Note: Some of the links in this section may be broken. This is inevitable from time-to-time as they link to sites that we have no control over. If any of our readers can help with providing credible and reliable alternatives please contact us by adding a comment below or use the Contact Form in the main menu. Thank you, Sabbath School Net Staff.

We are thrilled that the adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides (Lessons) are available online in many languages of the world, in addition to English.

If you know of any Sabbath School resources in other languages or for other age groups, please use our Contact Form in the menu to let us know.

Sabbath School lessons in 14 Languages plus English

(The list below is alphabetical.).

Czech Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Danish Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

  • Link no longer works. If you can supply one, please let us know in comments. 

Farsi Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

  • Let us know if you can supply a link. 

Fijian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

  • Let us know if you can supply a working link. 

French Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

  • Ecole du Sabbat Text of the lesson in French appearing weekly as HTML pages.
  • French lessons on the Middle East and North Africa Publishing Association page – Link no longer works. Let us know if you have a correct URL.
  • Etude biblique de la semaine Teacher Helps by Bruce Cameron.
  • Android app for mobile devices: Search for “Ecole Sabbat” in the “Market” on your device. Also includes access to French podcast of the lesson.

German (Deutsch) Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Italian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Norwegian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Khmer Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

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Portuguese Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

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Romanian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Russian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Serbian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides


  • Tell us in a comment if you  know of a source. 

Slovakian Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides

Spanish Adult Bible Study Guides

Swedish Sabbath School Lessons

Turkish Sabbath School Lessons



Bible Study Guides Around the World — 1 Comment

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