Sabbath: God’s Call to Mission
Daily Lesson for Sabbath 14th of October 2023
Read for This Week’s Study
Genesis 11:1-9, Genesis 12:1-20:1-3, Daniel 9:24-27, Matthew 1:21, Genesis 12:1-20:10-20; Genesis 13:1, Acts 8:1-4, Acts 1:8.
Memory Text:
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NKJV).
God can sometimes move us out of our comfort zone and make us His witnesses. Sometimes this change can be used to accomplish His purposes, such as in the example of the dispersing of the people at the Tower of Babel. “This dispersion was the means of peopling the earth, and thus the Lord’s purpose was accomplished through the very means that men had employed to prevent its fulfillment.”—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 120. Abraham, meanwhile, went from his home country to another (Genesis 12:1-20) as a means of witness. The disciples of Jesus went from working among only their own people (Acts 3:1-26) to working for others, as well (Acts 8:1-4). In Acts 1:8, Jesus laid down a principle of evangelism: they would start locally, Jerusalem and Judea, then go to Samaria and, ultimately, to the ends of the earth.
But even if we do not leave our country, God still wants us to reach out to the people around us. When the church in Jerusalem was becoming complacent, its members were dispersed. Though persecution came and people suffered, these unfortunate events became a means of spreading the good news all over the world.
*Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, October 21.

We gather in our little cloisters of study and exchange ideas about the meaning of mission, salvation, righteousness, belief, faith, grace, and other theological terms, but mission is more than discussing; its action. What are our plans after we have finished discussing the lesson and listening to the sermon?
The plan of salvation pivots on God's decision to get out of heaven and come and live among sinners to make a difference in our lives. The Gospel commission starts with the words, "Therefore Go!" That is an action command, not an invitation for more discussion.
If today's Sabbath School class was the last one you could ever attend, what would you do next week?
And this discussion provoking question could be a reality soon. I believe each of us should approach the day as though we have been cut off from church because of the political environment. We should have the understanding that the popular ideology is probably not God's principles. In fact as time goes on the hidden agenda will be acted on, so what can we do? I do believe the principle that we need to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first, then we are enabled to help others. I am guilty of becoming complacent. Just today this very Sabbath the second Sabbath of October 23 I was moved to tell our Sabbath school class to fear God. Whenever I feel comfortable I need to fear God. Ask myself if I do fear God what then? Let us not be deceived by peace and safety.
Maurice as much as I understand your concern, I'd like to observe that the focus of the discussion we have in church should be action oriented, therefor an evaluation of our mission and and planning of its continuance. That's why I love the lesson study in particular. Each mission has goals and those goals should be monitored closely. Sadly many of our churches don't use this action oriented project management approach.
On the other hand I'd also like to stress that there is a difference between our collective mission and our individual mission. As individuals we don't need to wait on the Church to organize evangelic activities so we can engage into what Christ has commissioned us to do. 'Go ye therefor' included both collective and individual effort. Neither our mission nor our evangelic opportunities should start with planned activities, however...both can and should start with our lifestyles. Remember that to some, we may be the only Jesus they shall ever know.
well said
I would continue to spread the good news, do Bible studies, and encourage people pray and do likewise.
This question takes my mind back to Daniel and his three friends. I was reminded that they did not become complacent nor did they fall in with the crowd. I would follow their examples and find ways and means to be on mission for Christ.
It is therefore important that we practice now for mission/outreach would become difficult later on.
Let us therefore take courage knowing that our Triune God is with us always.
God is so wise, and nothing can prevent His plans from happening!
Though we look at the persecution with negative eye, some of us wouldn't be Christians without it being. A friend of mine once told me he should have been born in America. Then I remembered Act's 17:26,27. It is God who determines where we be with a reason.
Help me Lord to carry out Your mission which You also commissioned me to do. And help me not to look at other members and be discouraged by the lack of action not wanting to get out of their comfort zones.
Missionaries to the USA from South Korea! This should shock you as it did me! Think about it for a minute or two. We are a nation of 400 million +- with one million SDAs and a whole lot of "religion in name only" other Christians. Sounds like we meet the criteria of a mission field doesn't it.
Thank you Stephen. I have thought of the need for missionaries from other counties needing to come to the USA as a means of "finishing the work". Their commission is the same as ours: to go into all the world.
Wherever we are, we can be thankful and pray for and support and promote online ministries such as It is Written, 3ABN, the Voice of Prophecy, Amazing Facts, Adventist World Radio, (and I'm sure there are others I missed) that are going into all the world with one mission.