Tuesday: Enlightened by the Spirit
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 30th of April 2024
One day while studying in the university library, Martin Luther came to a turning point in his own life. He discovered a Latin copy of the Bible. He never knew before that a book like this even existed. With sheer delight, he read chapter after chapter, verse after verse. He was amazed at the clarity and power of God’s Word. As he pored over its pages, the Holy Spirit illuminated His mind.
He sensed the guidance of the Holy Spirit as truths obscured by tradition seemed to leap off the pages of Holy Writ. Describing his first experience with the Bible, he wrote, “O that God would give me such a book for myself!”
What principles can we take from the following texts regarding how we should interpret the Bible?
John 14:25-26
John 16:13-15
2 Peter 1:20-21
What’s so powerful in these verses is the assurance that the same Holy Spirit that inspired Bible writers guides us as we read Scripture. He is the divine interpreter of divine truth. Unfortunately, many professed Christians today downplay the supernatural element in the Bible and exaggerate the human element. Since Satan can no longer keep the Bible from us, he does the next best thing: strip it of its supernatural character, make it merely good literature or, even worse, an oppressive tool of religion to control the masses.
The Reformers saw clearly that the Holy Spirit—not the priests, prelates, and popes—was the infallible interpreter of Scripture. There is an interesting exchange recorded between John Knox, the Scottish Reformer, and Mary, Queen of Scots.
“Said Mary: ‘Ye interpret the Scriptures in one manner, and they [the Roman Catholic teachers] interpret in another; whom shall I believe, and who shall be judge?’
“ ‘Ye shall believe God, that plainly speaketh in His word,’ answered the Reformer; ‘and farther than the word teaches you, ye neither shall believe the one nor the other. The word of God is plain in itself; and if there appear any obscurity in one place, the Holy Ghost, which is never contrary to Himself, explains the same more clearly in other places, so that there can remain no doubt but unto such as obstinately remain ignorant.’ ”—David Laing, The Collected Works of John Knox, vol. 2, pp. 281, 284, quoted in Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 251.

Martin Luther's name is associated with the Protestant Reformation to the extent it is difficult to separate truth from myth. This morning, rather than trying to summarise a very complex life I am giving you some source material. How many of us have read Luther's 95 theses that he asked the church to discuss? This is going to be a long comment but here they are:
Maurice; thank you so much because this is the first time I'm coming across this document.
Thank God because men like M. Luther King let themselves be touched by what the Holy Spirit had to tell them. Have you found out already what the Holy Spirit has for you today? Read the Word of Truth!
Just to be sure, Martin Luther and Martin Luther-King are two different people about 4 centuries apart.
And Martin Luther King was an African-American civil rights leader who did not translate the Bible.
I think he did "translate" the Bible—from words on a page to love in action, even and especially to his enemies. God's spirit through that man inspired many to give up their lives that the Way, the Truth and the Life would be lifted up in the face of evil that all might be drawn to God. Would to God that we would live Christ's legacy in our lives as he did in his.
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Thanks for sharing. I prevously read a summary but not all 95.
I am so grateful for this concise yet comprehensive summary and insights of the Protestant Reformation. Maurice you have distilled several hours of research into manageable daily segments for the ssnet members. Thank you for this educational and inspirational labour of love. May GOD be praised and glorified in all of this.
Well said, Marcia M. These lessons really point out the cost of believing truth over error and how active Satan is and has been to cunningly deceive. He truly is the father of lies.
If our family and friends, contacts, would read about the reformer's efforts to get the holy bible into people's hands and explain truth from error, they might understand that it DOES matter what we believe. All true believers can more clearly petition our Heavenly Father some of these specifics when praying for those around us that the Holy Spirit guides into all truth. I just realized that's exactly the opposite of what Satan does!
I appreciate the lessons, the comments, the online Sabbath School Studies, etc. and find it encouraging in the times we are living in just before the return of Jesus.
Had always assumed that the 95 thesis were 95 things from the Bible to do in order to be saved. Should have known better. Assuming can be misleading. Thank you.
*From those articles we can understand that:*
1. *The Holy Spirit is the one who guides and reveals the truth of the Holy Scriptures to those who believe in Christ*. We should have faith in the guidance of the Holy Spirit in interpreting and understanding the Bible.
2. We should ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding and interpreting the Holy Scriptures, and be ready to learn and accept that truth.
3. We should not interpret or interpret the Scriptures personally or with our thoughts, but we should understand that the Scriptures were not written by personal will but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
*🔵Therefore, we should have a good intention, open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and spend enough time to study and understand the Scriptures in depth in order to interpret them correctly and in a direction to find the truth.*
*From those articles we can understand that:*
1. *The Holy Spirit is the one who guides and reveals the truth of the Holy Scriptures to those who believe in Christ*. We should have faith in the guidance of the Holy Spirit in interpreting and understanding the Bible.
2. We should ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding and interpreting the Holy Scriptures, and be ready to learn and accept that truth.
3. We should not interpret or interpret the Scriptures personally or with our thoughts, but we should understand that the Scriptures were not written by personal will but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
*🔵Therefore, we should have a good intention, open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and spend enough time to study and understand the Scriptures in depth in order to interpret them correctly and in a direction to find the truth.*
We need to invite the Holy spirit in to our own hearts[minds]. As the people of God our most urgent need should be the Holy spirit.The Holy spirit that inspired bible writers will also guide us as we read scriptures.
Regarding the 'value' of knowing the Truth contained in God's Word – “...the Holy Ghost which is never contrary to Himself, explains the same more clearly in other places, so that there can remain no DOUBT but unto such as obstinately remain ignorant.” David Laing.
I ask myself: ‘Why did the apostles and the throng of followers of Jesus sat at his feet? Why do we continue to study the Scriptures?’ I believe it is because we seek the Holy Spirit's revelation to understand God's Truth and so do away with doubt regarding the purpose of our life in light of Eternity.
Though Faith remains paramount in our relationship with God, the believer is greatly edified by understanding how his Salvation is being worked out - knowing that God's Son Jesus Christ continues the ministry of teaching and revealing His and the Father's Truth to all mankind through the Holy Spirit until the end comes.
'Loving God with all our heart shows itself by the spirit of kindness we express toward our fellow man’. I believe this is what Jesus Christ wants His followers to understand to be the 'Heart of the Gospel'; living this Truth is the highest calling upon the believer’s life with which to honor God.
"'Said Mary': "Whom shall I believe, and who shall be judge?" The principles of God's Love and Justice revealed by the Holy Spirit ought to guide and judge the believer’s actions.
Do our actions glorify God and honor our Lord and Savior? Do they manifest the fruit of the Holy Spirit? If affirmed, this would testify to a life lived in Christ Jesus - “enlightened by the Spirit!” Gal.5:22-23