11: Managing in Tough Times – Teaching Plan
Key Thought : Our lives should be modest, temperate, and prudent. Laying up material possessions may cause undue axiety that puts us at risk of losing our faith.
March 18, 2023
1. Have a volunteer read 2 Chronicles 20:1-20..
- Ask class members to share a short thought on what the most important point is in this passage.
- Even if we are not rich, how can we be careful about our attitude toward money and wealth?
- Personal Application: Why does verse 20 have a special impact on Seventh-day Adventists today? Share your thoughts..
- Case Study: One of your relatives states, “Is this saying that church members today, when in danger, should fast and pray together? Why don’t more churches do that in times of trouble and need?” How would you respond to your relative?
2. Have a volunteer read I Chronicles 21:1-14…
- Ask class members to share a thought on what the most important point in this text is.
- What are some practical things we can do to make sure we are not getting caught up in the things of this world?
- Personal Application: How do we balance doing what we can to be financially secure, and yet, trust in the Lord for all things? Share your thoughts
- Case Study: One of your friends states, “Why did David decide to number Israel or count his soldiers? Why did his commander Joab counsel against this?” How would you respond to your friend?
3. Have a volunteer read 2 Peter 3:3-12.
- Ask class members to share a short
- What is Peter telling us with these words?
- Personal Application: If you knew for sure Jesus would come in the next three years, how would you change your life, or would you? Share your thoughts.
- Case Study: One of your neighbors states: “How have you learned to depend fully upon God in a time of difficulty? How has this experience increased your trust in God and His faithfulness?” How would you respond to your relative?
4. Have a volunteer read I John 2:15-17.
- Ask class members to share a thought on what the most important point in this text is.
- How are these three things manifested in this world, and why is the danger they present sometimes more subtle than er realize?
- Personal Application: How can we keep things in perspective so that we are ready and able to leave all, forsake all, and can go without buying and selling, or be cast in prison for our faith? Share your thoughts?
- Case Study: Think of one person who needs to hear a message from this week’s lesson. Tell the class what you plan to do this week to share with them.
(Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessings can be retained only as it is shared.”Ministry of Healing, p. 148).