Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 12: Living by the Spirit
We open our singing time with Hymn 334, “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” as is noted in the very first sentence of the lesson pamphlet this week.
Sundays’ study of ‘Walking with the Spirit’ is unpacked in the following hymns:
Hymn 315, “O for a Closer Walk!”
Hymn 544, “O Let Me Walk With Thee”
Hymn 574, “O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee”
From Monday’s lesson, I am thankful that we have a Saviour who has walked the path of conflict before us:
Hymn 151, “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley” and I will continue to pray Hymn 624, “I Want Jesus to Walk With Me”.
Galations 5:22 (Wednesday) gives us a list of virtues, Fruits of the Spirit, the first of which is love. There are many hymns that reflect this topic with the first being
Hymn 579, “ ‘Tis Love That Makes Us Happy”. Others from which to choose are: Hymn 76, “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go”,
Hymn 77, “O Love of God Most Full”,
Hymn 79, “O Love of God, How Strong and True!”,
Hymn 148, “O Love, How Deep, How Broad”,
Hymn 162, “Wondrous Love”, or
Hymn 179, “The Wonders of Redeeming Love”
…. and the list may grow larger.
On choosing the second of these Fruits of the Spirit, Joy, there are hymns for this also: Hymn 12, “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”,
Hymn 242, “Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts”, or
Hymn 430, “Joy By and By”.
A hymn for Peace is found in
Hymn 463, “Peace, Perfect Peace”; for Faithfulness,
Hymn 100, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”; and one hymn that ties a lot of these virtues together:
Hymn 414, Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing”.
On Thursday there is a way to victory. Oh, for the victories that are promised in Christ in:
Hymn 608, “Faith Is the Victory”.
May God richly bless you more abundantly than you may pray for.