HomeAids for Teachers10: Meekness in the Crucible – It is Written – Discussions with the Author    


10: Meekness in the Crucible – It is Written – Discussions with the Author — 1 Comment

  1. “Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.” https://www.ncab.org.au/bullying-advice/bullying-for-parents/definition-of-bullying/

    The letter the author of this lesson describes in this video appears to be a form of bullying. Allowing a person to use bullying in an organization (especially a religious organization) to achieve their goals is troubling. It allows the bully to continue to abuse other people, potentially causing irreparable harm.

    Justice is love out loud. It would seem from the author’s description of the situation that the bully learned nothing of God’s love. Leaving a bully to continue his abusive behaviour does nothing for him or his victims. It may also encourage other potential bullies to act in a similar fashion.

    I respectfully disagree with the way the author handled this situation.


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