13: A Community of Servants – Singing with Inspiration
As a community of servants we are to be watchful of what is happening around us:
Hymn 597, “Ye Servants of the Lord”. We are then to be faithful to our mandate to
“Go, Preach My Gospel”, Hymn 378, as instructed in our Sabbath afternoon introduction to this week’s lesson study.
Being in a role as a representative of God, an ambassador, or an agent, we will
“Work, for the Night Is Coming”, Hymn 375, and request that Jesus ever with us stay in
Hymn 591, “In Our Work and in Our Play”.
Monday’s study encourages us as servants in
Hymn 256, “Ye Servants of God” your Master proclaim’, in our actions and our service to others. Moses proved faithful to God in his choice (on Monday). We are to encourage each other with Hymn 602, “O Brother, Be Faithful”.
Reaching souls (Tuesday) is done in many ways as shown in these hymns:
Hymn 357, “Come, Labor On”,
Hymn 572, “Give of Your Best to the Master”
Hymn 575, “Let Your Heart Be Broken”,
Hymn 363, “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service”, and
Hymn 580, “This Little Light of Mine”.
As is sung in
Hymn 109, “Marvelous Grace”, let us have this grace in our church (Wednesday).
‘Working for the Lord can be difficult and discouraging’ says Thursday’s study time, but there is the positive aspect in
Hymn 582, “Working, O Christ, With Thee”. In our hymnbook, right next door is a prayer-hymn of encouragement,
Hymn 581, “When the Church of Jesus”. With our different and complimentary roles we play, we are all then able to
“Give of Your Best to the Master”, Hymn 572.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”