Spirit. By the Power of The Holy Spirit working in us and thru us can we obtain virtue. It is not of any of our works, lest we should boast, rather than give the Glory to our Creator and our LORD.
On the contrary my friend. These qualities are not built-in. They are the products of hard work, with the old man warring against the 'new-birth' creature. The Holy Spirit helps and guides us but he will not force these virtues upon us. We do the work. Any other way would be spiritual laziness. We are not robots but servants to whom we choose to obey. These characteristics do not come overnight either, rather its a work in progress. Paul says we run, strive, fight - all action words.
God bless.
To "make every effort" means that you have to want to have knowledge, temperance and patience. You have to want to be godly and loving, and be in pursuit of these attributes. Cultivation takes work.
From my perspective, human involvement in salvation simplified is mental training. God has created the human mind as the crown of his creation embedded within choices that will define destiny. Now faith outside biblical contest is actually training the mind to see reality in obscurity and uncertainty, when this is achieved it is the law of the mind that whatever one chooses to dwell upon (in his mind) it will be transmuted into its physical equivalence. lf you are scared even the physical world will give you sight of ghostly things. The mind is very powerful, locomotion, sight, feeling, even sex are just subservient to the Master mind. Now when one is having faith in God, he is training his mind to constantly dwell upon principles which will make him Godlike. Its strange l know but a Christian is someone who subject his mind to the principles that will make him behave like Christ, such that his subconscious mind is so filled with Christ and all his being is under subject to working of the Holy Spirit. We read the Holy Spirit remind, we accept Christ saves us, we avail and Christ uses us, we listen and God command us at the end of the day what we do is just a mental response to the working of God. God in creation created us to be ruled what what we think, to became what we think. Hence he cannot do for us what he has made possible for us to do for ourselves, God cannot change our minds but a mind willing to change God will be equipped thereof. it is possible to fill our minds with Godly thoughts so that we can be translated into the physical reality of our thoughts through the promises of God. Am not saying that since the mind is so powerful, the holy Spirit has no place, but God only does for us what is outside our capabilities to attain, we cannot save ourselves, remind ourselves, purify ourselves, but we can choose what we can allow to infiltrate our minds and whatever we allow Nature will always do its part and make you became that which you ought to be, choose God nature will support you as well.
I have come to understand that through my experiences period that God uses everything we encounter to teach us Love, it's importance to him and our relationship to him and obtaining the virtue he meant for us to have since before the world was, if we are sincere in our commitment to God, he will complete our transformation to the likeness of Jesus.
Peter's statement is one of simple arithmetic! It is spiritual addition. Starting with faith, elements of the Christian experience are added to build up a complete and useful follower of Jesus: Faith + virtue + knowledge + self control + Perseverance + godliness + brotherly kindness + love = A complete experience in Christ.
These addition type verses should remind us to never be satisfied with our experience, but to continue to want to add to it. But, never should we see it as a formula for salvation, but rather a path of growth in Christ.
Hi Eddie,I like your post and I agree with the concept you are applying. However, Some might think that for you to have a complete experience in Christ you will need to have all the above excellencies in that same order. Is there a point where we become perfect in Christ and secondly, can a person be a Christian and not have all the graces mentioned above, in our growth in Christ?
Hello Georgia. I have found over the years that faith in Christ is the bedrock of the Christian experience. "Without faith it is impossible to please God." It is from here that God can add to our experience if we are willing. I don't necessarily believe these graces have to be in a certain order to grow, except for faith in must be at the beginning. We are all unique individuals and God gives his grace and gifts as He chooses. He knows a thousand ways, where we can see but one. (My paraphrase) Blessings to you and your family!
I was blessed by these relevant quotations- hope they do the same to you-
'As essential as our daily food—If we would develop a character which God can accept, we must form correct habits in our religious life. Daily prayer is as essential to growth in grace, and even to spiritual life itself, as is temporal food to physical wellbeing. We should accustom ourselves to often lift the thoughts to God in prayer. If the mind wanders, we must bring it back; by persevering effort, habit will finally make it easy. We cannot for one moment separate ourselves from Christ with safety. We may have His presence to attend us at every step, but only by observing the conditions which He has Himself laid down.—(Messages to Young People, 114, 115.) Pr 155.1
Our need of daily prayer—All who come to Christ today are to remember that His merit is the incense that mingles with the prayers of those who repent of their sins and receive pardon and mercy and grace. Our need of Christ’s intercession is constant. Day by day, morning and evening, the humble heart needs to offer up prayers to which will be returned answers of grace and peace and joy. “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifice God is well pleased”(SDA Bible Commentary 6:1078.) Pr 155.2