1: The War Behind All Wars-Sabbath School Lesson Teaching Plan
Prepared by William Earnhardt, for Sabbath School class, April 6,2024.
Main Theme: Love cannot be forced. Only by love can love be awakened. Love will overcome all evil and reign forever.
Read in Class: Revelation 12:4, Revelation 12:7-9, Isaiah 14:12-14, and Ezekiel 28:12-15. Define the common thread of these passages.
Study: What do these passage reveal about the freedom existing in heaven and the origin of evil? When Lucifer rebelled, in what ways could God have responded? What went on in the mind of this angelic being called Lucifer that led to his rebellion?
Apply: What tactics and weapons do you think Lucifer used in his “war of the minds” in heaven? What methods of gaslighting, narcissism or maybe even flattery have people tried to use with you that Lucifer may have used in heaven?
Share: Your friend says, “God could have allowed Lucifer to have free choice but then just destroyed him the minute he rebelled before things got so bad? Or, since God knows the end from the beginning, He could have not created Lucifer at all. God can give free choice and then only create people who will choose to serve Him” Do you agree with your friend? What do you tell your friend?
Read in Class: Genesis 3:1-8, Genesis 3:16-19,Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23. Define the common thread of these passages.
Study: What tactics did Lucifer use to get Adam and Eve to disobey God, and what were the results of their disobedience?
Apply: What tactics do you see the serpent using with Adam and Eve that Lucifer may have used with the angels in heaven?
Share: Your friend asks, “why such a harsh penalty for such a small sin?” What do you tell your friend?
Read in Class: Genesis 3:15, Genesis 3:21, John 1:29, and John 3:16. Define the common thread of these passages.
Study: What was God’s solution for the sin problem?
Apply: How does Jesus’ death on the cross not only pay the penalty for your sins, but also expose all of Satan’s lies about God in the war between good and evil? How does the cross keep you from falling for Satan’s lies and temptations now?
Share: Your friend asks you to share the plan of salvation. What do you tell your friend? Need help? See Salvation in Light of the Cross.
Read in Class: Hebrews 4:15-16 and Hebrews 7:25. Define the common thread of these passages.
Study: How do these verses give us assurance in a world of temptation, suffering, disease, and death?
Apply: According to John 17:24-26, what is Christ’s longing desire in the great controversy between good and evil?
Share: Your friend asks, “Why did Christ have to sacrifice Himself in order to save us?” What do you tell your friend?