Reading Through the Bible
Have you ever felt you would like to read through the whole Bible but didn’t know how or started and then got distracted along the way? So did I. Then I discovered a great plan at Revival and Reformation. Through email you can receive a chapter a day to read. It reminds you, motivates you and is ideal to use for your daily devotional.
To make it more meaningful I would suggest starting a journal (on paper or electronic) where you write a short thought on how the message of that chapter applies to your life. You will be amazed at the opportunities you will encounter during the day to share that insight with others.
At my place of work I am regularly asked to pray after our company’s morning meeting, and I felt my prayers were becoming repetitive. But since I started the reading plan and meditating on the chapter I read, I have something to share when asked to pray. For instance when the chapter was Rev 12:14 and on, together with 2 Cor 10:3-5 (in the margin), I got the following insight:
When we find ourselves in a war there are three things we need to remember.
- We must make sure we are on the LORD’s side.
- Then He will give us His divine power to destroy the arguments against the knowledge of the LORD.
- Sometimes the LORD will need to send us into the desert for a time to save us, but even there He will nourish us.
An advantage of this reading plan is that the daily chapter is sent to me via email on my phone so that if for any reason I don’t read it during my morning devotions, I am still able to take a moment some time during the day to read the chapter.
To get started on your own reading plan, go to the Revival and Reformation website and sign up and you will be taking the first step along the path to a deeper understanding of the Bible and a closer walk with Jesus Christ.
I was motivated to embark on this devotional plan by this quote from Ellen White:
Those who will put on the whole armour of God and devote some time every day to meditation and prayer and to the study of the Scriptures will be connected with heaven and will have a saving, transforming influence upon those around them. (Prayer, p. 22)
Sign up now – New program begins July 12, 2015
Believe His Prophets, the sequel to Revived by His Word, is a five-year program reading through the Bible and selected Ellen White writings, including Steps to Christ, Christ’s Object Lessons, Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles, and The Great Controversy. It includes the opportunity to receive daily Bible readings, interactive blogs and select inspirational writings.