05: Spirit-Empowered Witnessing – Discussion Starters
- Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit. Jesus left us with the promise (John 16:7) that His leaving us and returning to heaven would be a remarkable advantage to us. In what ways was the coming of the Holy Spirit that helpful? How does the Holy Spirit help us witness to others about God’s love? What is His ultimate goal in helping us with our witnessing work? Does the Holy Spirit impress our hearts so that we recognize our frightful filthiness? How is witnessing related to our honest
appraisal of our weaknesses?
- An empowered church. A better title for the book of Acts has been suggested as the Acts of the Holy Spirit. What do you think? Why did Luke take care to count baptisms as he recorded evangelistic activities of the early Christian church? What do you think the building and staffing of new churches today might have to do with church growth? How important is mission in the organization and growth of local churches? Do we need more churches? Or more members of existing churches? Are you sure?
- The Holy Spirit and witnessing. Share what you’ve learned about the role of the Holy Spirit in church growth during the first century. Consider, for example, Philip, Stephen, Peter, Paul. How did each of these church leaders win souls to Christ and enlist them in work on behalf of Christ’s early church? Do you think the Holy Spirit is as active in the work of the church today as He was in the first years of Christianity? What is the most important work of God’s church today?
- The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Witnessing. Is it true that leaders of the new Christian church relied on the Old Testament for most of their doctrines and teaching points? What about today? How does the Holy Spirit work with Scripture to convert souls for heaven? The Holy Bible, we are told, changes lives. Are the words of the Bible more important than the words we come up with on our own to reach souls for Christ? Discuss.
- The life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Our lesson states, “The Holy Spirit meets people where they are, but He does not leave them there.” Do you agree? If so, where does the Holy Spirit lead people He has met in their day-to-day work and problems? How was it possible for the apostle Paul to reach the “upper crust” of society in his day? Does God lead us to places where we can witness of His love to others? How does He do that and how does He direct us to heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit to win others to Jesus?

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