HomeDailyThursday: The Good Samaritan Story Today    


Thursday: The Good Samaritan Story Today — 12 Comments

  1. The Jews and the Samaritans did not like each other. To put it in the Australian vernacular, they hated one another's guts! Their main dispute was where the temple should be. The Jews believed that they had been directed by God to build on Mount Zion, but the Samaritans were sure that God's blessing had been given to Mount Gerizim near Shechem. They even had different Torahs and each thought that the other's was wrong.

    The really irritating thing for the Lawyer in the parable was the role of the hated, theologically incorrect, scumbag Samaritan compared to the "one-with-us" Jewish elite, theologically correct, priest, and Levite. Two-to-one in favor of the Jews, and they still got it wrong.

    Can you imagine Jesus telling us the story and saying to Seventh-day Adventists, "Hey, watch the Roman Catholics! They are doing it right!" That is what it would have sounded like to the Lawyer.

    “I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You’re not cold, you’re not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You’re stale. You’re stagnant. You make me want to vomit. You brag, ‘I’m rich, I’ve got it made, I need nothing from anyone,’ oblivious that in fact you’re a pitiful, blind beggar, threadbare and homeless. Rev 3:15-17 MSG

    Sometimes we deserve to be made to feel uncomfortable.

    • Brother Maurice, this is a lesson has finally gotten to what you’ve been mentioning for years. Today, I feel like I just need God to wash my heart. I’m one of those Adventist who doesn’t like some of his own fellow members. My heart doesn’t always hurt for those who are in need. I get overwhelmed and frustrated by all the needs around. May God have mercy on me and make me pure, because this cannot continue. I am part of the problem.

      Thank you for your constant reminders, they are being heard.

      • We are all part of the problem Jim, but we do not need to lose hope. Jesus can change hearts but some of us take just a little while to let him work on us. Thank God he is persistent!

  2. Who is my neighbor? From the dictionary, the word means "a person living near or next door to the speaker or person referred to." Who's living, working, or studying next to me and going through some trouble? Perhaps someone in my social media group. I have to look around. What to do: a spoken prayer for and with the neighbor, or better yet, an act of charity to cheer up.

  3. Just Praying for others is not enough, we have to do more. However, being a Good Samaritan feels super hard when it comes to helping strangers. Honestly speaking it’s scary because the world is such a crazy place, but I will start with people I am acquainted with. Does anyone feel the same?

    • Yes. My Grandfather told me be careful not to "prey" for people by gossiping on your knees but pray for people and be a conduit for God's love to them.

      Sometimes however all I seem to be able to do is silent prayers for a struggling person, but these prayers cultivate a willingness to be used at any time to help.

      I do think that prayers and being brought into one accord must generally happen in our homes with our spouses and children first, and then to our church family, and then to those outside of our church family. How can we provide or instruct in something we do not even posses ourselves? Granted this may not always be the case because God often works through many avenues to bring us into an understanding and one accord.

      Some of us may need to think about and pray for non-Adventist and others may need to pray for Adventist. I think we should start where the Holy Spirit is directing our hearts.

      That being said, I will take a turn into left field to share a personal opinion based on my experience...
      To start if you were studying this lesson with a non-Adventist christian what division just occurred by categorizing Adventist vs Non-Adventist? Do they still feel unified with you in Christ or have the doctrinal differences aside from faith in Christ now put a division between you?
      I do not care for denominational distinctions when it comes to salvation (there is a place for denominational lines when it comes to categorizing doctrinal beliefs).

      Humanity needs Jesus, and salvation comes by faith in Him. No one is saved because they are a member of a specific church. To claim so would be like the Jews being saved because they were the sons of Abraham.

      The denominational lines from the outside to some can look just as prideful and uninviting. There are many who live outside of the Adventist church or any church denomination that love the Lord and are searching for Him and engaging their communities and seeking christian support.

      I think we should be able come along side them as brothers and sisters in Christ as well. This means we must be willing to be supported by them as much as we provide support to them. It is a community of those who put their trust in Jesus and are given discernment in spiritual matters. This is just my opinion however based on perceived denominational prejudices I have seen/experienced.

  4. To me, "a priest," would represent any person claiming to be religious because only "Levites," were "Priests," in Israel. then of course, "a Levite," was a "Priest," of the Nation of Israel. "A Samaritan," to me represented any non-Jewish person of that time and now would represent any Non-Seventh Day Adventist individual. It is interesting to me though, how Jesus illustrates someone beaten, robbed, and almost killed as the needy neighbor as if those are the only needy people there are in this world. But He did tell also the parable of "The sheep and goats," and how only the ones that fed the hungry and clothed the naked etc. were the ones He said were "Good and faithful servants," and gave them eternal inheritance with Him and His Father.

    • I don't think Jesus is defining needy in this parable. It is a parable for those who think that being religious is what salvation is about. Christianity has to be practised to be effective.

  5. Who is my neighbor?

    In today's corrupted world on the brink of judgement, there is a need for caution in being a good Samaritan!

    For instance you see someone on the side of the road standing by their car seeking help. You stop and ask can you help and then get jumped by a gang of thieves. It was a setup !

    If we understand the root meaning of neighbor as a "close dweller", we know them and are obliged to be at peace with them, to display courtesy and help when needed.

    In our godly motivation to help others, we need to evaluate the situation and make cautious judgement on our actions. We can call authorities about suspicious activities who are better equipped to address some situation, paid by our taxes!

    The greatest gift that God offers all mankind is the quality of eternal life (Christ in you, the hope of glory) in us now through the Holy Spirit, that we can pass on to our neighbors and those afar,through ministries.

    Shalom 🙏

  6. The question: “Who is my neighbor” is asked by a ‘neighbor’ - we are all ‘neighbor’ to each other – givers as well as receivers. Part of Jesus' answer to the disciple’s question: “what will be the sign of your coming, and the end of the age’? is: “because of the multiplication of wickedness the love of most will grow cold, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved” – Matt.24:12-13..

    To my understanding, persevering under these circumstances means not giving up on believing that the Father's Love will overcome all forces of evil arraigned against it. Doubt and fear are forces generated by the adversary of God, and if harbored within one’s heart, will lead to underminding/compromising ones steadfastness to follow whole-heartedly the directive Jesus gave to all His followers – love God with all your heart and love each other!

    Loving one another is our new nature’s ‘frame of mind’; the reference point of all that we engage in. It is not limited to giving alms or helping the stranger, it is the ‘New Way’ which the Son of God has come to invite mankind to walk and live by faith.

    We are not suspending our sense of safety when being involved in doing ‘the right thing’. Jesus gave the commission to the Apostles to spread the ‘Good News’ - share the ‘New Way’ – teach and preach the ‘Word of God’ to all they come in contact with, and as He sent them on their way, He admonished them to be ‘wise as serpents and harmless as doves” – Matt.10:16-18.

    This figure of speech is applicable in all circumstances when serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus shares with His followers that He considers them living ‘like sheep amongst wolves’ and in need of protection. As we wear the armour of God, He promised never to fail us. We continue to share His Father's Love with our fellow man because we love Him.

  7. It seems that the concept of "neighbor" could be in line with community. Now Jesus drives His point with someone who was robbed, beaten, and left for dead but are there other ways that we can harm our communities?
    What about not paying a fair price for something, or taking advantage by trying to get something for virtually nothing in business deals?
    If we take a self centered approach to the way we conduct our daily business and do not make sure that all parties are mutually benefited are we not causing harm to our community? We may not leave them bleeding in the gutter but does it not come to the same difference?
    Selfishness, greed, and pride destroy communities all around the world every day. I have been one who loves to get a good deal or make a good profit. At the end of the day however I have had to ask myself is it fair? How would I feel on the other end of this? At times this has caused me to pay more than asked for a service or item because I want to make sure the other person is benefited as well.
    What can I do to nurture my community? Wouldn't we call nurturing our community ministry?
    Possibly I am moving too far outside the parable but I am inclined to think it is good food for thought.

    • Once again Jodi P's point is on point 👍 🙏

      Most people try to take care of not doing harm, in what the world considers as, the "larger" categories of debts/sin; but actually, ill intent in the small stuff is what will condemn a person. Heed King Jesus' words in Matthew 4:17 KJV.

      This is why King Jesus uses the word least when describing the commandments in Matthew 5:21-48 KJV:

      "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.", King Jesus in Matthew 5:19 KJV.

      Also remember: "For many are called, but few are chosen.", King Jesus in Matthew 22:14 KJV.


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