HomeSSLessons2020b How to Interpret Scripture2020b Teaching Helps06: Why is Interpretation Needed? – SPD Discipleship Video    


06: Why is Interpretation Needed? – SPD Discipleship Video — 1 Comment

  1. The most important question in the Bible is not 'what must I do to be saved'? If we believe our salvation is so primary we will no doubt live a self centred life.
    The most important question in the Bible is God asking us 'what do you think of Me? To whom can you compare Me? Who is my equal? Isaiah is constrained to record the challenge to humanity of assessing God's worth and character. Once we see the fullness of God we can become motivated to surpass 'self' and start to live an 'other-centred' life. And BTW salvation is wrapped up in there somewhere.


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