06: Personal Evangelism & Witnessing – Teaching Plan
Key Thought : A personal witness is a testimony to invite others to take a closer look at the difference that God has made in our lives.
[Teaching Plan for “Personal Evangelism and Witnessing” May 7, 2012]
1. Have a volunteer read Acts 4:13,14.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What should a person who has been with Jesus be like? What did John and Peter’s relationship with Jesus enable them to do?
C. Personal Application: How does your presence: the way you talk, act, and treat people reveal your relationship with God? Are there things that could be improved? Share your thoughts.
D. Case Study: One of your relatives states, “There’s a lot of uneducated people who speak confidently and boldly today, all it does is show their ignorance and foolishness; what is different about the disciples that made others marvel?” How would you respond to your relative?
2. Have a volunteer read John 1:40-42.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. Why did Andrew first seek out his brother to bring him to Jesus rather than someone else?
C. Personal Application: Is it easier to share the gospel and personal testimony with those close to you or with strangers?
1) How much sacrifice would it take on your part to be a better witness to those around you?
D. Case Study: One of your newly baptized convert’s family members states, ”Jimmy was lazy before, and now that he has joined your church, he refuses to clean up or do the dishes on the Sabbath. He’s gotten lazier.” How would you respond to Jimmy’s family member? How would you counsel Jimmy?
3. Have a volunteer read I Peter 3:10-15.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. How important is it as a Christian to watch what we say and guard our tongues?
C. Personal Application: Do you have a personal answer to give to someone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you? Share.
D. Case Study: One of your neighbors states, “How do you deal with church members that state that they don’t have to give Bible studies or share their faith by word; all they need to do is live a good Christian life and that is their witness?” How do you respond to your neighbor?
4. Have a volunteer read John 4:37,38.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What is the best balance between sowing and reaping that will help the church prosper and grow along with its members?
C. Personal Application: How are you involved in the sowing and reaping process in your church? How can you be more involved?.
D. Case Study: Think of one person who needs to hear a message from this week’s lesson. Tell the class what you plan to do this week to share with them.
(Note: “Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessings can be retained only as it is shared.” MH p. 149)