01: Son of David – Questions for discussion
- The Son of David. Do you have a hard time with the expression that Jesus was “the Son of David?” What does this phrase mean? What special meaning does this title give to Jesus? Why is it important to believe that Jesus was the “son” of David?
- Another Genesis. If the account of Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew is a “book,” what can help us today to see that listing of Jesus’ ancestors in that way? If we ignore its physical dimensions, in what ways do the first 17 verses of Matthew seem to be a book, or a complete work?
- A Royal Line. What do the proclamations that Jesus was of the “house of David” tell us about His humanity? Why do you think Matthew’s intent to tie Jesus to the royal line of data was important? Why does Jesus accept the definite link of the royal line to Himself? How do you explain to an interested person that God can close all gaps between Himself and His listeners?
- Jesus’ early family tree. What is surprising to you about the inclusion of Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth in the genealogy of Jesus? Spend a little time with Tamar. Was she a wicked woman? Or was Judah the one who excelled in wickedness in this tawdry story? Rahab is another Canaanite, but one who found her way into the family of Judah in a shocking way. Why is this story in the Bible? What about Ruth? Was it her obedience to God that helped place her in a startling but redemptive light?
- While we were yet sinners. Do you ever wonder how God can know your every sin, your every weakness, your every fault, and still give His all to place you at the pinnacle of righteousness? Do we sinners ever feel remorse for our wicked ways but do nothing to change them? Imagine a single list of all of the sins of God’s people. How many books would it take to contain them? What does God offer to do with our sins?
- The birth of David’s Divine Son. Why were the people of God unaware at first of the birth of Jesus, while heathen people such as the Magi from Persia came directly to the birthplace of Jesus and worshiped Him there? In these closing days do you think we will see those of different persuasions join us in greeting the Savior’s Second Coming? Will we find that these people have lessons to teach us? On the other hand, will we find fellow Adventists who have preached the second coming and turned hostile toward those of our church?

Why were the people of God unaware at first of the birth of Jesus, while heathen people such as the Magi from Persia came directly to the birthplace of Jesus and worshiped Him there? I need your thoughts on this question!
Freddie, you see: he who doesn't seek - he doesn't find, as it was whritten in Luke 11:9-10. Why did they not seek Him - it's another question.
the people of god were not reading and praying as they should so when the prophecies of Jesus birth was fulfilled they were still in darkness because although for so long it has been foretold many were not prepared for this miraculous birth and just like it was then so it is now. Those who we think will not be in the chosen few will be caught up and leave many of us who say we are people of God behind.
I remember reading in the Old Testament that the priests of the most high God had idols in their closets. That was very revealing and started a train of thought that helped me understand this strange act. When we allow and let grow anything that is NOT of Christ, it will expand, take over and become a magnet for any and everything. In other words, get rid of every known sin because 'parlaying' with it will lead to a compromised life and spiritual blindness that doesn't recognize truth.
So true Kollette, it was only yesterday at fasting and prayer we were looking at that it can be found in Ezekiel 8:7-18
The people then had lost sight of the promise of the coming Mesiah, and His purpose, they were caught up in the mere system and ceremony of church, patting themselves on the back that there were doing Gods will.
We too are in danger of the same.
3. A Royal Line.
"But avoid foolish questions, and GENEALOGIES, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain." (Titus 3:9)
Genealogies can be matters of pride... The maintenance of a family's genealogy can be "unprofitable and vain", and if it tends to feed a person's [or a family's] vanity, then it may be better to abandon [or "avoid"] it altogether. But not so with Jesus! The line of David had arrived at a couple of peasants (Joseph and Mary), and it was almost impossible for them to boast of their illustrious heritage. But their family history was what it was... a Royal line. Nobody could deny or contest it.
God looks on the inside of a man but we only see the outside.We only see what we want to see but it's not the case with God.He knew they
were virtous people more humble than the Israelites and more studious than the people of God.More obedient and more than willing to learn.It will be the same in this last day events; God will bring the non-adventists in to His church because they will know that THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, to learn of JESUS and HIS RIGHTEOUS COMMANDMENTS..,to be humle.......
We know if the tracing of Jesus’ genealogy had been left up to Matthew he would trace it through Mary, since Joseph had nothing to do with Jesus’ conception. It is the sovereign Father, who formed Jesus in Mary’s womb, who speaks through Matthew. God has the authority and power as Creator to give to His Son the genes of whomever He wants. Christ was *foreknown* of God before the foundation of the world.(1 Pt 1:20) It is God who appointed, from eternity past, every event that occurs today.
We do our stuff but it occurs through history when, where, and why as God appointed. Satan can act only when, where, and why as God determines. We come to birth when and through whom God ordains. Pharaoh came to birth and power when God determined.
Jesus must have had Joseph’s DNA.
You are introducing the biological perspective of our Holy Son of God-Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus took a form of man-Phenotype. Thus adopted the human race biological characteristics and relationship- Son of God. His conception was a result of Holy Spirit. Thus His Genotype is of Heaven He is God with us -Emmanuel. Although he humbled down to simple carpenter and family member of Joseph's He never ceased to be God. According to custom particularly in Patriarch system- he was linked with Joseph's lineage. This gives me an assurance that Jesus was and is God.
I would like to thank Kenny for the inspiring story of Jesus.However, i want to totally disagree with the last statement"Jesus must have had Joseph's DNA".If,you state it like this, then the moslem brothers would confirm that Joseph was the father of Jesus which is not true.DNA IS A SAMPLE REPRESENTATIVE OF ANCESTOR.
God actually gave David the throne because He had found a "man after His own heart", whatever that specifically means. It was not God who *chose* Saul. Jesus asked how could He, Himself, be called Son of David when David himself called Him Lord. So the titles Son of David, and Davidic kingdom are more Spiritual, more related to Christ than David himself. Christ is the original. But we have a genealogy related to the flesh in Matthew, of which Christ partakes (Heb 2:14-17) in order to redeem His brethren. It says that Christ is the son of Joseph.
How do we relate sonship in this life? We know that Joseph did not have relations with Mary. She has a son born of God without relations with Joseph but the baby is still regarded as Joseph's son by God, Himself. How do we relate that physiologically? Can we call it a spiritual relationship? I see David's relationship with Bathsheba as physical, fleshy altogether for a start. If it is a literal genealogical relationship, how did that happen if not by the creative power of God?
Jesus did not have Joseph's DNA, but He was the Son of David both ways. Have you ever noticed the differences between Matthew's genealogy of Jesus and Luke's? It seems obvious to me that one of these accounts must be tracing the line through Joseph's father, and the other through his father-in-law (i.e. Mary's father).
Hello members.This is a wonderful lesson worth of learning and sharing.Many f friends having been asking me the genes of Jesus and have been urging that Jesus is not God as his father is Joseph of David's lineage,Abraham descendant and a son of Mary.
Can you clarify of this urgument that Jesus is God?Which assurance can i get that for sure Jesus is God,when did he start to be called God?Yet another question to think about is. IS JESUS GOD OR SON OF GOD?
KALULU, you are asking: "IS JESUS GOD OR SON OF GOD?"
For me it sounds like the question: "Is Kalulu a man or a son af a man?" 🙂
To clarify that Jesus is God, the Gospel of John states; " "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John makes it very clear the Word is Jesus and the Word was God.
As Matthew states Jesus was born of Mary of the Holy Spirit not of Joseph. Yet Jesus was adopted by Joseph and thus the inheritance of Joseph and of David's line is given to Jesus the adopted son. As an adopted son becomes heir so to does Jesus become heir of Joseph and David.
From God through the Holy Spirit Jesus received His divine nature and from Mary his mother he received his human nature. Thus Jesus was fully God and fully man. Just as Jesus was the son of Mary and thus man so to was Jesus the son of God and God himself likewise.
Son of David may mean Beloved Son. We know God designates Jesus Christ as His "Beloved Son".