Friday: Further Thought – Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens
Daily Lesson for Friday 16th of February 2024
Read Ellen G. White, “The Sinner’s Need of Christ,” pages 17–22, in Steps to Christ.
In the Psalms, the voices of God’s people join as one in repeating the chorus “His mercy endures forever” in celebration of God’s eternal love (Psalms 106:1, NKJV; Psalms 107:1, NKJV; Psalms 118:1-4,29, NKJV; Psalms 136:1-26, NKJV). “Not to praise God would mean to forget all His benefits, not to appreciate God’s gifts. Only those who praise do not forget. Thinking and speaking about God is not yet praising Him. Praise begins when one acknowledges God’s majesty and works and responds with adoration of His goodness, mercy, and wisdom.”—Hans LaRondelle, Deliverance in the Psalms, p. 178.
The significance of the solemn confession of God’s enduring mercy gains even deeper significance when we remember that God’s khesed—namely His covenantal loving-kindness and faithfulness—stands firm and unchanging amid human sin and rebellion against God.
“We have sinned against Him, and are undeserving of His favor; yet He Himself has put into our lips that most wonderful of pleas, ‘Do not abhor us, for Thy name’s sake; do not disgrace the throne of Thy glory; remember, break not Thy covenant with us.’ Jeremiah 14:21. When we come to Him confessing our unworthiness and sin, He has pledged Himself to give heed to our cry. The honor of His throne is staked for the fulfillment of His word unto us.”—Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 148.
Experiencing God’s graciousness to him (Psalms 103:2) encourages the psalmist to say that “the Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed” (Psalms 103:6, NKJV; emphasis supplied). Thus, the final aim of the psalmist’s personal testimony, and praise of God’s mercy in his life, is to reassure others of God’s loving-kindness so that they, too, can open their hearts to God and receive His saving grace and praise God (Psalms 9:11-12; Psalms 22:22-27; Psalms 66:16).
Discussion Questions
- What are the practical implications of the fact that God’s mercy is everlasting for the people’s salvation? Why does this not mean that one can continue sinning because God’s mercy is forever?
- How do we reconcile God’s forgiveness of our sins with the idea of God’s judgment on sin?
- How do the expressions of God’s mercy in the New Testament fit with those in the Psalms (Ephesians 2:4-5; 1 Timothy 1:16; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 4:16)?

The corollary to all this recognition of the mercy of God is that our own lives should be a reflection of his mercy. We like to claim God's mercy towards us but the consequence of that mercy is that we share it with others. That does not mean just telling people about it. It has to be shared even with those we do not like.
This week I happened to come across a name on the Internet that I recognised. I could not place it for a while but it came back to me just in time to use her as an illustration. This woman was a high flyer running a talent management business in Australian TV. She was also a deacon int the Anglican church. She read Ellen White's book, "Steps to Christ" and in the process found that she had lived in Cooranbong. She visited her home, "Sunnyside" and sat on the her lounge. She prayed that the Lord would reveal himself to her just like he had to Ellen White. Within a week, she had the urge to start a refuge for homeless people and within two weeks she was given a disused motel for a $ 10-a-week rental. She worked for several years tirelessly devoted to helping some of the most needy people in Australia. Carmel and I met her while we were travelling and she told her story to us. She was alive with the idea of what it meant to live in the mystery of Godliness in a very practical way.
God's mercy may reach the heavens, but it also reaches into the lowest gutters of human existence and that is where we have a part to play. His mercy can use our hands and feet.
Thank you Maurice. You mention "The corollary to all this recognition of the mercy of God is that our own lives should be a reflection of his mercy"
The problem for the church is that we regard mercy as an internal experience between us and God. The circle of mercy requires us to release mercy to others. There must be a horizontal and vertical display of mercy.
When mercy is released within us it will reveal Christ not just in our church but outside of it because mercy balances the Human ego.
Mathew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Methew 5: 3 - 12 is what they call the beatitudes. The beatitudes is what others call the code of conduct for Christians
The word beatitudes is a compound word and is made of two words:The first word is beautiful. The second word is attitude. We all want to be known as people who have beautiful attitude.
So we are to give mercy to others because God gave it to us. Mercy is not comfortable but we don't have a choice - this is a true sign that we are his disciples. When we show up mercy must show up because he is in us.
The circle of mercy says give mercy to others and mercy shall be given unto you.
"What are the practical implications of the fact that God’s mercy is everlasting for the people’s salvation."
Something for us all to think about. We all are oppressed. When we feel or think we know we are not oppressed, then how can we be set free by Christ? When we fall into the trap of thinking we are not oppressed, are we any better than the pharacies? Read Psalm 103:1-6 again with these thoughts in mind. Why do we get the benefits of God's mercies if we are not oppressed in one form or another? We all are oppressed. Hopefully, we know it. I know it, and that is why I can't miss a day without exercise, a good diet, and feeding on the word of God.
Psalm 103:5.
Galatians 2:20
Romans 3:23
Jeremiah 33:8.
Psalm 103:3
Can we be redeemed from our iniquities and distruction if we are not oppressed?
I'll bet you never knew there was so much packed in 6 verses. As my wife says: "you bet ya."
Check Matthew 5:1-11 and see if you fit into at least one of those categories. Then rejoice. If you don't, then ask God to make you fit in.
Is it possible that some born into the family of Seventh-Day believers do not consider themselves to be sinners to the same extend as those growign up outside of the stable framework of a Christian family or the congregation of likeminded people? Does our heavenly Father see a difference in them? Certainly not! All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God! Rom.3:22-24
The living soul needs to be set right by their Creator in heart and mind; needing a new nature able to praise God which is only possible by having our life in Jesus Christ. Growing to live by the Faith we accepted will last the whole of our lifetime.
Some meet Jesus Christ early in life, some meet Him midway through, some might accept Him only to reject Him and accept Him again, and some might even wait until their life comes to its end until they accept God's offer of Mercy and Grace. No matter the time we spend with Him, God will extend His Mercy and Grace to all – Matt.20:1-16.
Because some worked in God’s vineyard their whole life does not qualify them to receive higher wages - being more ‘deserving’ of God’s Mercy and Grace. Actually, it might just be that the most intensely felt praise and adoration comes from those who where truly lost at the time God called them, inviting them to live in His Kingdom – Luke 15:11-32.
Jeremiah 14:21 - ”Do not abhor us; for Thy name’s sake do not disgrace the throne of Thy glory; remember, break not Thy covenant with us.”
Ellen G. White’s quote – “The honor of His throne is staked for the fulfillment of His word unto us.”
God is just, merciful and kind – these qualities establish/are His Throne – He inhabits His Throne – He does not change – 2 Tim.2:13; Psalm 102:25-27; Psalm 119:89; Psalm 22:11; 1 Tim.1:17 - and we will forever praise Him!
Heard 3 little couplets this week that highlight God's great mercy towards us.
And another similar one...
And finally...
Shabbat Shalom, Happy Sabbath, everyone!