#13 The Results of Stewardship Discussion starters by J Griffith
- The benefits of stewardship. You wouldn’t expect to study and pray with Bible-based instruction on the topic of stewardship without a reward, would you? We begin this final week with an amazing promise delivered by the apostle Peter about the reward other people may receive when they see us living as we do. What is that benefit? What is the “Key to contentment” in living a life full of stewardship dedicated to God?
- Stewardship and godliness. “God’s people live a holy lifestyle,” your lesson
states. How did Job’s life reflect his dedication to living a holy lifestyle? How did his friends influence Job’s determination to live for God no matter what? Or did they have any influence at all on Job’s belief system? Was Job a perfect man? How do true Christians reveal their faithfulness to God in these troubled times?
- Contentment. Your lesson points to people who think that being godly is a short track to being wealthy. How do you think they got that idea? Could they have concluded that wealth is a sign of goodness? Do you and I ever speak with envy about people in the church who seem to live in comparative luxury? How can we possibly be content when we don’t have enough money for a new car, a new house to live in or even a lifestyle half as good as some fellow Christians have? Can a person who is poor ever be content? If so, how?
- Trust. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” How can we trust completely in God when He is the one who knows everything, but we don’t know enough to know that? Have you ever been worried sick about something going on in your family, church, or neighborhood and had trouble turning that worry over to God? What are some tips you could share that make it easier to turn problems over to God and trust Him to guide you in overcoming them?
- Our influence. “I am the light of the world,” Jesus said. How can we help share that light with others in this sin-covered world? Dedicated wholly to God, how can our thoughts and feelings spread righteousness around the world? or neighborhood? or church? Ellen White states, “The interest God requires will be proportionate to the amount of entrusted capital according to the measure of the gift of Christ.” Can you describe the results of a 100% commitment bases on this principle?
- The words we want (and don’t want) to hear. I thought I was driving safely and carefully a few days ago when a red light stopped me and the officer wrote me a ticket. A big one. My head hurt. I wanted so much for him to say, “I’ll let you go this time…” What words do you want Jesus to say to you when He comes? What can you do as a steward of God to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant (steward). Enter into the joy of thy Lord.”

#13 The Results of Stewardship Discussion starters by J Griffith — No Comments
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