Sunday: A Precious Faith
Read 2 Peter 1:1-4. What does Peter say that we have been given in Jesus Christ? That is, how is the reality of grace seen here?
Peter begins this letter by saying that it is addressed to those who “have obtained like precious faith with us” (2 Pet. 1:1, KJV); or “a faith of equal standing with ours” (RSV). The word translated as “precious” means “of equal value,” or “of equal privilege.”
He says that they have “obtained” this precious faith; not that they earned it or deserved it, but that they have received it, a gift from God. Or, as Paul has written: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8, NKJV). It’s precious because “without faith it is impossible to please” God (Heb. 11:6). It’s precious because by this faith we lay hold of many wonderful promises.
Peter emphasizes that the “divine power” of Jesus has given to us everything that concerns life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Only through the power of God do we even exist, and only through His power can we attain holiness. And this divine power is given us “through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue” (2 Pet. 1:3, NKJV; see also John 17:3).
We are called to love God, but how can we love a God we don’t know? We come to know God through Jesus, through the Written Word, through the created world, and through the experience of living a life of faith and obedience. We know God and the reality of God as we experience what He does in our lives, a knowledge that will change us. And we come to know Him through the reality of the grace that He bestows upon us.
Peter then says something even more incredible: that we have also been given “great and precious promises,” which include becoming partakers of the “divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:4). Humanity was originally created in the image of God; that image has been greatly defaced and degraded. When we become born again, we have a new life in Jesus, who works to restore His divine image in us. But we must flee the world’s corruption and lusts if we want this change to occur.
What would your life be like if you were devoid of faith? How does this answer help us to understand why the gift of faith is indeed precious? |

It is true that we cannot love a Person we don't know unless we have the Love in us that God Loved us with. God didn't love us because we were lovable and loving to Him. He does know us very well though, and He knows our potential if we are motivated right.
We have a choice and He is jealous of that choice. If we choose to be motivated by the Love He offers to us by His Holy Spirit we have eternal life. If we don't choose His Spirit of
Love for our motivation we have only selfishness to motivate us. This leads us to separation from life and eternal destruction.
We desperately need this Love motivation that we don't naturally have that only comes from God. We need to know God so that we can trust Him to lead us right with His Spirit of Love, Truth, Prophecy, etc.
The lesson for today gives us at least four ways to get to know God. Let's get to know Him. Let's come to the point that we can truly trust Him because we know Him and He is trustworthy.
Faith is a very important link and commodity that links us with God. Through it,we have salvation that comes to us from God.Faith is important in this 21st century characterised by knowledge explosion,technology and postmodernism.These three aspects have a great impact on our spiritual lives in the practise of Faith.Based on this experience, which faith can match the era in which we live, intelligent Faith or primitive Faith?
EGW says that, "Every command of God is a promse." In Philippians 4:4 the word of GOD says, via the Apostle Paul, to "Rejoice in the Lord always." What a challenge! In other words, we are to rejoice in God not only when things are going well for us but also when things are going the opposite direction for us. Jesus said in John 16:33 that it was in Him that we are to find peace, that "in the world," we would have tribulation, but again, that in him we are also to "Be of good cheer." I call John 16:33 a word of God sandwich. Jesus there first promises us peace (the first slice of bread to this sandwich,) then He there promises us tribulation (The sandwich filling,) then He promises us cheer (the second slice of bread to that sandwich.) When we by faith learn to accept tribulation as being part of God's plan for our lives and by faith accept his joy and peace, He gives us those two gifts of peace and joy in spite of tribulation.
2 Peter 1:1-4 has become such an important passage to my Christian experience. His Divine power has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. If we struggle with things in this life (sadness, ill-health, financial problems, family issues, problems at work and so many more) or things pertaining to godliness and holiness (worldly lust or sin in any form or guise), His Divine power is available for us to be victorious. To God be the glory!... We can become partakers of the Divine nature (through the Holy Spirit's power) to escape the sin and corruption in this world. Of course, we know that with man these things are impossible, but with God all things are possible. I am encouraged in Jesus.
Praise the Lord!
Peter emphasizes that the “divine power” of Jesus has given to us everything that concerns life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3). Only through the power of God do we even exist, and only through His power can we attain holiness. And this divine power is given us “through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue” (2 Pet. 1:3, NKJV; see also John 17:3).
God and God alone can do this work in and for us. We cannot do it on our own.
Bound to Christ through the purchase in Christ precious blood, Peter is no more a boaster of being \"first in the kingdom.\" He addresses others as having a faith of equal value and thus equal access into those things that pertain to life and godliness. We can live a new life through the promises that give us part in the divine nature through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Wonderful hope shared here and it becomes more meaningful as we go further into the text and what it has to address among the saints.
This faith is indeed precious because it is founded upon the precious blood of Jesus who loved us while we were yet sinners and took the cruelty of death that we might have eternal life. Without it, life would be void of meaning and hope. No wonder those who have not received this faith are unhappy and depressed.
This is the more reason why you and me are called to do. We are saved to save others.
The joy and peace you have found in Christ ought to be told to the unhappy and the oppressed
God bless