HomeSSLessons2012c 1 & 2 Thessalonians2012c Teaching Helps08: The Dead in Christ – Teaching Plan    


08: The Dead in Christ – Teaching Plan — 8 Comments

  1. The lesson is thought-provoking. But it was discussed simply and straight to the point. What seemed to be an entanglement of thoughts are simply connected cords that serve as a ladder to life everlasting. "be of good cheer." those who lived and died for Christ are assured of living with God through eternity. There's nothing more a Christian would hope for than to live with the family of God; better yet, as a member of the family of God.

  2. My question is about the word ."bring" in verse 14. I have read this in several English versions, and Spanish and Dutch. All have it in future, yet to me it seems rather strange. Does anyone else have any info or ideas about it?

    • If the dead in Christ will rise first they will already be in the air with Christ and He will BRING them. It is not to be assumed that they are already in heaven.

  3. Regarding number 4 on the teaching plan.
    Firstly the bit you mention about the the living not preventing them that are asleep is actually found in verse 15 and not in the verses you mentioned.
    Secondly I think the New King James renders this verse is a way which is makes that verse more clear, "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means PRECEDE those who are asleep." So what this text is saying is that the living will not be taken to heaven before the dead, but we will all be going at the same time.
    As far as who this goes against the idea of a secret rapture if you continue into verse 16 we read that Jesus will descend from heaven "with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God", this sounds to me as being anything but secret. Plus with graves popping open in every graveyard all over the world how could it possibly be kept secret?

  4. Ellen White says in Acts of Apostles, p258 that the Thessalonians had the idea that Christ's coming was imminent and He is coming to change the faithful believers who are alive and take them to Heaven. So they were carefully looking after the lives of their fellow believers and family because they believed that dead had no hope in the second coming. When one after another passed away they became discouraged. We need to keep in mind that the Thessalonian Christians were newly converted Gentiles and Jews. They did not have the New Testament, things were unclear to them because of their lack of understanding. They were people who stood strong in midst of trial and persecution. But False teachings had crept into the church. So Paul clarifies and says I don't want you to be not informed which may imply he has not vividly discussed this doctrine with them before .They were grasping many teachings new to them during his first visit. There could have been a misunderstanding on part of the converted Thessalonians in this matter. So Paul emphasis the doctrine about the ”dead” in Christ will rise first and caught up with Him and the Living saints will be glorified.


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