Wednesday: Death Decree
It’s so hard for us today (as no doubt it has been for people from various cultures through the centuries) to understand the customs and tradition of the ancient Persian Empire, where the story of Esther unfolds. One thing is certain, though: the Lord had used that empire in the process of fulfilling the covenant promises to the nation of Israel, promises that went back to Abraham (see Gen. 12:1-3, Isa. 45:1, 2 Chron. 36:23) .
The young Jewish girl Esther found herself as queen. Though her ascent was through a route rather different than, for example, Joseph’s in Egypt or Daniel’s in Babylon, she was (as Joseph and Daniel were) just where the Lord wanted her to be, and she was used by God in a powerful way, one that illustrates how the great-controversy theme can play out in history.
Read Esther 3:8-11. Keeping in mind what God’s plans were for the Jewish people, especially in regard to the coming of the Messiah, what consequences would the success of this decree have?
“Little did the king realize the far-reaching results that would have accompanied the complete carrying out of this decree. Satan himself, the hidden instigator of the scheme, was trying to rid the earth of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God.”-Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, pp. 600, 601. And from these same people, too, would come the Savior of the world.
How fascinating that the issue started over worship (see Esther 3:5-8) and the refusal of a distinct group of people to follow the laws and customs of the ones in power. Though, of course, the context will be different at the end of time, the reality behind it-the great controversy between Christ and Satan-is still the same, and those who seek to be faithful to God will face something as the Jews here did. We have been warned that, in the closing scenes of earth’s history, the decree will go out, declaring that “as many as would not worship the image of the beast [are to] be killed” (Rev. 13:15). The one thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.
Why is it that we so often tend to be distrustful of those who are different from us? Why should the powerful truths of Creation and Redemption, truths that reveal the worth of every human being, show us just how wrong this attitude is? How can we purge our hearts of this terribly faulty tendency?

From the beginning to the end the issue has been life or death. Eternal life or eternal death. Now is nothing compared to eternity. Choose Jesus every day.
I like the question Why is it that we so often tend to be distrustful of those who are different from us? As adventist we tend to distrust people who are different from us yet we are first and foremost all human beings created in God image and as adventist unless we realise this and treat people from other religious faiths or otherwise non believers as human beings by showing them love then we are not going to accomplish the great commision that we were given by our lord Jesus christ to go out and make disciples.The spirit of love must be shown to all humanity for us to attract people to the adventist faith.
Why say "as Adventists we tend to distrust people who are different from us"? Wouldn't it be closer to the mark to suggest that "as humans we tend to distrust people who are different from us" until we get to know them? Adventists definitely don't have the monopoly in this field. Distrust applies to humanity in general, and to other faith groups simply because of lack of knowing what others are about. The spirit of love and acceptance shown to all humanity will draw people to Christ. Maranatha!
I think these lessons are to prepare us for the time to come, where the Lord's people will be persecuted for His name sake, just like in the story of Esther,but as we all know the battle is already been won, so we need to keep our eyes on the Saviour and do not loose our faith and trust in him, knowing he will deliver us and if we are not to be left standing, to rest assure that there is a crown waiting in glory land when the Saviour come.
The kingdom of Israel was carried off to Assyria and scattered across Mesopotamia. Esther was in the court of a Persian king - a descendant of the kingdom of Israel's tribes - all tribes except Judah and Benjamin. I thus question the statement " And from these same people, too, would come the Savior of the world." The kingdom of Judah from which Jesus was born was taken into captivity in Babylon - not under the Persian king. Please correct me if I am wrong. Be it as it may - the fact still remains - God hears the cry of His children and stands in the breach for them - no matter what their heritage.
Esther was from Judah not the northern kingdom of Israel. Esther's ancestors were taken in the Babylonian exile from the Kingdom of Judah. The Persians later conquered the Babylonians and thus Esther was under Persian rule. In the time of Esther the northern kingdom was mostly scattered to Halah, Habor, Hara and to the river of Gozan not in Persia. (1 Chronicles 5:26)
Thank you Robert for your explanation. That is why I'm enjoy being part of SSNET Sabbath School! Your explanation sent me back to follow up and in 2 Kings 18:13 I read what I believe you are referring to. However, according to Esther 2:5 Mordecai was a Benjaminite, which would have made Esther also of the same tribe. Thanks again for sending me hunting - I found, too, that my understanding of the time frame was not right and that Esther only became queen after Nehemiah had returned to Judah to help build the walls of Jerusalem. We all have preconceived ideas of what it will be like at the of end time, but my experience has shown that God opens the mind to new things every day and one day He will show us the finished puzzle - with all the right pieces in the right places!
Maureen I think you may have misread or miscalculated the time frame of Esther and Nehemiah. The reign of Ahasuerus,(Xerxes) that made Esther Queen was 486-465 BC. The time of Esther 478 BC is earlier than Nehemiah 445 BC by 33 years which is also supported by using Solomon as a beginning reference. Esther 453 years after Solomon and Nehemiah was 486 years after Solomon. Artaxerxes was the son of Ahasuerus (Xerxes). This only part of the debate that some scholars have been involved in. Language has another bearing being Greek versus Latin versus Hebrew. Can be very confusing.
Maybe I have misunderstood the author's last sentence: "The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history." God's Word is both a history and current lesson book! I'm reminded of this important quotation: "We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history. EGW Life Sketches, p. 196.
It seems to me, if all the jews in the whole realm of the persian empire were to be blotted out, that also the jews in Jerusalem would belong to the victims of that death decree (Esther 3:6.12-13).
The great controversy with these kings is that all used their positions as possessions. They forgot that they were given these positions to carry on the word and work of God. He never gave positions as possessions. These stories also teaches us that no matter where we are placed ( Daniel in the lions den, Paul imprisonment,Samson) they were all given a specific and strategic position not possession of their talent, in order to carry out / on the word and works of God.None of these kings were able to shut the mouths of God's people ....."But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Thank you Lord
I think it's okay to be skeptical however, we should have an open mind about the different cultures and traditions of others. People have different agendas. All we can do is ask God to guide and direct our path .
God died on the cross to save all not some, we should try and treat everyone the same. Together we can lift God\'s name high because we do not know where salvation may come from...
The great controversy rages on and will continue till the close of time. Human tendency is that we always want to be heard, seen to be in-charge/control, any opposing views is seen as degrading. This is seen worked out in Haman(used by the Devil the instigator)and Mordecai, the faithful servant of God. Wanting to rid of the earth the Truth from the earth so that people do not see light through darkness.Accuses Mordecai to the king of not being loyal to his ruler-ship. We thank God, the plots of the enemies were defeated by the power that reigns among children on men. In His providence, God used Esther, a Jewess, who feared the Most High to be Queen who ventured into the presence of the king to appeal against the evils Haman was plotting. We see Esther being an intercessor of her brethren. What a parallel we see in Christ!
We are all created in God's image, bought with same price, desiring same redemption. Esther was not selfish seeing that she had advantage over her countrymen. If had she had wanted, may be she could not have done that because "she was safe as a queen of the land"
Let us not regard those those whom we have advantage over to be useless in life. We need the humility of Mordecai/ Esther to regard every human being as equal in the sight of God. We need to reflect where we all came from and what makes us to be who we are. We all fall under one denominator 'sin' redeemed by same blood shed at Calvary.
Let us all accept by faith the grace extended to all for our salvation. Let fall on the Rock, renounce our sins remorsefully for pardon and when we do that, we let the Commander to Lead us through our lives. His commands should be the way of our lives. By so doing we will find that the arch-rival will put in check.
God can work through any set of circumstances, any nation or individual to accomplish His purposes. Even a death decree issued against God's people can be thwarted by Divine intervention - as we have seen on numerous accounts throughout Biblical history. Like Daniel, Joseph and Esther among others, God's remnant people will be fiercely opposed, tested and even threatened with a DEATH DECREE as the great controversy rages to it ultimate conclusion but God WILL step in at the right time and deliver us if we are faithful like they were. Therefore, we can declare with the Apostle Paul " I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16).
My question bothers on the refusal of Mordecai to bow down to Haman. When he-Mordecai-was confronted he said he was a Jew. Does it mean that it is wrong to bow down to anybody? What was the real issue here-Worship or Respect?
Can we say under no context should we bow down to anyone-even when you don't have it in mind to worship them?
It does not mean it is wrong to bow down to anyone out of respect, it is only wrong to bow down in worship to anyone but God. If you recall the story of Joseph and his dream of his brothers bowing down to him. This dream was fulfilled in Egypt when he was a ruler there, thus this was out of respect not worship.
Why Mordecai refuse to bow we are not certain possibly he refused to respect an Agagite which not Jew could not do being that Haman was from Amalek, or possibly Haman wanted to be worshiped as a god and thus Mordecai refused to bow.
I come from that part of Nigeria where the proper thing to do as a son is to prostrate (or as a girl, kneel) before your parents and greet them in the morning and at any time of the day when you return to the home. It is a sign of respect and obedience. To do otherwise reeks of insolence and slight.
From the story of Mordecai and Haman, are we saying that it's sinful or wrong to bow to anyone in authority. Should it not just be a sign of respect and honour to "whom honour is due"?
What was it about the story that goes beyond just respect?
Olalekan, cross cultures are a problem sometimes. What is appropriate in one country, is not in another. What the intensions of the mind are, makes the difference. Mordecai was a captive and as such was required to show respect to his captors. Even though God is not specifically mentioned in the book of Esther, the implication was that Gods hand was involved in all that took place. We cannot say that Mordecai's action was not part of Gods plan.
Possible Response to Lorayne
I am sure the author is saying that fail to learn from history. History is always there for us to learn and correct our paths, but often people forget to apply the historical lessons to their own current events "failing to learn from history".
How have we treated foreigners in our church?
How have we treated people of different races and tribes in our church?
How have we treated people of lesser financial means in our church?
How have I treated people from other religions?
A mans character is known not by how he treats those who are equal with him but how he treats those who are inferior. Haman wanted to annihilate Mordecai because he used to sit at the gate ,to him he was a nobody but he forgot that He had God. he didn't know that by going against Mordecai ,he didn't know that he was going against last he lost and Mordecai was exalted. Those who humble themselves before God will be exalted
The statement "The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history"
I tend to think the author confirms the fact that in spite of having the knowledge of the past (Warnings, destructions or even victories when we trust in the Lord), most of us have refused to learn from them. Hence "The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history". I stand to be Corrected.
But could someone shed more light on Esther's tribe.
Calvin, I would suggest that the following verses give us some light on Esther's tribe.
"Now in Shushan the palace there was a certain Jew, whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite... And he brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter: for she had neither father nor mother...". (Esther 2:5-7)
Esther was the daughter of Modecai's uncle. That is, Esther was the daughter of Jair's brother (we are not told his name), but from this we can say that Esther was definitely of the tribe of BENJAMIN.
Josephus (a Jewish historian of note) mentions that Esther was of Royal descent - Not from the line of David, but rather through "Kish", the father of King Saul. (1Sam 9:3, etc.)
I want to know the customs and tradition that of persia that the lesson is talking about.
Elvis, I am not sure what part of the lesson you are talking about, however some of the customs of Persia, those of the royal kingdom, are described in Esther chapter 1 and 2.