12: Living By The Spirit – Teaching Plan
Key Thought: Living by the Spirit involves a daily walk with Christ. It requires choices that starve our sinful self.
[Teaching plan for “Living by the Spirit” December 14, 2011]
1. Have a volunteer read Galatians 5:1-16,17.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. How does one walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh? Is it easy or hard?
C. Personal Application: Do you struggle with the Spirit and flesh trying to gain control of your life? Is it ongoing or sporadic and occasional? Share.
D. Case Study: One of your relatives states, “Why does it say that because of this conflict we can’t do the things we want to? Isn’t this religious battle just a way of controlling people to keep them from what comes naturally? Doesn’t this cause a lot of mental illness? Isn’t the church at fault for these problems?” How would you respond to your relative?
2. Have a volunteer read Galatians 5:17-21.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. How does the Christian crucify the flesh? Why does our flesh die very easily?
C. Personal Application: Is there supposed to be any strife or conflicts in the church? Have there been? How much of the conflict comes from pride? Share your thoughts.
D. Case Study: One of your friends states, ”Why is drunkenness mentioned as a work of the flesh? I thought Jesus made wine and drank wine. And revellings – isn’t that partying? Are you saying that God doesn’t take people who drink and party to heaven? That’s almost everyone.” How would you respond to your friend?
3. Have a volunteer read Galatians 5:22,23.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. What part does human effort play, if any, in developing the fruits of the Spirit?
C. Personal Application: How many of the fruits of the Spirit do you possess? How many do you have challenges with? Share.
D. Case Study: One of your neighbors states, “There are times to be quiet and patient, and there are times to speak up, act up, and fight. Anger and hatred against evil people and their doings is a good thing.” How do you respond to your neighbor?
4. Have a volunteer read Galatians 5:25,26.
A. Ask class members to share a short thought on what the main idea of this text is.
B. How do we overcome coveting, or desiring self-glory, or envying others?
C. Personal Application: What is the biggest struggle or challenge you face in walking or living in the Spirit?.
D. Case Study: Think of one person who needs to hear a message from this week’s lesson. Tell the class what you plan to do this week to share with them.
(Note: “Truth that is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing virtue. Its blessings can be retained only as it is shared.” MH p. 149)