11 Unity in Worship – Discussion Starters
- Unity in Worship. The Day of Pentecost had a tremendous effect on early members of the Christian church. Why do you think they were so eager to spend time together? What do you think they talked about? How do conversation and a spirit of thankfulness build a group of believers into “a spiritual house,” and a “holy priesthood”? Can today’s churches follow the example of early Christians in building a strong sense of worship in unity on our church’s holy foundation?
- Worshiping our Creator and Redeemer. If you’ve ever been on a “worship committee,” you know how important it
is to have the worship aspects of our church service serve as a stabilizing and even awesome part of our church. How can individual members work to bring our worship to an awesome and reverent position? Imagine “going to church” in heaven where we will respond with joy and praise. How can we sense—and build—a spirit of awe and thankfulness in our church?
- False Worship. Imagine Satan proclaiming to be the owner and ruler of everything on earth. Didn’t his boastful spirit of being “like” God ripen the storm for a hate-filled war against God Himself? How can we show the world that we make no consideration for false worship, that we will honor and worship only God the eternal one? What are some ways that you and I could be tempted to veer from that goal and give in to worship the evil one?
- The First Angel’s Message. What does the first of the three angels’ messages have to say about God? Is this a special message to the church or does it have a wider audience? Do you sense that the “world” is becoming more aware than ever of the presence of God today? What does your lesson declare will be the “central issue in the final crisis”? How can you and I face this crisis at the end of time? How can we share our concern with others?
- The breaking of bread and prayer. In Acts 2:42 we read that the early church loved to get together for the “breaking of bread” and in praying. Fellowship Meals, or as we tend to call them today, Friendship Meals, became a major event drawing members and, no doubt, visitors together. They liked to share thoughts about Jesus’ life and ministry at these meals. Do you think we should spend more time in our Fellowship Meals in prayer and sharing incidents of God’s closeness to us?

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