HomeDailyInside Story: Pleading for Father’s Salvation    


Inside Story: Pleading for Father’s Salvation — 1 Comment

  1. Prayers are not always answered immediately, in my case i know my Grandmother was always praying for me, she wanted me to go to church. At first i ws studying with some Jehovah Witnesses-but something just wasnt right with them or maybe i was still to young. Then I got married to a young lady who re connected with the church and brought me the cd from that seminar and i earnestly listened and highlighted a lot of passages. The short of it I was working up north and was e-mailing the pastor back and forth and finally broke down and asked Pastor Darrel Beaudoin for baptism. To this day I'm his only e-mail convert. Do i still mess up you bet but the holy spirit lets me know all most instantly when i mess up. Prase God and thank you Grandma for never giving up.


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