Friday: Further Thought – God’s Mission to Us: Part 2
Daily Lesson for Friday 13th of October 2023
For a witness unto all nations. “The Saviour’s words, ‘Ye are the light of the world,’ point to the fact that he has committed to his followers a world-wide mission. As the rays of the sun penetrate to the remotest corners of the globe, so God designs that the light of the gospel shall extend to every soul upon the earth. If the church of Christ were fulfilling the purpose of our Lord, light would be shed upon all that sit in darkness and in the region and shadow of death; instead of congregating together and shunning responsibility and cross-bearing, the members of the church would scatter into all lands, letting the light of Christ shine out from them, working as he did for the salvation of souls, and this ‘gospel of the kingdom’ would speedily be carried to all the world.
“From all countries the Macedonian call is sounding, ‘Come over and help us.’ God has opened fields before us. Heavenly beings have been cooperating with men. Providence is going before us, and divine power is working with human effort. Blind indeed must be the eyes that do not see the working of the Lord, and deaf the ears that do not hear the call of the true Shepherd to his sheep. Some have heard the call of God, and have responded. Let every sanctified heart now respond, by seeking to proclaim the life-giving message. If men and women in humility and faithfulness will take up their God-given, appointed work, divine power will be revealed in the conversion of many to the truth. Wonderful will be the results of their efforts.”—Ellen G. White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, November 14, 1912.
Discussion Questions
- The credibility of the church’s influence in the community is determined mainly by the extent that we—the body of Christ—exemplify in our own lives God’s love in the fulfillment of His mission. How do you, personally, respond to this challenge?
- How do you think your church is seen and understood by its non-Adventist neighbors? How do you know? If the perception is positive, what can you do to strengthen it more? If it is negative, what can you do to change it?
- Why is keeping the “eternal gospel” as the center of our mission to the world so important? What ultimate hope can we present to anyone, anywhere, that is not centered on the great hope we have because of the gospel, the good news of what Jesus has done for us at the cross?

In 1975 the membership of the Seventh-day Adventist church was about 4 million. Today it is estimated to be around 25 million. The interesting thing is that in the traditional homelands, the membership has remained largely static and most of the growth has occurred in South America, Asia, and Africa. And that raises the question: Where is the mission field? The demographic shift is not just an "Adventist thing" but a study of most Christian churches would show similar trends.
In any study of church mission we need to consider two points:
1) The importance of understanding that the mission field for most of us is in our own neighbourhood.
2) The Gospel has to be preached in a language that can be understood. We make a big mistake if we think that just because our neighbours use the same words as us, they understand what we are saying.
Here is my September collection of bird photographs, just in time for a bit of Sabbath viewing. This time I have added a commentary track. It's my voice, so its a bit cracked, but I hope you enjoy the photos:
September Birds
Thanks Maurice. I always look forward to your bird videos. They are a constant reminder of our artistic, imaginative, wonderful Almighty Creator.
Your comments above are well said and right on, Maurice.
I would suggest that we add to our personal mission field, our immediate and extended families as just as important, if not more so, than our neighbors
Further to you excellent point regarding our use of language, I would suggest that many of us might need to "jettison our jargon" when speaking with anyone, especially the unsaved, about Yeshua's Good News.
I didn’t expect this voice behind your face
. I like your birds videos br. Maurice and enjoy them very much. Thank you for sharing.
"...If men and women in humility and faithfulness will take up their God-given, appointed work, divine power will be revealed in the conversion of many to the truth. Wonderful will be the results of their efforts.”
The critical point for you and me in spreading the Love of God, which means to fulfill our Mission, is to have this Love completely understood inside us! Whenever I fully appreciate what this Love did, does, and will do for me, I become more efficient in my Mission. But God is so wise that even though I may think I am short of this Love, He can use me to bless others because He is too merciful.
We can only be considered to be the ‘Light of the world’ as we abiding IN Christ Jesus. The ‘Light of the world’ resides insight the faithful believer who caries this ‘Light’ wherever he goes; it finds its expression in whatever he/she does.
Responding to question #3 -
The Eternal Gospel is our LIFE - the ‘Light’ projected outward can only be as bright as it shines inward. As this heavenly Light of the Holy Spirit shines its marvelous, regenerating Light of Love - Mercy and Justice - to brighten the corners of our own life, its reflection will manifest in all that we do, feel, and think.
What has Jesus Christ done for us but to demonstrate to us the power of the Father’s Word - the Way of Truth and Light - that gives us Life as we walk by faith the path of life. The work of Mission is the believer’s walk of Faith to faithfully and compassionately share it with all he comes in contact with.
Regarding Question 2, it seems that a church's perception by neighbors is usually mixed and also fluctuates. We might come across as judgmental to some, yet as loving and insightful to others. When we deal with our neighbors, or anyone in our circle of influence, let us practice the golden rule toward Adventists and non-Adventists alike. Remember that there are many backslidden/-sliding Adventists who don't fit into either category well. We have some things in common and can share in personal growth. It is the grace of God that brings salvation,Titus 2:11.
In relation to the final question, I feel the "eternal gospel" is not central to our mission, but it is our mission. We may be sharing some things about the gospel that are new to people, but it's ultimately the gospel. And if it isn't, maybe it isn't what we should be sharing.
“Why is keeping the “eternal gospel” as the center of our mission to the world so important?”
The “eternal gospel” is the good news about God’s character, which is founded on his love. God tangibly demonstrated the immensity of his love in the person of his Son, whom he lifted up as a propitiation to all who would look and live. Love humbly propitiates in the face of lawlessness, which is “lovelessness” (because love is the foundation of his law). Love propitiates in the hope of saving to the uttermost. This is the glory of God, and it can be our glory, too.
“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” (John 17:3 NASB1995.)
“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:14-16.)
“I have made Your name [character] known to them [that is, us], and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.” (John 17:26.)