02: Winsome Witnesses – Singing with Inspiration
The title for the quarter immediately brings to mind
Hymn 499, What A Friend We Have in Jesus. For this our second week of studying how to be a friend to those who need encouragement, and leading them to the know the Lord, we sing this in
Hymn 653, Lead Them, My God, to Thee.
Sabbath’s introduction to the week shows God’s amazing grace to Paul on the Damascus road, with John Newton concurring many hundreds of years later in
Hymn 108, Amazing Grace. Paul went out to preach and teach showing the amazing changed man he was. This leaves me asking
Can the World See Jesus in Me? (sorry it is an old song not in our hymnal, but you may have someone who wishes to do this as a special item).
On Sunday we find in Ellen G. White’s quote that we are to tell what we know:
Hymn 511, I Know Whom I Have Believed. We have something to tell others about our step by step walk with Jesus and the way He has led us:
Hymn 653, Lead Them My God to Thee.
Hymn 166, Christ the Lord Is Risen Today resounded loud on clear on Monday’s study, as did
Hymn 251, He Lives.
Our lives can be changed in the twinkling of an eye, just as Jesus did in changing the leper’s spots in
Hymn 184, Jesus Paid It All. The Potter changes the clay (our lives) in
Hymn 567, Have Thine Own Way, Lord. Tuesday continues on to say the change that is born in the heart makes one “desire to make known to others what a precious friend” Jesus has become to them:
Hymn 456, I Have a Friend So Precious.
To share this wonderful experience, we are to
Go, Preach My Gospel, Hymn 378 and to keep on sharing it in
Hymn 375, Work, for the Night is Coming. Acts 26:16 has Paul telling the story of Jesus to those who are asking
Tell Me the Story of Jesus, Hymn 152 simply due to the
Amazing Grace, Hymn 108, that he had found in Jesus. This is followed by being converted every day as in
Hymn 310, I Would Draw Nearer to Jesus and
Hymn 507, Moment by Moment.
We are to tell others of the wonders of Jesus and His redeeming blood (Thursday):
Hymn 337/338, Redeemed,
Hymn 335, What a Wonderful Savior and
Hymn 336, There Is a Fountain.
The Savior Is Waiting, Hymn 289 is exactly what we are able to tell each person with whom we come in contact each day, and can be the theme song of our lives.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”