10 The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Prayer – Discussion Starters
- Memory Text (Romans 8:26,27). “The Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26, 27, NKJV). Do you ever sense your lack of ability to pray as you should? How can the Holy Spirit fill the gap?
- Prayer that is Pleasing to God. Can prayer to the true God be selfish? If so, think of some examples. Is there any selfishness in what have you or I been praying for in
the past several days? Is it possible for us to pray from God’s perspective so that we see our lives through His eyes? How does prayer change us? How important is prayer in our walk with God?
- The Foundation of Biblical Prayer: Ask God. If we don’t ask God for help in our specific circumstances, can we expect Him to meet our needs? Try to imagine making your presence known before the mightiest Being in all the universe. What standing can you possibly muster? On what condition must your requests be built in order to receive an answer? What is a “tame supplication”? Why will such a request be ignored by God?
- The Foundation of Biblical Prayer: Believe. Do we need to believe that God will answer our prayers before He will consider doing so? Why or why not? Can we trust God if we can’t believe Him? Recognizing that they are not trustworthy, should we disregard our feelings in our prayers? Your lesson guide states that “through faith, our prayers move the arm of omnipotence.” Explain what that means.
- The Foundation of Biblical Prayer: Claim God’s Promises. Is prayer anything at all like winning the jackpot? What is the key difference? Have you ever prayed for healing for someone you loved and the person died anyway? Was that because there was something wrong with the way you prayed? How is God affected by our prayers? Or is He?
- Praying for the Holy Spirit. What is the greatest gift that God can possibly give us? What must happen to our sins and our general attitude toward before God can bestow on us this gift? The Holy Spirit arrives in your heart and takes up residence. What is the result? How is the presence of the Holy Spirit in you related to Jesus? How eager is Jesus to live in your heart and help you accept the guidance Holy Spirit in everything you do? What is your role in this?

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