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Sunday: The Lord Has Made Us — 16 Comments

  1. In Psalm 8:4, the writer marvels at the significance of humans in the midst of God's creation, expressing awe and wonder at God's care for humanity. The psalmist contemplates the grandeur of the heavens and the earth, feeling small in comparison, yet recognizing that God has crowned humans with glory and honor, giving them a special place in creation.

    This verse emphasizes the unique and privileged position of humanity in God's creation, highlighting the divine care and attention given to mankind. It underscores the intimate relationship between God and humanity, as well as the responsibility entrusted to humans as stewards of the earth.

  2. On your feet now—applaud God!
    Bring a gift of laughter,
    sing yourselves into his presence.

    Know this: God is God, and God, God.
    He made us; we didn’t make him.
    We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.

    Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
    Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
    Thank him. Worship him.

    For God is sheer beauty,
    all-generous in love,
    loyal always and ever.
    Psalm 100 MSG

    I like the emphasis that Eugene Peterson brings out in his rendition of this psalm. He made us; we didn’t make him.

    Perhaps it is a reminder for us we get tied up in our discussions on the nature of the Godhead that we are the created and it is not up to us to try and define the creator.

  3. Not We Ourselves

    ~inspired by Psalm 100:3

    The speck of sperm propelled ahead to join the egg
    Not we ourselves

    The first thumping burst of blood into fetal veins
    Not we ourselves

    The crying squint of seeing eyes carried up, up to receiving arms
    Not we ourselves

    The muscles' stretch and crawl to stand, and reach, moving forward
    Not we ourselves

    The reach of mind to dream the microchip, rocket, wheel, and turning screw
    Not we ourselves

    The chord's vibration, the tones that blend, that draw forth water from the heart
    Not we ourselves

    The flit of color, the flash of feather, the glint of fin in gold and red
    Not we ourselves

    The burn of sun, unfurling green, juicy life for food, for any
    Not we ourselves

    The seed then dropping, falling, falling, precious Speck to earth awaiting
    Not we ourselves

    To Bethlehem's stall, to Calvary's gall, once for all, God's Answer, growing
    Not we ourselves.

    Gal. 3:16 (NIV)

  4. God is still sovereign in this world of depravity. When we get a cut or a bruise, we start to bleed, but God made our wonderful bodies to start healing from inside. Within seconds after getting a cut blood cells start clumping together to form a clot. This is what becomes a scab as they dry. These special blood cells called platelets help us not to bleed profusely. Our God pays attention to details and He continues to do so. Daily pay attention to nature and you will realize and have a deeper appreciation “That this is our Fathers world.”

  5. The Psalms reminds us that God loves each of us.

    God = Love

    One of the biggest lies of Satan is that God only cares for certain individuals.

  6. May I share my thoughts - Considering that all Truth about God is imparted by the Holy Spirit, this truth is unassailable because it’s power is not vested in man’s ways or understanding. It is vested in the Creator’s way how to reveal to man his true origin and purpose – Psalm 8:2; 9.

    People living all over the world still struggle with accepting this Truth that man was made by the Creator, establishing earth for man to dwell in to show the universe "WHO HE IS" - His Glory! God reclaimed this earth and all that is within from His adversary, and our Creator wants man to know that it is HE who made us, that it is He which deserves our Praise – Psalm 19.

    Psalm 19, written by David, expresses his love and admiration for the God who revealed Himself to him. I encourages you to read it in its fullness; it touches the core of the believer's heart. Meditate on what was revealed to the man, David; these are the words when God's Spirit reveals His Glory to man.

    I will always be in awe about God revealing Himself to man; letting us understand the wonder and greatness of Him who made us, calling us His children! Though our Creator reveals His Majesty to His Creation through the heart touched by His Spirit, there will remain great mystery and wonder for us to contemplate - Gen.1:26-31.

    If we believe the universal, corporate Ecclesia is the bride and body of Christ, are we then not all purposed for the reflection of the Image of our Creator in all things pertaining to life; living life as it was meant to be from the Beginning? God’s adversary does not want to give up his dominion over earth, but he has lost this fight – John 12:31; Eph.1:19-23.

    It is the new man, found born again and living by the Spirit of the Father in Christ Jesus, who will inhabit the earth made anew for him – Gen.26, 28; Rev.21:1-8. Then we will experience and understand the bigger picture that man was made for the purpose to reflect the Image of his Maker - reflecting His Glory to all the host living in heaven and throughout the Universe – Psalm 8:4; Psalm 51:10-12.

  7. One thing that just hit me when I read Psalm 8 that God shared some of His power with His creation - giving us rulership on earth. When you really think about that, it's amazing! How many important people want to share with others. But God does and He sets an example for us as leaders too.

  8. God called everything in to existence he speaks to the earth 🌎 it brings forth when he wanted to the sea creature he speaks to the water it brings forth when he wanted to create man He spoke amongst them selves let us make man in our image and in our likeness every thing has its natral habitat you take the plant from the soil leave it unattended it dies you take the creature from the sea leave it unattended it dies you disconnected man from God he dies everything 💙 has its true source 💙 of connection. Yet all life source stems from The living God YAHWEH. God was willing to get Himself dirty we were the only object or subject of creation that God was intently connected with it was hands on yet we are the one causing Him the most pain and He died 💔 and and rose again for our salvation hallelujah His love for us is stronger than death. Abide in Me and I in you so shall you bear much fruit and you will be my desiples in this my father is glorified when you bear much fruit ♥️ the fruit of the Spirit we are living there's planted in the garden in the soil of the Lord do not be up rooted stay in your natral habitat. Lest you die.


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