03 Jesus and the Apostles’ View of the Bible – Discussion Starters
- Preview. Don’t miss the introductory paragraph for this week’s lesson. Do you see in religious writings of today the belief that the Bible is a collection of writings giving man’s view of God and not a document presenting God’s view of man? If that is how we consider the Bible, how can we possibly respect and honor the words of Scripture as a guide to daily life? Being willing—even eager—to explore these ancient writings with full acceptance of their divine origin can make all the difference in our spiritual journey.
- It is written. When tempted in the wilderness after His baptism, why did Jesus respond to each temptation with the words, ”It is written”? Couldn’t He have simply turned away from Satan’s plea? Couldn’t He have used His divine power rather than submit Himself to the Word of God? By studying Jesus’ ministry, we can see our Saviour building a foundation of faith based on the absolute trustworthiness of Scripture? How can we learn to rely on God’s Word for our salvation?
- Jesus and the law. Imagine attending a university science lecture with the professor turning to evidence discovered 1500 years ago to prove his or her point. How did Jesus refer to the ancient writings of Scripture? Have you ever tried in vain to support the Scripture of the Old Testament to someone who believes that the New Testament replaces the Old? Imagine a spiritual life with the book of Psalms, the story of creation, the prophecies of Daniel and many other examples of God’s Word in the Old Testament deleted from your study. How did Jesus uplift the entire Old Testament? Do you find deep spiritual blessings in the Old Testament?
- Jesus and all Scripture. Try to imagine how the disciples and other followers of Jesus felt in the days that followed His resurrection. Now go through the lesson notes for this section and notice how often Jesus pointed to the Old Testament for a full explanation of how prophecies were fulfilled by Him. What can you and I do to resist the worldwide desire to eliminate the Old Testament from God’s plan of salvation? Why do you think so many people seem dead set on turning from the Old Testament? What can you and I do to help change this sad situation?
- Jesus and the origin and history of the Bible. Let’s start at the end of this piece of study where our lesson authors point to the power of Satan’s deceptions. Indeed, have you ever felt swept by dismay when you hear well-educated people scoff at the “alleged” Bible story of the flood? What other Bible-proclaimed events are deemed as false tales by modern writers and speakers? Why has Satan been so successful in downplaying examples of God’s authority? What can you and I do to proclaim the veracity of both Old and New Testament writings? What does it mean to you for God’s Word to be inscribed in the Bible?

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