03: From Mystery to Revelation – Discussion Starters
- The immanence of God.How does the word, “immanence,” apply to the Christian concept of God? What do you think was the source of the multiple dreams that experts in Daniel’s day took seriously as warnings of approaching disaster? Imagine you are a “wise man” of Babylon. How would you feel when your fellow interpreters can’t explain this prophecy of unknown content, knowing that you are headed for the gallows because of your failure? How did Daniel feel about this and what did he do to turn things around? Do you think he knew that he and
the other men would be rescued?
- The prayer. Starting in Daniel 2:17 what kind of a meeting do Daniel and his four friends immediately call? Imagine if you can what they might have said in their first prayer, a prayer of petition. Besides answering this prayer of petition, what else does God reveal? Should we always take time to thank God for answering our prayers? Even if He doesn’t fill our requests? Why? Or why not?
- The image, introduction. Would you describe the image presented to Daniel as a frightening presentation for the king? Or did he delight in the solid gold appearance of an image representing him, the king.
- The image, interpretation. The explanation of the image is spelled out in our lesson for this week. Can you describe what each aspect of the vision represented?
- Head of gold
- Chest and arms of silver
- Belly and thighs of bronze
- Legs of iron
- Feet of iron mixed with clay
- The Stone. Suddenly, instead of a gorgeous statue of valuable minerals, we have action. What happens to the stone? How does it change? Explain, if you can, how a mountain can fill the earth when the earth is round but the mountain is not? How do we interpret the mighty stone that arises on earth? How does this event fulfill Bible prophecy? Do you long to be on earth when the stone crashes to the earth? Why or why not?

We cannot by simply searching find out God.We have to first avail to His offering(s). If not, we automatically avail to another source which is definately not of God.God patches but He doesn't keep patch work. He transforms whoever or whatever He desires to be through the availing. The mighty stone (Jesus) is always here. It is for us to see and understand his warnings,as well as His doings and, take heed.