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The Jesus No One Wants to Talk About — 13 Comments

  1. The dilemma we face goes even further, the Word of the LORD tells us that the authorities are ordained by God. Is it still true today? Maybe it only applied in Paul's day?

    Dan 2:21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings.
    Rom 13:1 Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority but of God; the authorities that exist are ordained by God.

  2. Jesus did make some comments about injustices by authorities:
    About the leaders of the Jewish nation he said:
    Mat 23:3 Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, observe and do. But do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.

    He then goes on to detail what they have done wrong and he condemns them and tells the people not to follow their example.

    I learn from this, I should obey the law but I can point out when authorities are not upholding the law.

    • Hi Shirley, yes, Jesus did address the religious rulers. The focus of my article was the established civil government, not the religious or moral leaders.
      However, I certainly agree with your posted statement. Thanks!

      • Hi Curtis,

        I understand you were referring to the Roman occupiers of Israel.

        As I understand it in the Jewish economy the Sanhedrin were the civil government as well as the moral & religious leaders. Only under the Roman occupation some of their powers were limited.

        Maybe we should learn from the Jewish economy that when humans try to enforce religious and moral values it leads to persecution of those who don't conform.

  3. Thanks for this timely post. I was meditating on this same thought yesterday and reading your post just reinforces the leading of God's Spirit to teach us something for our times.I think that John himself began to doubt whether Jesus was really what he,John, thought he was - The Messiah? He probably expected Jesus to become a political activist and lead the revolution to emancipate Israel from Roman bondage. Maybe, his misguided view of Jesus' mission motivated him to engage in the public ranting against Herod that led to his demise.
    I think individual members of our church may choose a political career and as part of their campaign may choose to criticize the Government or the political establishment. However, that mission should never be in our church pulpits. Our church is for everyone of every political persuasion. This politically neutral Jesus, is to be our example as a church body. Even if the President of the General Conference of S.D.A decides to seek the office of President of the United States of America, our Church body cannot be so short sighted to endorse his candidacy. NOTHING, NO-ONE should cause us to compromise the mission of the church. Yes, injustices are everywhere but let the dead bury the dead. Follow, this Jesus.

    • Hollis, thanks for your reply. John indeed had some misconceptions of the mission of Jesus but I would not begin to suggest that he, John, was misguided in his calls for repentance of the civil authorities. John had no political aspirations and he certainly fulfilled his role as a forerunner for Christ.

  4. Hi Curtis!
    Thank you for this blog post.I have spent the past 10 minutes reflecting on it.trying to look deep inside myself to see what kind of Jesus is I believe and I want to talk about. Thank you for that opportunity to search my soul. Praise the Lord I want to believe in the Jesus who is a servant and want to be like him serving and working for the glory of God

    • Janet, that's one of the wonderful things about following Jesus. There's always room for us to get closer to Him and He arranges circumstances in our lives so that we have these types of opportunities to reflect on our connection with Him and how we can serve Him better. Thanks!

  5. But Jesus DID address political & social reform, in the only manner that would bring true reform, by offering to cleanse sinners by His blood and give them an Example of how to love God and their fellow man. "Follow Me" was His unceasing invitation to all.

    There is no true reform without being born again. Changing rules doesn't change the heart, so unless we become as a child again, growing in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, we will not see/perceive the kingdom of God here or hereafter. Without true reform, we might think it our duty to try and restore order through legislation. We know this will come through those professing to be Christ's, deceiving all but those who are written in the Book of Life.

    And no matter how unjustly we might be offended, Jesus gives perfect peace that cannot be taken away. Listen to the praises ascending from the prison at midnight as angels of heaven draw near with their earth-shaking tread. A small foretaste of what comes soon to free God's servants from the injustice that will exist until Jesus descends from heaven with a shout.

    Jesus' mention of the "righteousness" of scribe and Pharisees was to warn others not to follow the false examples that they had been taught to look up to, not to force a reform of the leadership. He simply provided a lamp for their feet and a light for their path, and left them with choices to make. He didn't work to reform their man-made commandments, only their hearts, which would then lead to all true reforms.

  6. Thank you for you post.

    I love the Jesus who fulfilled this prophecy given by Isaiah:

    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,To preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18, 19).

    Jesus did not come to upthrow the government so He could set up a kingdom. He made it clear that His kingdom is not of this world. His is a better kingdom which will endure. He came to do the Father's work and to leave us an example of how to live in obedience to the Father's will.

    There are many injustices in this world but our commission is to preach the Gospel. We can do what we can to make a difference but always keep in mind that our mission is to bring others to Christ, the One who has overcome the world.

  7. Thanks Curtis for this post. I finally got to see a side of Jesus that had never crossed my mind. The non-activist. After reading this post, I got to see Jesus' mission on earth on a whole new perspective. Jesus didn't appeal to the crowd but to individuals. There's this quote I like; "You cannot change a society unless you change each and every person in that society." Jesus and Paul alike preached as if they were talking to one person.

    Imagine what would happen if Jesus stood against the then government. I can only relate it to what is happening in Middle East and Nigeria with the Islamic state. They fight to prove their point. One set of belief against the other. Jesus wasn't about that. The Bible says When just one soul is saved, Heaven rejoices. Jesus came for you personally. Once He gets you on board, its your job to get another on board. In some way, He was an activist but for spiritual liberation for EACH and every one of us.


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