1: Paul and the Ephesians – It is Written – Discussions with the Author
Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, Dr John McVay, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson

Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, Dr John McVay, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson
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A escola sabatina tem o poder de mudar a vida de quem busca uma vida de relacionamento com Deus. Como digo para minha unidade IV da Escola Sabatina da Igreja Adventista do Bairro Santa Genebra - Campinas SP - Brasil, recapitulando a semana no culto de sábado, que não tem como sair daquele estudo sem levar os grandes ensinamentos abrangido pelo autor, no caso o Sr. JOHN MCVAY, o que Paulo escreveu aos Efésios e tudo muito contemporâneo, levamos para nossa vida em comunidade como igreja exatamente como estamos nos comportando ou como devemos enfrentar tudo o que o inimigo faz para que percamos o amor primeiro pelo Pai e o Filho.
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Sabbath school has the power to change the lives of those who seek a life of relationship with God. As I say to my unit IV of the Sabatina School of the Adventist Church of Bairro Santa Geneva - Campinas SP - Brazil, recapitulating the week in the Saturday service, that there is no way to leave that study without taking the great teachings covered by the author, in this case Mr. . JOHN MCVAY, what Paul wrote to the Ephesians and everything very contemporary, we take into our life in community as a church exactly how we are behaving or how we should face everything that the enemy does so that we lose the first love for the Father and the Son.